Date men from United States / California / Santa Monica, 44 year old

Date a man from Santa Monica, United States. Update: Unless you are wise beyond your years please be over 35 if contacting me. Tks!
Born and raised in Europe (ask me where), moved here about 20 years ago. I am an entrepreneur, working on whatever projects I find interesting, which currently means Internet marketing, real estate investing, apparel design, the coming economic meltdown due to peak oil (time to start an organic garden!), juicing, e-Bikes, photography, electronic music, and a few other things :) Traveled to quite a few corners of the world, but there are many more on my to-visit list.
When I am not working on new ventures you can find me watching independent movies/documentaries/foreign films (thank you, Netflix), skipping over commercials (thank you, Tivo) or trying to catch up on my reading – usually with a variety of books all going at the same time. Outdoor activities include the beach, running, blading, biking and scuba. Snowboarding when it's cold, riding the Vespa when it's warm. And thanks to the Groupons of this world there are always new activities to try!! Anybody up for paragliding?
Contact me if you are a unique personality with a similar lifestyle and interests, meaning active, creative, a maker of things, with a naturally curious and positive outlook on life, multi-faceted, and culturally diverse. Bonus points if you speak more than one language and/or have lived overseas!
Pet peeves! Yay! Everybody seems to have them so here are mine: we are probably not a good match if you use the term “god fearing” anywhere in your profile (my reading Ayn Rand should explain that one), you have posted pics of you with George Clooney or some other Hollywood or sports or political celebrity (I am really not interested in dating George Clooney), you have posted pics of you standing next to a Ferrari, “Lambo” or Rolls Royce unless it’s your own (in which case can we take it for a spin?), or you have 13 cats or more. 12 is ok.
Here's an inspiring quote - does it resonate with you?
“It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
~ Teddy Roosevelt

Meet someone special from Santa Monica, United States. Hi,
My name is Gregg.
I am new to Santa Monica.
I am originaly from New Jersey.
I am fit, pics are recent and I have no baggage.
I am looking to meet good people and see where it may lead.
I am fit and you should be too.
Have a great day.

Date a soulmate from Santa Monica, United States. Am Funny, happy, with it, playful, witty, cultured, charming, classy, have a sense of style; physically active; so should you. (love art, music and wine!; and am a total foodie)
I know exactly what I like and want... my type is petite,styling, and sexy! You take care of yourself mentally and physically!
If you don't know how to strut your stilettos will never work!
I look EXACTLY like my pictures; so should you!
Am loyal to a should be as well!
Am an AMAZING Dad!!! would be the quality how everyone that knows me would describe me!
Have an Amazing group of friends that are like family to me; couldn't be luckier!
Lucky enough to live in Santa Monica so don't often go East of the 405!
In a nutshell as one of my friends described me: Appreciate a woman of culture; a woman of integrity and values. She's true to herself. Takes great care of herself. Is independent. Values and appreciates the finer things in life (but not consumed by them) as well as the simple/small everyday things. She doesn't take things, people,! for granted. She's sexy, savvy, styling, smart and fun with a contemporary/urban twist that is "with it" and "gets it."
Turnoffs: opportunist; gold-digger; shallow; too materialistic; manipulative; self absorbed; uneducated; can't speak English properly; no manners; no class; rudeness, flaky, not worldly/cultured; dry with no sense of humor, workaholics, drama, wasting time, Flip Flops, earthy style, camping, and of course smoking is repulsive!
If you want to go to to: Bazaar Rest. SLS Hotel, BOA or Bouchon Bistro on a 1st don't NEXT!
One last thing; if you represent child molesters (Priests), rapists, criminals or commit grotesque unethical crimes in medicine am not your guy! (and yes dated a few on here) AND
If you're psychotic or think you might remotely possess some of those qualities am still NOT your guy! (and yes dated a few of them as well)
Is this straightforward and blunt enough??? Have been successful screening over 99% on here; it works!

Meet single man from Santa Monica, United States. So it is safe to say I am a hard working motivated creative person. In my off time i enjoy taking guitar lessons and brazilian jiu jitsu. I know how to surf and ski and enjoy hiking. Not really into pro sports all that much but do love the UFC. I have a little dog you see in my pics named Kenya. She is important to me so someone who likes animals is a big plus
Looking for someone who is into finding a person that they have chemistry with. Someone who is generally just a sweet person at their core.

