Date women from United States / California / San Diego, 57 year old

Date a woman from United States. Top 10 Reasons To Date Me:
10. If we have an issue/problem and we resolve it - that's the end of it (you won't hear about it over and over again)
9. I live in a relatively "drama free zone" and won't bring chaos to your life
8. I'm affectionate, playful, tactile, enjoy kissing, LOVING and respectful
7. I don't expect you to read my mind - I'm an outstanding communicator
6. I enjoy cooking for someone special
5. Although I love spending time with you I do understand your need for guy time or alone time (I have a life too!)
4. I won't ask you to go shopping with me (unless you want to)
3. I will never say "I told you so"
2. It doesn't take me hours to get ready (I can shower and be out the door in 45 minutes) and I'm always on time, early even!
1. I can't remember the last time I had a headache! (See #8 above)
Top 10 Reasons I Want To Date You
10. When you make commitments you follow through on them (If you make plans with me - don't break them because something better came up - it is inconsiderate to say the least!)
9. You are affectionate, playful, LOVING and respectful, you enjoy kissing and are good at it
8. You enjoy your alone/guy time but really like being part of a couple.
7. You are a gentleman, embrace it and like treating a woman as she should be treated
6 You are financially, emotionally and physically sound and don't have addictions to alcohol, drugs or cigarettes
5. You want to develop a long-term, monogamous relationship and will make "us" a priority
4. If you enjoy the "manly" things in life, like sports activities or watching them on TV, you aren't a fanatic about them and enjoy being with your woman.
3. You have a good sense of humor, love to laugh and smile freely and often
2. You are confident enough being a man that you are comfortable being with a confident woman
1. You don't get headaches either! (See #'s 3 and 9 above) - and I think you're HOT!
About Me: Everything contained in my profile is 100% truthful because honesty is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Photos are current, except for as noted on a few. I wear a size 6 - yet I'm curvy. I've been described as being very feminine. I enjoy wearing 3 inch heels so I prefer to date men who are 5'10" or taller between the ages of 54 - 63. Let's be active: bowling, I play a mean game of pool, get outside,walk, golf, kayak, I'd love to try frisbee golf, theater, museums, art galleries, concerts, travel... Camping and motorcycles are great activities but they aren't for me. I am looking to date and eventually develop a long-term monogamous relationship with a man who is looking for the same. We will have time apart, spend time alone together and will also enjoy being with one another's friends/family, etc.
About You: Your profile is 100% truthful and you are looking to establish a long-term relationship with one woman. Your children are grown or close to being out of the house. You are not currently involved with someone, married or separated - you are emotionally and legally ready and free to move forward should you find the right woman. If we connect and decide to meet, understand that I prefer to be asked out by phone, not text, it is so much more personal!
If you are looking for someone who is fast/easy, please move on to the next profile now. Also, if you start off a relationship texting/calling/emailing regularly - understand that a woman will expect that to continue as you are setting the pace... if you stop she will believe there is something wrong...
In Closing: We all know what/who we are attracted to and what/who we aren't - it can't be forced. If you choose to write/wink, know that I appreciate the compliment but don't take it personally if I decline the opportunity to get to know you. (I get rejected as well and had to toughen up so as not to get my feelings hurt!) If you want to connect PLEASE have a CURRENT PHOTO posted otherwise I will not respond.

