Date men from United States / California / Encinitas, 40 year old

Date a soulmate from Encinitas, United States. I don't take myself too seriously and have a very good sense of humor so describing who I am and what I want is awkward to say the least. Its very hard to offend me. I'm a gentleman but not the smoothest guy out there. I try to be respectful of others and try never to judge; u never know when life will turn the tables on you. All my friends know I would give my shirt of my back to anyone who needs it, just do not try to take it from me. I like to cook (used to own a restaurant) especially like to make BBQ. I am honest and hard working, but not a saint by any means. I like to play sports rather than watch. Originally from Boston (yes I still have a accent) have lived in NYC and the Bay Area and now hear for the past year. I used to be a professional sailor and have do so all over the globe. I still skateboard (mostly with my kids), I still ski first chair to last when I can (living here makes that hard). I try to surf everyday there are waves or go hiking. I work east coast hours so I am out of the office by 1pm every day. I still play like I am 20, and have the broken bones to prove it.
I help others for the sake of helping. I've been to Central America on Habitat for Humanity as well as locally in San Fran, Boston as well around here in SD. I was taught that happiness is to be experienced with friends; a great life is one that is shared freely with others. I like explore new areas (SD in new to me still after a year). I have a lot friends, but most are married so I thought I would try this to meet someone. Thanks.

Meet a man from Encinitas, United States. I like cereal and sports.
If that doesn't reel you in... wow, you are ridiculously picky.
Online "meeting" is kind of strange for everyone, so I'll just ask a simple question:
Are you looking for the same thing I am; conversation that is sometimes deep, sometimes silly, and more often than not, filled with laughter? Great, read on!
Awesome trait #1:
I'm very compassionate, especially towards the elderly. Plato said it best (wow, he quotes Plato): "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." I love the look on someone's face after you've helped them and didn't want anything in return.
Awesome trait #2:
I know my way around the gym, and yet I refuse to wear Affliction t-shirts that are meant for 14 year old boys. This greatly reduces your risk of being absolutely embarrassed to be with me in public.
Awesome trait #3:
I like kids.
Awesome trait #4:
I will never, ever ask you to "holla".
I can only think of four awesome traits right now. I'm sure there's more. Here's hoping you have at least four.

Date someone special from Encinitas, United States. i am a self employed business owner from australia , been here in the states for 12 years now , life is good , life is fun , life needds to be travelled .
i enjoy surfing and hanging out seeing new place and hanging and kicking it with someone who dosnt want dramn. been there done that.
just looking for someone i enjoy being with and also attracted too. who likes to see what south american has to offer and the rest of life as well

Meet single man from Encinitas, United States. I'm an old souI but a kid at heart. I smile at strangers and thank people for small gestures. I'm a very positive person and enjoy the same. Me in a nutshell=honest, humble, witty, healthy, passionate, and a smart arse from time to time. All in good fun though. I have a great job that allows me plenty of free time while im finishing up my H.H.P. (Holisitic Helathcare Practioner) I plan to continue on and become a licensed acupuncturist.
Here's a funny quote, if you like this you get my sense of humor...."Before you criticize someone, you should walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, your a mile away and you have their shoes."
It would be nice to find someone who I click with and it just feels right. Someone who's not afraid of what people think. A few traits i like in a woman are: kind, honest, intelligent, funny, active and the right amount of sassy. It's a very refreshing feeling being a relationship and not having to play games or being someone your not. A great sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself is key. ..:)
A few things i like, in no paticular order...;)
Artichokes, Art, Acupuncture, Avocados, Being Kind, Ben Harper, Brownies, Concerts, Clean Laundry, Documentaries, Dreams, Encinitas, Family, Fireworks, Friends, Garage Sales, Hummus, Iphones, Jogging, Kissing, Kobe Beef Burgers, Laughter, Massages, Mos Def, Meditation, New Mexico, Oatmeal, Pineapple, Photography, Polla Asada Burritos, Q words in Scrabble, Qi Gong, Rollercoasters, Smiling, Spicey Foods, Smoothies, Snow, Surfing, Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Sugar Cookies, Stand Up Comedy, Tea, Tennis, The Ocean, Ummmm, Vegetables, Words with Friends, Water, Watermelon, Xylology, Yoga, Zen....