Date a man from California, United States. A close friend met his wife on here. They have a baby boy now. I guess that is the best endorsement for me... So as for "Me" -
I’m established and very content. I'm happy and satisfied in my career of 17 years. (No "finding myself" or unclear goals here)
I am driven and live up to 100% of my responsibilities and obligations. (probably the New Yorker in me). I tell it straight and to the point... but with empathy and sincerity.. How you tell the truth is as important as the truth itself. I know how to treat people the way they expect and deserve to be treated.
I have "been there and done that" (I will share stories after a few drinks.. ;)..) - so I am completely ready for a relationship. I'm not in a rush though...
I am looking for my counterpart… that special person to share life with and grow old together. Someone that can move me to be the best person I can..
I'm a bit old school. I feel a woman deserves the respect of being called and asked to go out, not a txt-date. Also, if you're too cool to actually speak and txt-only.. that's not for me. Additionally, I'm not into endless email or online chat... you're either feeling it or not.
Family values and relationships are very important to me. My parents are still married, and I maintain a good relationship with my parents and siblings. My son is 17, so he is an independent teen. I love being a parent. It's part of what defines me. I have been divorced for years, that is all totally behind me.
I started some new hobbies this year. I take yoga at Exhale in Santa Monica, Paddleboarding occasionally and I'm restoring a car (bonus point for knowing the car model from my photo)
It's always nice to meet new people... lets get a coffee or drink and chat.
I moved to Santa Monica. I've lived in "the Valley" since I was 10. It was time for a change. The beach photo is from my balcony.
Life is about the journey too.
(** all my photos and stats are CURRENT - My lead pic is from 6/07/2012!! **)
Wine her. Dine her. Call her. Hold her. Surprise her.
Compliment her. Smile at her. Listen to her. Laugh with her. Cry with her.
Romance her. Encourage her. Believe in her. Cuddle with her. Shop with her. Give her jewelry. Buy her flowers. Hold her hand. Write love letters to her. Go to the ends of the earth and back again for her.
Show up with chicken wings & beer. Don't block the TV. :)
"If someone wants to be a part of your life, they'll make an effort to be in it. Don't bother reserving a space for someone who doesn't make an effort to stay"
Please do NOT ask for my number! What is the point? I'm old school - a man should contact a women first via telephone (or txt) Also, I don't take blocked calls. If you are afraid to give out your number, don't be on a dating website! Get a google voice number for these matters, it's free! (look it up)
All Women.. FREE TIP:-------------
You know that face you make when you're about to take that perfect picture of yourself for the internet?
You know, the pose where you push your mouth out in that sort of weird half-kissy-face to make it look like you've got big pouty lips, a super-defined jawline, and model-quality cheekbones?
It's called "Duckface."
Because, you know, it makes you look like a duck
Stop doing it... it's not sexy in the slightest! You look goofy!

Meet someone special from California, United States. Hello out there! Let me first introduce myself. My name is Lawrence, and the primary reason why I am trying this service out is not too dissimilar from the reason that many of us share. At least for me its quite simple, I am just sick of the bar scene and other similar arenas for meeting prospective mates. Also, I have neither the time nor the desire to engage in any type of games.
I can best be described as: extremely passionate, direct, creative, artistic, sensualsexual, a great cook. I have been told on numerous occasions by many, that I exude "intensity", and possess a strikingly attractive appearance.
I have a variety of interests. They include: Tennis, Table Tennis, Golf, formerly Hang Gliding, High-End Audio and Video, and the Metaphysics. Further Note: I am quite proficient in the delineation of astrological synastry (compatibility) charts (not all of that highly limited "Sun SignMoon Sign" crapola!), between two individuals. I am also extremely well versed in music to the highest order, and further, I am continually refining my knowledge in all of its creative and technical production aspects.
I am seeking all attractive(to my eyes) women, who are truly comfortable with their sexuality. I also prefer a woman who is quite open-minded and has an appreciation for the arts and entertainment. However, I am not expecting her to have any sort of deep knowledge in this area, as I can teach her a great deal in this area (especially in the field of "music")
Additional Note: I have opted not to post any photos of myself, purely due to security related reasons. NO BS! I have simply had far too many outrageous experiences with some unsavory characters whom I have encountered on the internet and this site. I have been a victim of activity including but not limited to identity theft. However, I have absolutely no problem in providing my photos in a more secure manner, when the time deems appropriate.
If this profile looks appealing to you, by all means, don't be shy and just give this dude a try!, I assure you, you will not be disappointed. I look forward to speaking with you, Ciao for Now!