Meet someone special from United States. *This is an old profile updated by her kids, in hopes she doesn't give up on LOVE!
My original dream was to have a fairytale “Leave It To Beaver” family. My primary focus thus far has been my family and children... surviving the unexpected. But they are now older and I am slowly starting to adjust my focus. Regardless of whether I will ever find my soul mate, family will always be a HUGE chunk of my life. (note: although she loves kids, she is not open to dating someone with young kids (below high school). Come on, after raising three kids its about time for the next chapter!)
Our Mom Enjoys - intellectual conversation, to laugh, great seafood. She is an extremely selfless person, but secretly LOVES to be treated like a princess. She has fun trying new things but is NOT an adrenaline junky - roller coasters and skydiving are definitely not her cup of tea. If she won the lottery she would: take care of her loved ones, then travel the world. Her interests? culture, MOVIES, music, history, current events, books, football/basketball games, traveling, and family. Her perfect date would be roses, a fancy dinner, and a great movie. She speaks Japanese and English fluently; but is truly Japanese at heart. She's 4'11" petite, short dark brown hair, brown eyes, and toned. After devoting her life to others (truly a heart of gold, this one), it's time for her to find a soul mate who will treat her right.
5 MUST HAVES (if you DO NOT have these attributes, sorry buddy, get back to browsin' the other profiles):
family involvement
sense of humor
financially secure
Although she may not realize it...our Mom deserves only the BEST. If you are that man, send her an email already! :)

Date a soulmate from United States. I would best describe myself as a woman who exudes positive energy; prefers drama roles in community theater vs. acting like a "drama queen" and puts passion into whatever I do both in my profession as well as in my personal life. Honesty and integrity are important key elements I value. Hmmmm, re-reading my last sentence...I know..... you're thinking "Girl Scout?"........(Well, I did sell the most GS cookies in the fourth grade.) However, I pride myself on being someone who although l like to laugh and not sweat the small stuff, I am genuine. I enjoy daily workouts, sports; cycling, hiking and overall living a healthy lifestyle. As a formerly trained musician I enjoy all types of music from jazz to classical as well as "musical" theater. I value and appreciate the accomplishments I have earned and as a result, I like to give back back to the community by participating in non-profit organizations. I love traveling and exploring the world by visiting new places (both local and afar). My life has been filled with a variety of experiences that make wonderful memories. However, my personal philosophy is that although we grow older, there should be no limitations that stop us from creating new memories. And as a result, I continue to create and accomplish new experiences and adventures. It truly gives me an inner contentment and fulfillment that thoroughly invigorates me and keeps me smiling!
My date: values honesty and being an overall "gentleman"; a conversationalist and a passionate individual by nature, health conscious and enjoys staying in shape by working out regularly; a good sense of humor; ambitious and enjoys his life and/or career; spiritual (but not religious); appreciates his family and good friends; he likes to travel and to explore new venues; enjoys hobbies and has an overall compassionate heart; he is authentic and has a genuine zest for life!

Meet a woman from San Diego, United States. I moved to San Diego two years ago and wake each day grateful to live in this beautiful city. IРІР‚в„ўve learned that wonderful things happen when I remain open and know that love arrives in its own time. Ultimately, I want a committed, LTR with a man whose values and dreams for the future are compatible with mine.
The “like factor” is also crucial – do we like, respect and accept each other just as we are…truly? The man who is right for me wants to build a happy life together and a history that will make us smile and laugh in years to come. We will spend time together and sometimes separately, pursuing our inidividual interests. I admire a man of good character, who believes in love, has a positive outlook, a sense of humor, and is affectionate, generous, wise, well groomed, and young at heart. Like me, he is healthy and makes an effort to eat right (but admits to a little debauchery every now and then). I imagine him to be the type that can handle almost anything. Confident, witty, and humorous, he is crazy about me and shows it. I will do the same for him.
I'm excited to see who is around the corner for me because I want to...
Walk on the beach at sunrise or sunset and share our bucket lists or quietly appreciate one anotherРІР‚в„ўs company.
Take trips…on land, in the air, and now by sea - sometime spontaneous ones!
Savor the anticipation of being together.
Share private “signals” for escaping boring parties or uncomfortable situations.
Get caught on the kissing cam cheering our favorite teams on at the stadium.
Slow dance to a song that we make ours and create experiences that belong only to us.
Go on picnics and watch outdoor concerts on a blanket under the stars.
Hike Torrey Pines or Cabrillo, bike around the bay, walk on the beach or golf.
Feed each other apple pie ala mode in Julian (followed by another hike!)
Make memories in Tuscany.
Laugh over each other's childhood photos and year books.
Spend Christmas at a cabin in snow-covered mountains and ring in the New Year with Champagne and a blazing fire.
Would you like to add something........?
Hope to hear from you. Photos are a must. Prefer emails to winks, thanks.

