Date women from United States / California / San Diego, 31 year old

Date someone special from San Diego, United States. I'm a motivated yet easy going girl always up for an adventure. I'd describe myself as outgoing, intelligent, grounded, witty, fun, and caring. I'm super close with my parents and sister, who also live in SD. I love traveling and am the type of person ready to pack her bags at a moment's notice.
Although I sometimes work crazy hours (what lawyer doesn't?) I've found a great work-to-play ratio. With that being said, I'm definitely looking for someone who is similarly driven, but ready and willing to carve out time for one another. Someone who has depth, loves to travel, is cultured (or willing to try new things), and ready to click with a great girl. He should challenge me to be a better person and I should do the same for him.
Kindness, ambition, and the ability to make me laugh will earn you major points! Bonus points if you hold doors open for ladies :) And perhaps most importantly, Peter Pans please do not apply.

Meet a woman from San Diego, United States. I'm a small town girl from the midwest living her dreams in the Golden State. I love my family more than anything in this world, no matter how far away I am from them, they are the most special people in my life. I have some of the best girlfriends a girl could ever ask for. I believe in quality over quantity when it comes to the people I chose to surround myself with. I am a dreamer and have always chased my dreams, never settling. I believe living each day as if it were my last, learning as if I were to live forever. I prefer an ugly truth to a pretty lie. I am a romantic at heart. I believe all little girls deserve a prince charming who is chivalrous and endearing, yet strong, protective and a man in every sense of the word. I am selfless, honest and probably one of the least judgemental people you will ever meet. I am a nurturing person at heart, and at times I feel it can be to a fault. I love taking care of people and making them feel important, special, wanted, loved. Who am I looking for? A real man. A man that is confident, intelligent, witty, successful, has integrity and is passionate about his life and making this world a better place through his actions. A man who is hard working and absolutely loves what he does. Nothing is sexier to me than a man who is strong and gives of the energy that he could protect me and keep me safe no matter what were to happen. He should be funny and be able to not take himself or life so seriously all the time. I want to laugh and be romanced. I want to travel the world, eat, taste and smell all this world has to offer and I want to do it with my best friend, a partner, a companion who can accept me, the good, the bad and the ugly, and still love every bit of me. This is not my first attempt at using Match. Let's just say I was highly disappointed by the dates I met the previous go around. I'm not looking for hookups, nor am I looking for guys to play with and break their hearts. I'm open to believing its possible to find true love, a healthy, honest, open, adult relationship! Shocker! So if you're not ready for a relationship or you have a lot of baggage, or you've just gotten out of a relationship that has brought you here to find a rebound(s) or you just need to feel validated...please don't even bother wasting my time, or yours. Life is too short. Why am I giving it another shot? I'm dreamer, a hopeless romantic and optimistic that if at first it doesn't succeed, then I should be open to trying it again, so let's see what happens....

Date a soulmate from San Diego, United States. I moved here from the Czech Republic 20 years ago and I haven't stopped traveling since. I enjoy everything from the beach to the mountains...I love the outdoors!
There is nothing like variety. A fun evening ranges from staying in with a glass of wine to exploring new neighborhoods to singing along at concerts to dancing the night away.
I am looking to meet someone who is motivated, witty, loves what they do and knows what they are looking for in life.

Meet someone special from United States. My first language is English, but my second language is Body Language. I gesture with my hands and body when I tell stories, and I have no poker face at all. (This is true in both a figurative and literal sense. When we go out, ask me to tell you the story about the time I was holding a straight flush poker hand.)
I'm quite independent – even ruggedly so. I’ve traveled solo, killed big tarantulas myself with my very own flip-flop, and I can throw a pretty good punch. Basically, I can handle my business and I've got my head screwed on straight.
I'm passionate about things I like. In the last couple of years I've become more patient and a much gentler communicator than I was in the past. More and more I see things less and less in black and white. I have an irreverent sense of humor (runs in the family). I like to talk about those subjects that we're not supposed to discuss in polite company -- politics, religion, sex, money. I'm a pessimist of the mind, but an optimist of the heart.
Love is a blessing whether it lasts one day, a few weeks, a few years, or a lifetime. Carpe diem, you know.
As for my match, if you maintain healthy friendships with your exes, I see that as a good sign, not a threat. Also, call me crazy, but I think good judgment and dependability are sexy. If you'll dance with me in the kitchen, or at least laugh at/with me when I dance like a loca for you, we might be a match.

