Date men from United States / California / Santa Monica, 37 year old

Date a soulmate from Santa Monica, United States. Ah ladies, what's with everyone wanting us guys to make you laugh, laugh, laugh non stop? Too much pressure! Seriously seriously, ha ha ha.
A little about me, let's see. I'm easy going yet active and very ambitious. I have a knack for making you laugh, laugh, laugh non stop! But on a serious note, let's see. Well I'm going to sound somewhat generic, but it's the truth. I like reading (about to finish "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell, really engaging and one by Chomsky), having good conversations, and exploring the outdoors as most people. I'm specially enjoying taking my vessel out, and spending whole days in the middle of the ocean a couple of times a month, nothing like being surrounded by water and an occasional dolphin encounter, from dawn 'till late midnight, never docking anywhere. I moved to Santa Monica years ago, never left and I make the most of my surroundings such as hiking around Malibu, and surfing. Although I still kinda suck at surfing, ha ha (seriously I think I need a slower board.) I've traveled extensively and would love to compare notes. Lastly, and thanks for reading, I love and cherish my family and friends like there's no tomorrow, and like meeting new people.
Cheers, and have a fantastic day.
P.S.; I don't mind winks, and actually like it when a girl sometimes pulls the first move, or breaks the ice.

Meet a man from Santa Monica, United States. looking to settle down. love kids, dogs, sports, working out. i'm a former litigation attorney and went into acting for awhile. today, i have my own technical consulting business and do some acting part time. grew up pretty much in the suburbs of chicago, little league baseball, friday night high school basketball games and barbecues in the backyard. i love the big city, but can also settle down in a small town or country environment. looking for someone who is interested in having kids, athletic, likes to cook and enjoys good theatre and movies. i'm a pretty open minded guy and although, i am liberal, for some reason, i do date a lot of conservative women, as well as liberal women. so, i get along with both. i'm getting re-acclimated to LA ( i lived here for 4 years ago awhile back) so i feel like a newbie, even though i know the city pretty well. anyway, if you are interested...i'm looking forward to connecting!

Date single man from Santa Monica, United States. I'm originally from the South and what you see is what you get with me. I don't pretend to be anyone I'm not and enjoy the small things in life the most. Spending time with God, family and friends is always valued and never taken for granted.
My interest range anywhere from sporting events to art galleries and from trendy restaurants to cool little whole in the walls. I love to go hiking/camping with my crazy dogs but also enjoy the comforts of a fancy hotel suite from time to time. Hmm...that "fancy" part didn't sound to manly did it...let's not tell anyone about that.
Traveling and exploring new places and cultures are among my favorite things to do but time alone having a wonderful conversation, with the right person, can never be beat.
If you have a kind heart, love old people and animals...that just dosen't sound, and a passion for life then let's get to know each other.

Meet someone special from Santa Monica, United States. My ideal match is a woman who has confidence and a sense of adventure.
Friends would say I'm easy going, confident, and comfortable in my own skin. Can laugh at myself. Love music, live bands, being outdoors, staying active and healthy. Love to travel. Have been to Africa, Asia, Europe and looking forward to South America next!

Date a soulmate from California, United States. I’m East Coast bred with plenty of West Coast in me after living in LA for nine of the past 12 years. Family and friends are my focus, and making sure those around me are laughing and smiling makes me happy. I’m a big fan of many things, including great banter, lots of laughter, warmth and affection, writing, running, cozy lounges, stimulating conversation, and spontaneous adventures. I love good food, world travel, and seeing live music, movies and sporting events. I'm looking for someone as outgoing and upbeat as me to share these experiences with, because there's so much more out there and good times are great times when they're spent with someone else.