Date someone special from San Diego, United States. My headline should read 'golden brown sd' because very little of it is a tan, pretty much natural. Although its hard to define yourself - I am outgoing, easy to talk to, positive, affectionate, romantic, good at communicating, have good values and think its really important to laugh and have fun... it keeps me young! I have two grown children with their own families. They're an important part of my life, as are my good friends. I work out most days, either in the gym, hikes, walking, riding bikes. I have many interests and simply just enjoy life.
I really love the coastal areas and beach, mountains, discovering new independent shops/restaurants, wine bars, farmers markets, street fairs, live music. Also enjoy San Diego's local events, sports, all the sights, art festivals. I like to entertain, go to the movies, cook, garden and just hang out at home. I definitely have style, usually more casual 'beachy' fun clothes....sundresses, skirts, sandles, etc, but love to dress up, and can get dirty hiking and love it. I'm a year out of an 11 year relationship and am excited about the future. The right man will feel the same way, he'll get my humor (and I'll get his), he'll be active, healthy, secure, and will just be a good person. Hope to hear from you soon!

Meet a soulmate from San Diego, United States. I'm a petite and sassy woman who likes to laugh and have fun and I am told has a very infectious laugh. I love to go out and do things and am also happy at home, with a good book or movie. I like listening to music, cooking, dining out (casual to fine dining), walks on the beach, and hanging out with friends and family. I also enjoy the theatre, comedy shows, and concerts.
I value the truth. I am a very REAL person. What you see is what you get. I believe in being loyal and sincere.
I am looking for someone that already knows who he is and what he wants. No games. I'm looking for that special someone to be my best friend and confidant. Someone to laugh, be silly and cry with. Someone I can't wait to get home to to hug, cuddle and share life with.
I must say, I had trouble with the height. I measure 5'4" in bare feet but I ususally wears heels, so everyday is a new day!!!

Date a woman from California, United States. 'If you are looking for a cute girl to hang out with, try someone else. If you are looking for a great companion, lover and partner read on:
Having asked my friend to describe me, she said, "vibrant, sensual, out-going, unconventional, sophisticated and adventurous".
Hardly able to resist a challenge, I have had about 5 very different careers. Through a combination of good planning, hard work and some dumb luck, I was able to retire early. Now I have the time and resources to continue my lifelong learning, pursue art and the outdoors and co-create a fabulous realtionship.. I have many intersts including, a wide range of activites in the arts as well as nature and the out of doors. I am well-traveled but still have many countreis on my bucket list and would prefer to travel with the man I love.
Although I "clean up" pretty well, I'm kind of a nature girl and have been camping and fishing since the age of 2. For exercise I have a yoga practice, swim, walk and hike regularly. I am in pretty good shape, eat well, take very good care of myself and enjoy excellent health.
I can make things other than reservations for dinner and am classically trained in baking by a Cordon Bleu instructor.. My home is paid for and I am financially independent.
I love the theatre and the arts as well as dancing, painting and ceramics. My friends say that I am very creative and have a whacky irreverant sense of humor.
To be sucessful in my careers I have had to be an "in charge" person. In my "love life, however, However, I enjoy stepping into the arms of successful, confident and assertive man who isn't reluctant to call the shots. I want to share my time, my life and myself with a man who is as physically, emotionally and financially fit and as FUN as I am. We will have shared chemistry, a true zest for living and some common interests. I am looking for what I can deliver--great companionship and great sex.

Meet someone special from California, United States. Im a good person who enjoys to be nice to other people and animals and plants.
Im very passionate women, I have passion for what ever I do. I Love to cook and I have always painted and I dedicate great part of my time to art, and to read and walk and work out.
Im a very healthy and clean person and that is what I expect from my significant other and to share most of my ways of life.
I believe in tacking care of our planet and Im a very respectful person.
Im real cool and have great sense of humor.

