Date someone special from Mendocino, United States. "This, too shall pass," and "When the world hands you lemons, make lemonade" are my two life mottos. I'm reaching for yet another brass ring on the merry-go-round of life! That's what growing up near the Santa Cruz Boardwalk has done for me! haha!
Now 64, I'm still happy in my (formerly) thriving art world in Mendocino. It is so gorgeous here, always something to paint, but I can find subject matter to paint no matter where I am. Problem is there aren't many available gentlemen around here, so I'm going national in my search. I'm willing to relocate; would prefer 6 months in a warm clime; 6 months here on the north coast of CA.
I have a small rv and like to take road trips. Hiking is important for the nature experience. Lots of trails around here into the redwoods and along the headlands. Nice. Fresh.
Who am I looking for? A nice person who makes me laugh without being Bob Hope.