Date a man from Pearblossom, United States. Here I am doing what I love in all my pictures. I love adventure and a good challenge visiting new and exciting places. Exploring should be my middle name. I can' t get enough. I can't wait to turn the next corner on a hike just to see what's around the bend then the next and the next. I love nature and the beauty in all that is natural. Although most of my pictures would indicate that I partake in some very manley adventures and that I may be a little rough around the edges. I have a definite appreciation for the finner things as well. I have been in business for 23 years and am surviving nicely given the state of our economy. I am always entertaining new business adventures as well. I currently have two avenues I would like to explore in addition to my main business. I went to a trade school named GIA and could answer all your questions about Diamonds. My current business has nothing to do with diamonds. I personally couldn't care less about them now. I got into the jewelry business because It is one of the best ways to display your ability to create a work of art and Is the ultimate display of workmanship. I have all the tools and maybe some day it will make a good Hobie. I am very concerned about what is taking place in our economy and am worried about the future of our kids. I read way to much about economics. I am spiritual and believe there is a greater power than ourselves but not ready to give it a name. Therefor I'm not religious. I love dreaming up things and then building them.