Meet a man from California, United States. Hello out there Ladies~
I really care about people, everyone~even total strangers I make everyone feel equal because I'm one of the most unassuming people you'll ever meet. Because I'm a New Yorker who went to College here in California, I guess you could say that I truly have above average Bi-Coastal social skills and am a pretty good judge of character, even if in some ways, on the surface, it could appear that I'm trusting caring to a fault. I also need to mention, that I am a very ambitious man am working on selling a Television Show, which I have produced and created. It will be highly entertaining unique combines everything I do. I'm a Character Designer, Sculptor, Animator, Musician, Songwriter, Filmmaker, Director, Photographer, Singer, Piano Player, Actor with rare vocal abilities and the list goes on. I think I'm a very unusual man, in that I am both gifted and have a lot more guts to dare to be different than most people; just look at my pictures, the ones that are NOT ME. Theyre Puppets that I created~I think you'll agree that they are quite unique. Even if some folks may be a bit freaked out by them, one can't say they aren't imaginative surreal, right? I also wish to add, that to me, the greatrest people are the ones who have the nerve to be different, rather than the SAME.
Everyone talks about how they want a person who is "CONFIDENT", but to me, a truly confident person knows their insecurities
well enough to be confident enough to admit them, and not even have to conceal them..One can even embrace their insecurities,
and truly good communicators are able to do this in my experience. Understanding one's background enough to know where one's strengths and weaknesses lay, as well as their emotional buttons, both the good or bad ones, so that they can be truly objective,
can make relationships with all kinds of people a lot easier, as a person's feelings define who they are. If one is not in touch with their deepest feelings, and even their demons, they may have trouble knowing who they are, which could make it harder for them to know what is going on in their relationships..I myself have a way with people, because I was lucky enough to have gained objectivity through a lot of experiential education over the years..In other words, I went through a heck of a lot to get where I am, but it's made me an extremely sincere, bold and patient man, not to mention a great teacher, when I teach classes, which I enjoy part time..It is
so fulfilling to watch a person' face when you know they have learned something, and knowing that you gave them that.

Date single man from California, United States. I am a person who appreciates life as it comes. I am just about always happy no matter if I'm having a bad day. People only have a life span of twenty five thousand days. So my motto is to make most of those days good and happy days.

Meet someone special from California, United States. Hi there! Here is a little about me….I feel really lucky to have lived so many of my dreams. I studied natural medicine and survival skills in college in Olympia, my band was signed and I left school and toured for 10 years . Right now I am really enjoying putting down some roots. I own a medical IT consulting company and that keeps me busy during the day. I surf as much as humanely possible, I make sure to hike and bike ride often, I am wicked with a soldering iron, guitar and I make my own electronic instruments. I trust life and where it has led me so far and value my family and my friends most through this journey.
If you find me interesting give me a write I would love to meet you!
As a side note I am more old fashioned when I am starting to get to know someone. I would prefer a phone conversation or to meet up, than email back and forth...If your more human than cyber we will get a long

Date a soulmate from United States. Just getting back from Hawaii and I miss it so much! I had to give a best man speech so I dressed up in my high school track jacket and sang Guy Love from scrubs. It was awesome. But I really miss the food, the beautiful people, and especially my family and friends. I often fantasize about moving back home, but we'll have to see where the road takes me. I'll be in LA for minimum 2 more years. At least I live close to the Pacific and have an incredible city to explore...
Anyway, so here's my story in a nut shell:
I've been all over and have really enjoyed traveling. After growing up in Honolulu (went to President Obama's high school, haha), went to college in upstate New York, lived in Spain for half a year, San Diego for three, North Carolina for four, and now live in Santa Monica. Living in Madrid was probably my favorite, what I remember of it anyway ;-) Did some time in the Navy, after they paid for grad school, with one deployment to the Middle East as well. I still really want to get to Sweden sometime to meet my Dad's side of the family, and then South America and Australia!
I like understanding things and working with my hands. I've become something of a jack of all trades. I sang on an album when I was younger, ran college track, and then became a university professor. I'm even pretty handy around the house and most recently replaced some bathroom fixtures and put up blinds. (My parents compulsively renovated our house.)
Since I grew up in Hawaii, naturally I love the laid back, cool lifestyle of SoCal. I even got into college by writing about surfing! I love that I can golf and get outdoors all year around here, but then again there are still a lot of restaurants and sights I need to see in LA, too! So much to do! So I guess we'll keep chipping away at the experiences that make up a lifetime, and see what we get in the end. Should be a nice journey.