Date a soulmate from United States. I will start with a description of myself and if you think there is some kind of symmetry then I would love to hear from you.
I am 5'10", white male, brown hair, blue eyes and physically fit. Lifestyle is important to me and I believe in the constant pursuit of balance through many endeavors. Healthy in mind, body, and spirit is important and is pursued through constant challenges and new experiences. Empathy and respect for others and the environment is important. I have been so blessed with an incredible family and friends and the opportunity for great experiences in my life.
I work as a Captain with the fire dept. and love my job. I own my own home and also have a business on the side that keeps me challenged & intrigued. My schedule affords me the opportunity to chase many different pursuits and to follow my passions. I have never been married nor do I have any kids (I do have 4 beautiful nieces, nephews that I adore) but I do look forward to that with the right person.
One of my great passions is travel and experiencing other cultures. I have been fortunate to have travelled to over 40 countries. Every big trip has been life changing in some ways including some awesome volunteer opportunities. The off the beaten path adventures and intimate contact with various cultures really opens up my eyes and perspectives. I love the ocean and living near the coast that is important to me as well. I live in a quiet neighborhood and can smell the salt air that makes me happy. I enjoy working on projects on the home and in the yard.
Activities are many and varied and I'm always up for something new. Sharing it with family and friends is always much better. Running, swimming, surfing, hiking, mountain biking, arts / culture / theatre / music, yoga, road trips at home and flights abroad to new places, festivals, live music, good / healthy food, farmers markets, community, volunteering, projects, wine, laughs.... just a few of the things I like to share...
I have a B.S. degree from Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo and continue to pursue new educational challenges as its a lifelong learning process in chasing new challenges. I believe in having high goals and ambitions. Life is meant to be taken on rather than just letting things happen to you. Lifestyle is important to me and you really do create your own destiny I believe.
That said I have an easy going and laid back personality and appreciate a balance in life. I have many great friends and an incredible supportive family so I feel very blessed. I feel very grounded in who I am and have no regrets in life. I only want to accomplish and experience more! Sharing it with the right person would be awesome and would love to start a family.
I guess its harder to meet good people in this day and age so I'm giving this a try. I am looking for someone who is physically fit, healthy and passionate in life as well. Oh yes, having fun and living in the moment is key as well!!

Meet a man from United States. IM VERY OUTGOING, FUN, ENERGETIC, AND LOVE NEW ADVENTURES! I love to be the life of the party! I am usually the guy everybody looks to for a laugh, a song, and a good time! I try to surround myself with good people and great friends! If you dont want to have fun, dont hang out with me! Im different from the other guys. Im actually nice, polite, outgoing, fun, goofy, positive, smiling, laughing, have a great job, my car is paid off, and I treat women like queens!!!!
1. Im a full time dad and a GREAT dad! ( Yes I said full time! )
2. I am drama free
3. I can adapt to any situation
4. Im very down to earth and very outgoing
5. Im not perfect ( I know that sounds crazy! But yes, I do make mistakes)
6. Im always looking to have a good time
7. I am very open and very comfortable with people ( Go ahead, ask me ANYTHING)
8. I am a good guy ( Im not a A Hole)
9. I dont play games
10. I hate to hurt peoples feelings

Date someone special from United States. Thanks for not just looking at pictures!
A bit about me.
I would like to meet someone who's serious about something more than just friends...
I think I'm pretty funny, especially when it's under the radar deadpan funny.
Im an RN in a surgical unit and love every minute of it. I couldn't be luckier. Call me Gaylord Focker and it makes me crack up.
I work hard and have a sense of morals and ethics which translates to integrity which is key in my profession.
Im honest to a fault. I feel that its better to be honest than hide something that I would have to eventually fess up to.
Im about quality not quantity.
My last relationship? I was in a 4 year relationship that was fulfilling and loving but fell out of balance. Life happens but must always have balance and as life would have it, it moves on...
I try to live an impeccable life and that life is sometimes a hard road to hoe. Did I just say 'hoe' (my humor getting the best of me).
I love living in Encinitas. Its pretty sweet to live in a place where people save and dream of coming to.
I love my family and friends and both groups are the sweetest people. I am lucky to have them.
I would love to see more of the sites the world has to offer, wanna go?
I love a road trip, I think thats the best way to really take it all in.
Outdoors is key to happiness both for the body and the soul. Get OUTSIDE.
I am an amateur photographer and have a blast shooting photos.
I love 80's music. Sheesh I love music period. It resonates with me. My record of concerts for the year is 17! So yeah, I like to squeeze a concert or two in. Belly Up is the best!
I cook a mean dinner and an unbelieveable breakfast with great coffee to boot. I think I've invented my own special martini as well! I haven't seen it on any menus and I have aptly named it the Upside Down Pineapple Cake.
I'm a spiritual person that believes all the religions have a place here.
I love art and music. Its a big part of who I am and would wither away without it.
I enjoy a good stroll on the beach, a bike ride to stretch the legs out, a yoga session to replenish the mind/body but most of all a paddle out to catch some waves and smile in the sun and act like a kid.
After, lets have some friends over and BBQ with beer and wine in tow.
About You...
I appreciate someone who's a jeans and t-shirt girl 90% of the time but is comfortable going out to the nice dinner or cocktail lounge.
Not afraid to get sandy.
Love quiet time as much as a nice night on the town.
Enjoy a nice wine and conversation over a movie (we don't get to chat if we do that). Although I love movies, so maybe later after we get to know one another.
Would love to tailgate at a concert and enjoy Wine & cheese and others items I can drum up to make a great concert freaking awesome!
Takes care of herself staying fit and healthy. Even push me from time to time...