Date a soulmate from California, United States. I am a gentleman, a little old fashioned yet with a bit of an edge. I think a sense of humor is important and I am always the first to share a great joke or appreciate a clever one. I am confident, charismatic, intelligent, with a quest for knowledge and an appreciation of history. I am loyal and reliable yet spontaneous and creative. I have an insatiable drive to succeed in every aspect of my life. I never stop moving forward, but in a productive way that will add meaning and substance to my life. I am not perfect and do not expect or desire perfection from others. All one can hope for is to be the best version of themselves and bring out the best version in their partner and that you will both make each other stronger and more fulfilled. My experiences both positive and negative in my life have made me stronger and taught me invaluable lessons that I would never take back as painful as some of them were. I finally understand what it means to just listen. For example, sometimes others need to blow off steam and just want someone to listen to them and not tell them what they think they should do. That is part of being a wonderful supportive friend, knowing when to listen and when to give advice. I will challenge the ones I care about and hopefully make them better and stronger. I have worked very hard and pushed myself to get ahead and succeed in life yet I still make sure that I don't lose sight of what is important in life and make time for all the small things in life that are free yet meaningful, valuable, and important. I think at the end of the day it is all about love, fun, family and friends. I love kids and have two God daughters and a God Son.
I am successful and love my job. I am CEO of a digital ad agency that I founded several years ago. Most recently I am a consultant on a major motion picture about my dad's life, starring two of Hollywood's leading men. My position at my company lets me channel my creativity while constantly challenging me. It has also given me the opportunity to meet some amazing wonderful people along the way and forge some invaluable working relationships and friendships.
I love to travel and have seen so much of the world. I am passionate and intense about the things and people I love most in this world. I am spiritual and reflective and appreciative of everything I have and have worked for. I want someone who enjoys the finer things in life as I do but who also understands that life holds little meaning without self respect and the love and respect of your family and your friends.

Meet single man from California, United States. I honestly only joined this crazy match internet dating website to hopefully meet a nice TALL girl :)
If you are still reading then this is me in a nut shell -
I'd like to think I'm loyal, romantic and have a good sense of humor once I get to know you. I'm even silly at times, easy going, friendly and considerate towards others as always!!! I'm open minded and try to be a positive person as much as possible. The glass just has to be half full and not half empty in my world. Just living life with a smile right now, wanna join?
I think of life like this and hear me out with an open mind please -
Think of driving in your car in LA traffic as you look thru your huge front windshield. You are looking thru the huge front windshield and driving forward with confidence and full vision ahead but still occasionally are looking behind and being aware of what's in that small rear view mirror and in your past.. In life I believe the future is in your front windshield view and not in your rear view mirror.. Corny yes, but that is my way of thinking in simple terms :)
Moving on - I'd say if you're looking for a bad boy though I'm probably not going to be him. However, I would not hesitate to defend your honor in a bad situation and make you proud of the man you're with. I do try and support and complement a woman that I love rather then bring her down and belittle her. I try not to judge and or force change onto others. I would also like to think I'm a wise man for the most part with many life experiences under my belt. I'm confident that I can talk on just about any subject and share useful knowledge.
Physically speaking - I'm a tall Italian guy whom is very athletic and into fitness and health.. I'm clean, good skin, floss daily, smell good, no meds needed, no major issues and or major injuries either to speak of. My back sometimes gives me problems but yoga and stretching daily seems to fix that, starting to thin just a bit in the hair line but it's not that bad just yet :( 6'6" 230lbs..
My preference - I'm looking for a happy girl, preferably a woman whom has a good honest heart first and foremost. I would like someone I can become good friends with and just hang out and do fun stuff together.. I'd love her to be reasonably health conscious like me if possible :). You don't have to know how to cook either, I'd like to think I'm good with that and do it almost every night since I live alone and am single. I cook very healthy and go organic so beware!!!!
PS. Most pics are fairly current with date signs to verify my appearance. Not so much the photo type guy and basically working with what I got saved on the computer so please understand :) I do clean up well and will turn heads with a tall elegant woman walking tall together if that is what you like. ;)

Date a man from United States. I live in an apt by the beach in Santa Monica. I am an artist and a freelance set designer, which gives me a flexible schedule. I have an art studio in SM, where I spend much of my time. I play tennis a few times a week and take leisurely bike rides at sunset. I'm loving and affectionate, strong and sensitive. I am Dionysian and a romantic, yet practical, with good credit, too.
I'm looking for a fun, sweet, smart, kind, sexy woman to be my partner. Someone who is independent and likes to cook and eat together and spend quality time with me.

Meet someone special from United States. Are you passionate and intelligent with a great sense of humor? If you’re a deep-dyed political conservative however…we probably won’t see eye to eye because I lean toward the liberal side. Maybe because I’ve traveled a lot, I realized there are many different ways to see the same situation. But not to worry: I pride myself on having a sense of humor that overrides most anything, I really enjoy making people laugh.
I recently moved to Santa Monica from San Diego after 17 years for a startup and enjoy the challenge every day. I’m close to my family and like to think I’m regarded as both confident and stable. For fun, I enjoy just about any athletic activity – running, cycling and anything outside…I get up early before going into the office to get my workout for the day done. Looking for someone who loves the outdoors. I’m into all types of music both listening and playing although generally listen to Indie rock. A perfect day would be a ride during the day, sushi for dinner and enjoying a Chicago blues band with a great girl – oh, and laughing the whole night so my face hurts too.

