Date women from United States / California / San Diego, 77 year old

Date a soulmate from California, United States. I like to be on the move - doing something. Life is too short to just sit back and let it pass. I would like to meet someone who wants to enjoy life while we are able. I like being around people young and old. I graduated from Point Loma HS in 1952 and returned to San Diego now after 50 years of moving around the country. I like dinner theaters, plays, concerts. I enjoy shuffleboard, Karaoke, billiards, bowling, camping, board games, playing cards, dominoes.

Meet a woman from California, United States. I am an active, healthy, youthful, slim, confident woman with green/blue eyes and a ready smile – comfortable in most all settings. . I enjoy many friends and am told I’m intelligent, warm and vibrant-- I'm really quite content. However, I'm interested in finding a closer friendship at minimum - or better yet, a permanent, loving one . I am as pleased by little things-- a child’s grin or a gorgeous sunset-- as I am by costly "things" that one doesn't need. .
I am a member of or Chair several community Boards and enjoy “giving back” through various organizations. I seem to thrive when I’m learning or dong new things. My interests are broad and expanding and I’d be pleased to find a partner who might be open to new experiences as well. I would hope he would not mind my fairly consistent optimism, propensity for being zany, and belief that each day is precious.
I laugh a lot, work hard sometimes, take off when I wish, and feel very fortunate to be healthy and strong. (Just won 4 gold medals in the Senior Olympics in San Diego - what a surprise!) I'm financially independent, comfortable about myself, and look forward to meeting new people and forming new relationships. I love classical music, but cannot help but move - or dance - to music with a beat. I attend local theater productions, museums, and enjoy many of the wonderful things San Diego has to offer. I haven't traveled as much recently, but would love to do more in the future.
I’d enjoy the company of someone who has similar interests and values. Having a sense of humor is important – the ability to laugh at jokes or at oneself would fit nicely with my personality. Honesty, empathy, and caring about others are traits I’d look for in a relationship. Mutual attraction and sizzle should certainly be added to my want list, but really liking what a man stands for and acts on is paramount. I would like to find friendship and companionship as a start -- and love would be wonderful.
Note: I'm new at this but will give it a whirl. I remember my mother saying, "Columbus took a chance." So if you're in or near San Diego, perhaps we could chat or have a beverage and get acquainted. I really am a "happyonesheis". How about you?

Date someone special from California, United States. My closest friends would say that I am empathic, kind, helpful, a person who can be counted on. I am a creative thinker, and am an entrepreneur. I am spiritual but not religious. I am looking for someone who has similar qualities. Who is secure in his own skin, and will love me for who I am. He must be affectionate and not afraid to show me that he is.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am a well educated, healthy woman with a heart and soul. I am looking for my last love. A love that would be easy to be with and
who would be a best friend. I have led an interesting and full life. I would like to find someone who is likeminded, financially stable,
healthy and fun to be with. I have degrees in Pshycology, Nursing and Jurisprudence. I am a *classical liberal". (You may want to look that up). Please have a photo and meet most of the criteria that I've listed above especially with regard to financial stability. I would like to find someone who is able to love and to be loved in return. Please have current photos as all of mine are current up to 2012 AND Yes I do look like my photos. I am not your typical 77 year old (whatever that may be). I could lie about my age but want to be up front and honest as to who I am. I love to laugh and have fun and even more important it would be great to have a wonderful friend.

Date a woman from United States. I am an active person who enjoys Karaoke, bowling, shuffleboard, dining out, playing cards, etc. I love all kinds of music except hard rock. Partial to country music and love singing. I enjoy short trips, dining out, theater, museums and camping. The only thing missing is a friend to share various activities with.
Looking for a well groomed gentleman friend to enjoy activities with. Not looking for marriage unless someone really sweeps me off my feet.

Meet someone special from United States. I am so fortunate to be in excellent health. I am new to the area. I enjoy playing golf, also go to the gym to work out. I enjoy taking long walks on the beach.
I am looking for someone who doesn't take life seriously, enjoys a good laugh, and would like my cat and dog.

Date a soulmate from San Diego, United States. American by birth, Irish by the grace of God. Fantastic cook, patient, outgoing, and self-supporting. Looking for a companion - not a playmate. Not looking for meal ticket, and do not intend to be one. I'm handy around the house, love the beach, love my dog, and am loyal to my friends.

Meet a woman from San Diego, United States. I'm grateful for my family and friends. To my friends I am loyal, dependable, fun and someone enjoyable to be with. I'm looking for someone to share quality time with in a meaningful and creative way. When the opportunity arises I go dancing as much as possible. I spend my time exercising, walking, reading, going to movies and musical productions, surfing the internet and listening to music.

Date someone special from San Diego, United States. I am a very simple person who is recovering from the loss of several persons who I love very much. One of them is my husband.
After almost four years of loneliness,meeting somebody who is honest and enjoys life would be a real blessing.
A good friend told me one day, "You'r easy to like!" I like to smile, laugh and even though I have been through a lot, I am looking forward and hope to find a good partner.

. Educated, active, fun loving, happy peson who takes care of her body, mind & soul. Attractive & caring. A thirst for learning new things. I help run tennis tournaments & am an active player.
I've been at Scripps Inst. of Oceanography aquarium part for years & enjoy helping people understand the "life" of fish.
Learning is important to me.

. Someone who enjoys being in my company, if his mother is still alive, that he has a good relationship with her, likes to walk, maybe have a dog. Enjoys visiting family, good driving record. Interested in cooking, enjoy the holidays, decorating the house,
gardening, including growing vegetables.