Date women from United States / California / San Diego, 78 year old

Date a woman from United States. I am grateful for my health and love to keep a bright side in everyday living . I walk 2.5 miles everyday, love shopping and watching the Steelers play football.
Movies I love watching over and over again are Vacation ,My Big Fat Greek Wedding and any Steve Martin movie.
Dining out, walks on the beach,short trips and dancing are some of my favorite things to do.
I am originally from Pittsburgh , Pa and moved to San Diego in the early 70's. Met a Navy man and was married for 27 years till he recently died while playing golf.
I am looking to meet someone to go out to dinner with and maby some dancing or going to the movies . Would prefer someone in my age group, a non smoker is a must. I do have a glass of wine every day and maby a second. Love having a fun time,talking about sports , music and movies and whatever.

Meet someone special from United States. I have been married and widowed twice. There were 30 years of being single between the two marriages. So I really understand the trade-offs between being single and married. I am fine with being single, but loved being close to a man and spending more time thinking about him than about me. I like smart men and ones who are not pushovers. The right man will be free to travel, will be open to new ideas, will like to socialize and laugh. If I'm lucky, maybe he'll even like to sail or ski. I am easy going, don't care for confrontation. I love a good conversation, a good movie. Love music; classical, bluegrass, broadway. I am in good shape, just bought a new bike. My friends give me constant grief about the way I eat....unhealthily. I tell them I probably won't make it to 50. I am happy with a hamburger.
Politically I am left of center. These days with such extremism, I suspect that conservatives and I have philosophies that are too opposite for comfort. I am not religious and frankly have trouble understanding how folks can buy into mysticism.

Date a soulmate from United States. Never too old for new friendships, adventures, learning, and--yes, perhaps new love!
I believe friendship precedes "friendship first" is my motto at this stage in my life.To be in the company of an independent, WITTY, intellectually stimulating, adventurous, broad-minded, LIBERAL, big-hearted, courteous, music-loving, ROMANTIC man is my delight. I wish for my friend and I to:
~be mutually enlightened by discussions on the human condition--life, death, after-life, sexuality, politics, spirituality, theology, and whatever else sparks our interests;
~ experience comfort in physical proximity;
~ share laughs--at ourselves and the wondrous world we inhabit;
~ take time for individual hobbies, thus making "space in our togetherness" (Gibran);
~ find enjoyment and culture in film, music, art, theater, literature, photography;
~ be invigorated or soothed by the beauty of nature in its various forms or locales...WHERE ARE YOU?

Meet a woman from San Diego, United States. I am the eternal optimist. I sincerely believe that I am in charge of my happiness. I used to think I was a middle-of-the-road Democrat. Now I think I am a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. Where does that leave me?
It is important to me that I stay physically active. Since my will power is marginal, I joined an active club and try to do most of their activities. I'd like to meet a man who can join me in one of my activities, a man who loves life, is intelligent and has a good sense of humor.
I've been to 34 foreign countries and am always interested in how other people live and think. I discovered in the Foreign Service that there are lots of other value systems that are reasonable. We do not own morality.

Date someone special from San Diego, United States. My life has been interesting and never dull. I lived in many places; mostly big cities that offered variety and intrigue and much to learn. I regret very little. It would be great to meet someone who is nonjudgemental, civilized, has a sense of humor and is not confused by an independent soul (me)l.
I would like to make a friend of a man who is sure of himself and intelligent -- a person who doesn't need to impress me and is not looking for a caretaker . It would be nice if he apreciated dogs and their place as I am fond of my canine companion..