Date a soulmate from California, United States. Still faithfully waiting for my prince! I have a deep, tender compassion for people. I'm blessed with a funny bone and help people have fun. Though I have the intellectualism of a PhD, I also value my fluid and curious mind. I have some street smarts too!
I deeply believe in social equality and the notion that we are all responsible for what happens in our world. I am not looking for a carbon copy of who I am but I wouldn't be a good match for a conservative-leaning person.
I'm a psychologist who doesn't need/want to be in therapy 24/7! My partner and I stay who we are but keep evolving with each other. We accept our differences and have mutual interest in each other. We are ok single but want partnership.
You are self-aware, kind, and open minded. You take good care of yourself and are a good communicator. You're confident but know that you can be wrong. I want my man to have his power.
I have always been envious of people who have a passion and a few years ago I discovered my little slice of heaven: Dancing! I am actually getting physically stronger as I get older!
I welcome children and grandchildren!

. Welcome to my life and 2012! I put great effort into not posting a litany of requirements. We will learn very soon, if there is a compatibility. So here's who I am and see if it sparks an interest to talk and meet.
I do some type of activity daily. Yep, I workout often, have for years. My gym is in the building where I work, so able to work out at lunchtime, whether it's lifting weights, doing a boot camp training session, or a cycling class, its like going to recess everyday, revs my engine for the back nine! I live near Bay Park so walk it often, with music jamming! I visit the beach often as well for long walks on the surf. It's all about my mental and physical well being. I have alot of energy, and II am a doer.
Spend little time in front of the television. Would rather work in my garden, read a good book on the patio or curled up in my fav chair next to the fireplace. I do watch the news every evening and keep up on current affairs, I think that is important, including reading the paper . Too much to see, too much to read,
Golf is also part of my lifestyle and a sport I enjoy. Love the game, but not obsessive about it. I do carry a 19 handicap and it sure would be fun to enjoy a beautiful day on a golf course with someone special. So,It probably would be a good idea that you play.
If you were to introduce me to something new to do or see, I am in! I am a quick study with a quick wit. I have an infectious laugh and smile, so I am told, genuinely happy with one missing link. I am patient, my guy is out there somewhere.
Please be financial secure and be a clean person, those two items have produced some interesting encounters. So there it is guys, Shall we talk and meet? It starts with an email!

. FIrst let me introduce myself. I was born and raised in So. California, San Diego proper. Grew up in Imperial Beach, Chula Vista and Point Loma. Had two brothers both have passed away. I have one son who is grown up and lives away from home. We are very close and spend time together with friends and family. I also spend time with Aunt and Uncle on the weekends or with friends who come to visit from the L.A. area.
I recently reconnected with a dear friend of mine whom I knew back in 1986. She now lives in Mexico and I do plan to see her and her two sons often. She is a sister more than a friend. I knew her before she had her oldest son who is now, 21. Wonderful seeing them again.
I work with Surgeons as their assistant and Office Secretary. There Specialty is very stressful and demanding and at the end of the day, I really enjoy coming home and relaxing. Currently I do not have any pets as I had to give my Boxer away before I moved to Hawaii in Dec. 2011. I decided to return after three months as the job market there was slim and I am not one who lives off of others.
On weekends, I go to, garage sales/swap meet with my Aunt and Uncle. We go shoppping out to breakfast or lunch sometimes if it gets later in the evening, we will have dinner out. Its easy going, no stress and quite relaxing.
I play tennis, enjoy yoga, listening to music, reading and getting together with friends. I get excited when I am planning a trip out of town but more so, out of the country.
Next summer, I plan to visit Paris for the third time. And Spain where I have some friends whom I have not seen in ten years and would love to see again.
I love gardens, botannicals, walking along the bay of Seaport Village, Coronado Shores, Old Town, the beaches, the Coast. Too bad they removed, Tower Records, I use to love hanging out and browse the CD's. Coming home with a hand full. My friends and family would say I am generous, loving, have strong work ethics, integrity. Funny and fun to be with. I love deep sea fishing, something I have not done since 1975 down in the Sea of Cortez and Mazatlan.
I love cabin life, with a warm fire on a cold chilly night, clear skies and cool crisp air.
I suppose anything more about me, you will need to ask.
I'd like to meet a mature, clean intelligent man. A man who enjoys baseball, Im not a footbal buff, to rough for me.
A man's type of man. Enjoys the outdoors, has a great personality, laughs doesn't take things so seriously. Retired is fine.
I hope all of us, can find our match. :) Incidentally, I am not a paid member, yet. How can I meet you? I really would like to meet you 33.