Date a woman from United States. I'm a small town Minnesota girl at heart, but I also know my way around a city. A year and a half ago I was offered a position in San Diego, and in a matter of 10 days, I packed up my car and drove west on I-8 until I hit the ocean. I haven't looked back yet. I have been having a great time discovering San Diego, but am looking forward to exploring even more.
Most people describe me as whitty, yet somewhat mysterious. Friends are always trying to guess what I'm thinking as I tend to soak things in, process, then respond. During my spare time, I am probably breaking a sweat at bootcamp, playing golf, or enjoying a bloody mary by the beach. My resolution this year was to "embrace the water" so some seaside activities will be on the list this summer. I play kickball once a week, which satisifies my competitive nature, but don't challenge me in trivia, as you might lose. I also have an artsy side and have been playing piano since I was little. I really enjoy listening to live music of all genres - classical, blues, rock, and maybe even a hip-hop concert. I've also enjoyed some great comedy shows and am always looking for an opportunity to laugh til I cry.
Great conversation, humor, and chemistry are really important factors in any relationship, but I am also looking for someone who carries themselves with confidence and can command a room. Ambition, honesty, kindness, and sincerity are qualities that I seek in others. Please contact me if you are looking for partner in crime and life.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Hello! Welcome to my page, I am Nicole. I am a positive, happy, independent, secure woman, but...Life can be rewarding in a relationship if it is something both people want. I would consider myself a classic "Betty" or vintage pinup, at heart. I love red lipstick, anything classic (especially cars from the 40's, 50's, 60's), music- live, Pandora, in a venue, concerts, even musicals, wine, a good laugh: like the kind that makes it impossible to breath and your sides ache, movies, spending time with friends, and dancing and about a billion other things...
I believe that education is the great equalizer. I have spent the last few years helping others achieve their academic goals. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. I blessed to love what I do. I am currently in my masters program and should be done by next year. I wish I could say that I am stopping there, but I my plans include a PsyD after my MBA. Finding new ways to learn is something I thrive upon. At the same time, I can appreciate someone who can take their life experience and make it relevant to the circumstances they find themselves in. There is no degree in the world that can replace common sense.
I spend most of my free time with my friends and family. I have three brothers and one sister. I am full Italian and I come from a large family that seems to operate by committee most of the time, but they are loyal and loving. They can cook with the best of them, needless to say, I have mastered most of it. I am a Navy brat and proud of it. My values were shaped by my parents relentless pursuit of love and support, while my father was deployed. There is no woman stronger than my mother and I am grateful to have had such an inspiring example in my life.
I have a little dog, so if that is annoying to you, I am not your girl. Compassion towards animals is necessary for me. I am obsessed with comic book movies...(I grew up with boys!) I try not to take myself too serious and laugh every day. I am adaptable, honest, and transparent. I do not hold grudges and enjoy myself wherever I am. I am a good communicator and appreciate people who are straight forward and honest. Being direct is a great quality. I am not looking to get lost in someone else identity, nor they get lost in mine. I understand that people have hobbies, friends, families, priorities, jobs, ect and I can be supportive of all of it.
I am looking for someone who is ready to make me one of their priorities. I would like someone who is not afraid to be affectionate and wants to hold my hand. Someone who has already done their "soul searching," and know what they want out of their life. I am very passionate and would like to be able to have that reciprocated. I want someone that is bold and not afraid to set a goal and strive to accomplish it. I am a big fan of confidence and compassion. I am encouraged by intelligence, positivity, and individualism. And, you can never go wrong with tattoos! :)
I am not a fan of angry outbursts. I am extremely respectful when it comes to other people's opinions, so if you find that you take your own issues out on others, please look else where. I do not want to be changed and I am not looking to change anyone else. I would like a genuine connection that keeps me on your mind, and you on mine.
I would love to tell you more if you are interested in hearing it. Send me an e-mail. :)