Date a soulmate from United States. I'm a Southern California native and I was very fortunate to grow up in a house right on the sand in Malibu... a beach shack, to be sure... nothing fancy, but what an amazing way to grow up! Back then, Malibu was a very different place than it is today. Most people lived there because they loved the beach living on the edge of something wild - that vast Pacific Ocean - not for the status of the city's name. I remember when I was really young watching in awe as my dad walked out of the surf carrying only a dive mask, pole spear dinner! For a while there, we actually had a pet harbor seal named "Snappy" (so named because he once bit my older brother's finger!) who lived with us while we nursed him back to health after an illness.
As an obvious result of my early life experiences, I am connected to the ocean beach in a very special way - I need to be near it... I relax find my deepest spiritual/peaceful moments at the beach/in the water. If you don't like to get at least a little sandy once in a while, we're probably not right for each other.
My dad taught me to surf when I was very young and we still go out a couple of times a week when the weather/surf allow. He'll be 77 in March, 2012 and he's still charging it!! I love to watch him surf and see the joy excitement in his eyes when he catches a good wave!
I'm definitely an outdoors guy - but I clean-up pretty well and really enjoy a night out on the town for dinner/drinks a couple of nights a week. Also really enjoy making dinner at home and sharing a bottle of wine great conversation.
I can fix just about anything - MacGyver style - and if you need some firewood chopped, I'm your man! :)
I'm a huge dog lover and will most likely rescue/adopt another dog soon (my last dog, Bedford, died 2 years ago). I've included a picture of Bedford in my photos - he was AWESOME!
I own my own business and work from home, so I have a really flexible schedule and can make free time pretty much whenever... so it would be nice to meet someone who also has some flexibility. At least someone who's not all-consumed by her work life. I work to live... I do not live to work.
Oh yeah, on the subject of photos, mine are very recent and this is how I look now... hopefully yours are too :)
I am absolutely looking for quality not quantity on this site. I'm not interested in going on dates with lots of women, nor endlessly messaging back and forth... that's just a big time-drain and there are so many things I'd rather be doing.
That being said, the right girl for me takes excellent care of herself - body, mind spirit. She eats well and is at least somewhat athletic (she likes long walks/hikes, can ride a bike can swim). She's outgoing, confident, smart, quick witty... I don't suffer fools well... Also, I LOVE to laugh - so funny is a must! She knows what it means to "just be" in the moment and would happily sit quietly by my side and simply listen to the waves, wind trees. If I had my druthers, I would also find someone with a very natural beauty that radiates from the inside-out... makeup is fine sometimes, but she should be confident enough to be OK without it too.
It's taken me a while to finally figure out something really simple: the best way to meet the right person FOR ME is to be as truly "ME" as possible (period). I'm working on this every day - and if you are too, and we connect... BOOM! Done! :)
Thanks for reading!

Meet single man from United States. Hi!
A little about me... I was born and raised in NY. From a big Italian Catholic family of six where we lived in a small house with one bathroom, oh did I love getting my own place eventually. I have an easy going nature. I'm much more cool headed then I use to be. I've learned to temper my aggressiveness and forceful nature to more creative outlets.
Like most evolving people; I love traveling and am open to new adventures. I'm truly a fan of the California lifestyle of eating well and exercising regularly, albeit these days are more for joy and well being than vanity. I'm ever inquisitive and love to read and learn and get inspired by great thinkers, wonderful music, talented artists and musicians. Summer nights, concerts, time spent with close friends and you! :)
Instead of continuing with a laundry list let me simply tell you what to expect would with me. If you're in a relationship with me you feel loved, adored and appreciated. I value my partners and sharing all of what we do together is a priority. Being a very passionate man with a lot of fire and intensity, our intimacy will be the place we tend to gravitate to more often.
Sharing a life with me will be an adventure, it will be sweet, it will be delicate and it will be enjoyable. With me you will be able to be yourself, relaxed in your character and habits, encouraged to be more. Supported in all your ventures. And given ample amount of affection.
I love life and think it's worth sharing and talking about in every facet, joking about it, creating new experiences and finding solutions to the curve balls life pitches at us. I know relationships can't be ordered, so I'm open to all possibilities that life presents. However, there are certain qualities about a woman that I look for: A beautiful smile, a boisterous laugh. Intelligence, self awareness and genuine kindness. Plus a wonderful sense of humor is important. You're the girl who knows how to laugh through life's twists and turns and if you know how to love and express affection, than we are off to a great start. So with that said, I look forward to meeting you.

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