. Looking for a special man who is passionate about life, enjoys and respects people. I am attracted to confident men who have class but aren't afraid to let their inner child come out. Most important that you aren't looking for women considerably younger and superficial. I think men are sexy when they have a nice smile, dress well and I have always loved gray hair. Initial physical attraction is important, but it is a huge turn on to me when a man possesses a great, outgoing personality, and is smart and witty.
My career in sales/marketing is stressful, so my time off is very important to me. It would be great if you enjoyed planning day trips, activities, outings and also liked to be spontaneous and willing to try zanny things. Life is too short, and this is not a dress rehearsal!
Since I have just begun this on-line dating venture, I am nervous and wondering how real and sincere people will be. If you want to meet a woman who is passionate, compassionate, attractive, and with much to offer, I would love to hear from you.

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All Acton Agoura Hills Alameda Alamo Alhambra Anaheim Antioch Apple Valley Aptos Arcadia Atascadero Azusa Bakersfield Bay Point Bellflower Berkeley Beverly Hills Brea Brentwood Brisbane Broadmoor Village Burbank Burlingame Camarillo Carlsbad Castaic Chico Chino Chino Hills Chula Vista Claremont Corona Coronado Daly City Dana Point Davis Del Dios Downey Duarte El Nido Elk Grove Encinitas Encino Escondido Fontana Fort Irwin Fountain Valley Frazier Park Fremont Fresno Fullerton Garden Grove Gilroy Goleta Granite Bay Grass Valley Greenbrae Hacienda Heights Hanford Healdsburg Hemet Hermosa Beach Hollywood Riviera Huntington Beach Ignacio Indio Inglewood Irvine Kelseyville La Jolla La Mesa La Quinta La Verne Laguna Beach Lake Elsinore Lake Forest Lakewood Lamont Lemoore Lodi Long Beach Los Altos Los Angeles Malibu Manhattan Beach Manteca Mar Vista Marina del Rey Mill Valley Mission Viejo Monterey Moreno Valley Morongo Valley Murrieta Newport Beach Nipomo North Hollywood Norwalk Novato Oakdale Oakhurst Orange Oroville Pacific Palisades Pacifica Palmdale Pasadena Paso Robles Patterson Perris Pescadero Petaluma Placentia Placerville Pleasanton Portola Valley Rancho Bernardo Rancho Cordova Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Mirage Red Bluff Redding Redlands Redwood City Riverbank Rocklin Rohnert Park Roseville Rowland Heights Sacramento Saint Helena San Clemente San Diego San Francisco San Jose San Luis Obispo San Marcos San Mateo San Pablo San Rafael San Ramon Santa Barbara Santa Clarita Santa Cruz Santa Fe Springs Santa Monica Santa Rosa Santee Sausalito Seaside Sherman Oaks Simi Valley Sonoma Sonora South Lake Tahoe Sunland Susanville Tehachapi Temecula Thousand Oaks Torrance Tracy Tulare Tustin Upland Vacaville Valencia Vallejo Ventura Victorville Walnut Creek West Sacramento Westlake Village Westwood Wildomar Willits Woodland Hills Yreka Yuba City Yucca Valley