Date a soulmate from California, United States. I am a lady searching for Thee...Where can I find him? Can you lead me to him?
If you happen to read this simple profile, I thank you for visiting me.. Evita is searching for you...
I hope you are on your way to happiness...for I am running to find that half of my heart wondering where you may be...
But if Thee comes and read this note, he would know..what he must do...
Meet someone special from California, United States. IРІР‚в„ўll admit IРІР‚в„ўm on this site to find my perfect match. IРІР‚в„ўm a confident, hard working woman. I have a great sense of humor. IРІР‚в„ўd much rather laugh at things than stress about them. I sometimes cry at Hallmark commercials, sad but true. I am angered at most of the injustices in the World. I guess I would call myself passionate about life in general.
IРІР‚в„ўm attracted to a person who laughs often. A great smile to go with that is a bonus. I bring a lot to a relationship; great listener, kind and compassionate. IРІР‚в„ўm looking for someone with similar traits. IРІР‚в„ўd love to find that special person that wants to join me on travel excursions or walks in the evenings. I believe that the beauty of the world is best when shared.
It might seem IРІР‚в„ўm looking for the perfect man, but I know one does not exist. IРІР‚в„ўm just looking for the perfect match for me. Are you the right one? LetРІР‚в„ўs give this a try.
Date a woman from California, United States. I have time to dedicate to you, to us. Life is wonderful, whether you have a partner or not. I intend to enjoy life more now that I've raised my son, adored my career and am independent. This new freedom allows me to travel, dream, create and just wander into adventure. If there is someone to share my future, YOU are expected.
I am a woman who has learned compassion, kindness, generosity from my family and from interacting with people. I am happy, funny,patient, adventureous and very, very affectionate. The one man for me is worldly, kind, financially fit, funny, warm, loves to eat and cook with me. Enjoy simple but also complicated, fun but serious, happy but can endure disappointments with strength. Do you exist? You do, I know it.
Meet a soulmate from Hayward, United States. I Live and Love every day to the best of my ability. I realize I may know only a little of this great world we live. Each day discloses much more to my delight. I choose to solk up any knowledge every day like a sponge that may come my way.