Date someone special from Susanville, United States. Hmmmm, what to say and how to say it. Let's see, I live in the mountains(love the ocean too) and I enjoy horseback riding in the cool of the morning with my 2 mini-Aussies and/or with friends. During the heat of the day I like to read, watch movies, play the guitar and sing or continue teaching my self to play my Native American flute. I also enjoy gardening, dancing and fishing-although I still need help cleaning my catch! Garage sales, Thrift stores and Arts/Craft shows also interest me. I can/do cook(compliments keep me cooking!) and I love to bake. I created a recipe for Pecan-Molasses brittle that is as unique as it is delicious. My motto on house work is "My home is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy".
I am not mechanically minded and when it comes to tools(other than a hammer) I am all thumbs. I greatly appreciate a man who is handy, creative, and is open to enjoying the humor in life. Loud, bursts of anger are a turn off for me as is drinking to the point of drunkenness. It would certainly be wonderful to share the company of a man who understands and willingly would agree to attack the PROBLEM and not each other if/when a difficult situation arises.
Alternative medicine and healing practices are interests of mine also. The principles found in the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and the saying "If you wouldn't want it done to you, then don't be doing it to others" pretty much sums up how I live my life.
Chinese, Mexican, Seafood(shrimp and lobster) med-rare steaks and Prime Rib restaurants are my first choices when going out to eat. Back yard bar-b-ques with family and friends are enjoyable too. Bar hopping and checking out night clubs hold no interest for me. Attending live theater performances and going out to a movie? I'll be right by your side.
I am a bit shy and can appear aloof at first. Once I've gotten to know you and feel that you'll be as gentle and patient with my foibles as I am with yours, I am quite demonstrative, affectionate and loyal.
Well that's about it for me, I've shared some of my interests, my basic philosophy on life, my major dis-likes and my basic life style.
Looking forward to hearing from you.