Date a soulmate from California, United States. Do I know exactly what I'm looking for in a woman, no. The last woman I fell in love with I wasn't looking for, she just hit me blindsided. I can try and be exact as to my choice this time around, but I don't think I would stick to my preferences to a tee as all women have a certain beauty about them. I guess the number one thing what I do like in a woman is long, beautiful, silky hair down to her waist or even longer. I think this is so gorgeous, sexy and elegant. Lately I've had a thing for redheads, but also for Asians. So like I said all women have a certain beauty to them. I would like a woman who loves to laugh. Who is not the jealous type, this is just a waste of energy. I wouldn't mind if she is a little taller than me, but not over 6'. Someone who enjoys kids, although mine are almost all on their own. In the meantime if you have any questions you would like to know, just ask.