Date someone special from California, United States. Hi! I am a pretty outgoing, social, goofy person once I'm comfortable, but I can be a little shy at first until I get to know you a bit. I can also be a bit blunt, but I'm never rude. My friends and my family are so important to me and keeping those relationships strong is something I need in order to be happy. My parents have been together close to 35 years! I'm an only child, but I have a huge extended family and most of them live in SD (over 50 aunts, uncles, cousins, etc). I can find the fun in anything I'm doing - I'd consider myself a go-with-the-flow type person part of MY good time comes with the people I'm around having a good time as well.
I'll admit that I'm not the most athletic girl (I'm not that coordinated when it comes to actually playing sports), but it doesn't stop me from trying new things and having fun. I LOVE going to sporting events, watching people who actually know what they're doing and are at the top of their game. I also like to hang out with friends, hit up a happy hour after a long day at work, go out to the movies or concerts, musical theater and just enjoy all that life has to offer.
My type of guy is funny, smart, honest/trustworthy, outgoing, ambitious, family-oriented and attractive. Someone who is laid-back and can get along with everyone - cause I'm friends with everyone, all different personality types :) Not really too into the party/club scene anymore, so if that's your thing and you're at the club every weekend then we're probably not a good match. I love dive bars and chill lounges, can't stand stuck up people and places. I'm definitely not afraid to be on my own, I like being independent do my own thing sometimes I encourage my guy to do the same - hang out with the guys, have his own hobbies separate from me - it's extremely important. Oh I can't stand arrogance, rudeness, ignorance or clinginess.
Anything else you want to know? Ask!

Meet a woman from California, United States. Shy but open to new experiences. I'm curious, independent and driven. I believe life is too short not to try to live it to the fullest. These days I'm passionate about trying new things and in finding myself. I wish to find someone that shares my curiosity and passion for life. Ideally, I would like to find someone with a sense of humor and laid-back but not lazy or set in his ways about trying new things. In short, I want to find someone that is willing to experience life with me.

Date a soulmate from California, United States. I consider myself to be pretty awesome…and humble. ;-) I’m a social butterfly but have my wallflower moments. Once comfortable around people, I will never stop trying to make you laugh…even if it’s at myself (which is more common than I’d like to admit). I’m most comfortable when in jeans, flip flops, and a t-shirt…but have been known to dazzle in a dress and stilettos (which I tend to only wear when I know there will be equally tall people around). I work for a pet food company and am involved in charities, shelters, dog parks, and basically anything that helps improve the lives of our furry four-legged friends (but don’t worry…I only have 1 dog so you won’t be seeing me on an episode of animal hoarders). I don’t take life too seriously, and neither should you… but I have taken it serious enough to own my own place and put myself through college. I’m from New England, so I’m a direct person (something that scares the natives I think), but I’m also very loyal and trustworthy. San Diego has broken down my extreme passion for sports, so you won’t ruffle my feathers when it comes to sports trash talk…but I will always be a fan of my New England teams. (If you talk me to a Padres or Chargers game, I’ll root for whomever you’d like me to…unless of course they are playing the Red Sox or Pats).
I’m looking for a guy that compliments my life…not becomes my life. A guy who’s adventurous and challenges me…both physically and mentally. If your profile includes a picture that you took of yourself in front of the mirror (especially with your shirt off), then we probably won’t get along. If you don’t treat everyone with kindness and respect, regardless of their status or possible benefits to you, then we definitely won’t get alone. “You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you” I have a lot of energy and am very active, so if you can’t keep up, then we won’t match.

. Most people would describe me as a loyal, fun loving, witty, sarcastic, and energetic person. I have strong opinions but am open to other viewpoints in life and love to hear other people's perspectives. Just please have a set of views that are important. I wear my emotions on my sleeve, so most people know what Im thinking at all times. I love to travel, eat out, go see anything live, music, theatre, name it. I have been in a handful of relationships, the longest lasting six years. I have learned a ton about my strengths and weaknesses and I know what people I tend to do the best with. Im looking for someone who is kind, confident, affectionate, laid back (but not lazy), humble, patient and preferably a Christian. I enjoy going to church on sundays, (but Im not a bible thumper). If you are cocky, pretentious, argumentative, jealous or insecure we wont click. I am looking to meet the right man and the love my life...but I'm in no hurry! I am where I am and I'm happy.