Meet a man from United States. Hi there! After a living abroad for few years, it's nice to be back home and make new friends and if I'm lucky maybe even meet someone special.
About me:
I'm simply--easy going, big on communication and deep connection, very passionate and adventurous, career-oriented and health concious, and totally happy!
In 5 words, I am:
1) Entrepreneur-- love creating and following my passions and dreams and doing business overall, especially internationally
2) World traveler-- love to see the world, good and bad, learn and grow from other people and cultures, and have amazing experiences... I'm global-mided in every sense of the world.
3) Athlete-- I'm an all-around athlete mentally and physically and played countless sports since I was little--obsessed with health and fitness, though not at the expense of enjoying life and other priorities
4) Romantic at heart-- I'd pull over to watch a beautiful sunset, I would book a last minute trip to surprise someone... the little things matter, I know, and the intention in my book more than anything.
5) Spiritual-- life is one learning experience, I've learned to be open-minded and humble, sometimes the hard way. I believe everything is impossible and things happen for a reason and in miracles and in blessings in disquise... most of all I believe that the true happiness is only possible when we pursue our drams and apply ourselves 100%
In a perfect world, I really would like to meet the person of my dreams and live happily ever after. having said that, I'm super comfortable being single if that never materialize. I believe that you cant rush or accelerate love, there's no way around chemistry and good communication and really getting to know each other.
I'm definitely not perfect by any means, though I'm always work in progress... and will always respect you and treat you with sincerity and candor. So, let's see where it takes us, you never know :-)
Looking For:
Turthfully, I'm not big on lists when it comes to describing my ideal match. I think its difficult to cpature personality traits or the chemistry you feel with someone special just by words. But, if I must I'll say, first and foremost, she must be good-at-heart with lots of passion and personality. I must also be attracted to her (but then again that has a lot to do on the person rather than any specific physical traits)... is that too much to ask for? :-)

Date single man from United States. I see myself with someone who is generous, kind, and conscientious. An intelligent woman who is open to new experiences as well as travel. A partner with whom I share a deep emotional connection and find physically attractive. I do love and admire a girl that takes care of her appearance, body and mind. I find an ambitions woman very attractive...someone who is not afraid to set goals of excitement and personal growth.
I'm multi-dimensional by nature and I enjoy doing and learning many different things…although I’m a slow (but dedicated) learner. Some of the things that I’ve learned over the years… massage, martial arts, salsa dancing, writing and... well…I’ll have to know you better to share some of the others :) I love, and I’m grateful for my business career and no matter the success I’d be bored if I didn’t learn and try new things.
I love a great meal and trying new restaurants in different cities. I enjoy the different aspects of life and don't place limitations on my goals and experiences. I'm looking for a woman who inspires me.. a woman who can enjoy the fruits of life and be a rock for my heart as I will be for hers.

Meet someone special from United States. So here goes nothing…
First off, I have to say, I love the warnings and disclaimers on this site. So wait, you're saying I shouldn't wire transfer any money to someone I meet through match, or provide my credit card information or social security card #??? Ahh, okay...thanks for the tips!
Originally from SoCal but have moved around a lot for work (LA, NYC, SF, Dallas, and Vegas), etc. Thankfully now firmly planted in LA with no intention of ever moving cities again. I’ve gained perspective over the years (I guess they call it growing up) and now better understand what’s important in life and what I want in a woman (admittedly have had to learn that the hard way at times).
When I’m not working or spending time with my family, I really enjoy working out. I’m not a meathead, but going to the gym is important to me and part of my routine. I would love for the woman in my life to be into fitness, too. It's a great way to spend time together.
I’ve been told I have a good sense of humor and while I like to think I’m a cool guy, the truth is more likely that I’m just a big dork. I laugh at myself A LOT. There are a lot of flashy, arrogant guys in LA and I’m about the exact opposite. I'm confident but don't need to talk about it.
I have a big heart and in relationships I’m very nurturing, caring and affectionate. I’m kind of traditional in relationships and veer towards the chivalrous side of things. I’m not a Neanderthal or anything, but I like playing the role of the man, what can I say.
Let’s see, what am I looking for in a woman? Not to sound cliche, but I guess I want what every guy wants: someone who is attractive (I love a pretty face, nice hair and a fit body…okay, glad we got that out of the way…it sounds superficial but physical attraction is important…it’s a starting point, definitely not the ending one), intelligent, caring, kind, funny and affectionate. Someone who understands what loyalty means, because I embrace it with all that I am. I don't need someone who dresses to the nines and wears a ton of make-up. Nothing is sexier to me than a ponytail and workout gear.
So that’s it in a nutshell. Sorry for the novel...but this is the stuff that matters. Looks eventually fade so there's got to be more to it. So if you think based on my profile we’d be a fit, shoot me a note or flash me a �wink’ to let me know you’re interested. I'm happy to take it from there.

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