Date someone special from Calistoga, United States. I guess I am a freedom junkie. I've been working for myself most of my adult life and have had the freedom and flexibility to spend the hours of my days as they suit me. I have ideas, and I am always looking for that Next GREAT Idea. I love to make things. I'm a critical thinker. I'm a graphic designer and photographer and since my work is mobile, I have been living nomadically for the past 4.5 years in an Airstream trailer, traveling around the U.S. I love it. I say Thank You every morning for this life I've somehow managed to carve and look forward to each new day. I love slow mornings. I have an insatiable curiosity. I love good food and a good cocktail, whether I make it at home or go out to find it. Life is a fun game, and I think if you play it well, you let yourself fall down and make mistakes. It's not a big deal. I know that having fun and enjoying yourself is the key to the game. I also know that listening to your instincts and acting on them when they say Go! (or Stop) is important. I don't need a man to "complete" me or fill some kind of unfulfillment. I want someone to play the game with, to share ideas with, to make life even larger - an equal partner who LOVES and supports my independence and capableness. I think I'm pretty easy-going but I have a really hard time with conservative patriarchal thinking and fear-mongering. But don't get me wrong, I do appreciate it when a man thinks of the lady first. It's courteous. I'll even reciprocate. I listen and think about other people. I'm emotionally secure. I'm most comfortable on a homestead in the countryside/wilderness/coast and think small home, big land is ideal. But it's also nice to have the energy of a metropolis within reach.
What I'm looking for? Well, because I enjoy living on the fringe, I'd like to meet someone else who does too, or can. Someone who lives a little recklessly, because that's how living was meant to be. You might have a 9-5 job, but it inspires you and engages you and you love it. You feel light, alive. You roll with things. You've figured out that hard times come and go, making room for more of the good. Life is constantly changing and possibilities are endless. You are emotionally stable and secure. You are probably not on heavy pain meds or mood-changers. You think life was meant to be lived, and so you DO the things that you want to. Maybe you have a motorcycle (yay!), because you are adventurous and maybe a bit of a rebel. You might like adrenalin-packed activities, but you don't need them to feel alive. Listening to a piece of music might make your spirit soar. Or floating lazily down a wild river. Or reading an awesome book. Nothing is better than a spontaneous road trip. A splendid fine meal could be an entire evening's activity, whether cooking it yourself, or going to an excellent restaurant. You are an adventurous spirit. You think it's worth it to spend money on good food, drink, travel and books. You think. You read. You learn. You're interested in people and places. You are sincere. You observe. You are conscious. You love to expand your perspective of this world. Can't and Hate are bad words to you. You often feel like you are doing exactly what you were meant to do in this life, and you recognize that and feel like one of the lucky ones. You are happy.