Meet single man from United States. Helllooooo San Diego!!! Glad to be back! Generally I'm not the kind of person who will brag about my pursuits but this format seems to demand some sort of presentation so, here we go. First of all, I'm over 40 but didn't want to be matched with 50 yr olds - not to be be misleading. That being said, my mind is open and have no problem with kids if you have them. I'm sure there are several fit women in their late forties who can keep up with most anyone, but I usually have more in common with younger women. Since I have always been active and live a healthy lifestyle, most people think I look much younger than my age.(However, I'm not very photogenic). I recently moved back here from northwest Montana. My whole family lives here in San Diego so its great to spend quality time with my 5 siblings and their kids again. I am originally from Michigan and have also lived in Colorado. I am a custom home builder who also built log furniture for a while. I own a house in Whitefish, Montana and I truly love that part of the country. However, right now I am installing Fiber Optics on a California marine corps base and local schools. I've always said that no matter how good you are at something; there is always someone better than you. Thus I try to remain confident but always humble. Life has presented me many opportunities and I feel we all need to pay attention when they arrive in front of us.Thats why I'm here in SD and syked to be back at the beach again. I am fairly well traveled and find endless inspiration in seeing different places and cultures. I want to find someone who understands how important every day is as far as making the most of the chances it presents us. I don't just mean from a traveling viewpoint but also in simple interactions with others. I am an instructor/counselor with an organization who teaches whitewater kayaking to young adults with cancer and I spent six years as a volunteer ski patroller doing backcountry search and rescue. Also spent a winter as a volunteer in a handicap ski program in Winter Park,CO. I wish I could spend more time volunteering for good causes because its incredibly rewarding. Probably the most exciting thing I have done is having competed in a pro ski jumping tour for several years called Gelande which is the North American version of nordic jumping (like what you see in the Olympics) only on alpine gear. I have thus flown well over 320ft. on my skis at least 50 times. Not much can compare to that thrill, I promise you that!!!. I would love to find a partner who enjoys lots of different outdoor venues and has an open mind to new things in her life. However, its not imperative that she is super athletic. Its equally important to me that I can learn from her just as much as she can learn and share some of my interests. The girls I have dated in the past have taught me to be more and more patient with each other and especially to let one another be themselves while respecting their needs and values. I'm very gentlemanly, honest and loyal so if you have any sort of question, don't be shy, throw it out there and you will get a straight answer.
One thing that makes me a little more introspective than most guys is that I was buried in an avalanche years ago and it changed my life. After being resuscitated and brought back to life, it instantly caused me to appreciate life even more than before. Although I still push it from time to time, I know better than most what matters to me so I find it to be an advantage in a way that is hard to describe. Anyway, thats all for now but if you are still interested after reading this, gimme a shout and we'll see where things go. If not, I wish you the best of luck in finding that someone who makes waking up every day that much more special and exciting... All the best!!!

Date a soulmate from California, United States. Get up! Get out! Get going! That’s the way I roll! I am not one to sit out life on the sidelines and just watch the moments pass me by. I intend to not just live my life but outlive it! Make the most of my dash! If you are equally tenacious and enthusiastic, then we just might get along.
Far from a high-roller, it’s not the big-time pursuits that bring me joy. I prefer the simpler pleasures, such as spending time with my son, going to the beach, hiking, playing golf, catching a movie, working out, or just engaging in meaningful and spirited conversation with another.
In matters of the heart, I live with an open mind, a loving soul, a caring nature and a compassionate spirit. A genuine listener, I will give you my full attention and endeavor to be supportive at all times. Of course, I am not immune to the loving reciprocation of such affections, either.
I appreciate a woman who lives with a sense of purpose and adventure in her life. She is driven to pursue all of the desires of her heart fearlessly and with passion. Her sincere kindness and respect for others can be heard in her voice and seen in her actions. She is genuine and authentic, true to herself, fully accepting others for the gift of who they are, not for what she wants them to be.

Meet a man from California, United States. I am a guy 38 years old who lived in San Francisco for 13 years and traveled the world as a professional sailor racing with all sorts of teams.
I now live in San Diego and manage a solar company and do not meet girls as often.
I am looking to settle down
I am looking for a girl who wants to settle down but wants to still sail, ski ,hike and do fun outdoor stuff.
Also please be interested in current events and read the paper .
I really like to discuss current events in the news. This does not mean entertainment news. More NPR, CNN, NY Times, Bbc. Etc

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