Date someone special from Half Moon Bay, United States. I am dedicated to my children first and foremost. I am affectionate, caring, try to be thoughtful and attentive to a women's needs. I want to meet a woman who is mature emotionally and willing to take a chance with my set of circumstances. I also like to have fun in every sense of the word.
Meet a man from Half Moon Bay, United States. I am honest, truthful, loyal and friendly,
I love to give/receive the simple “hello” or smile from complete strangers.
I like to do things to help others. . Being selfless does have its rewards. I get a “buzz” out of helping others and that is a feeling which can’t be replicated.
I believe in being responsible and accountable for my actions. What legacy do you want to leave?
I like to laugh so hard that I am clawing for breath and my gut aches
I think tolerance is under-rated and under-utilized.
I am clean, neat and organized. I like a clean house.
I like to try to engineer my way through to a solution. I will try to fix things on my own or conduct the appropriate research to enable myself to come to the proper solution. I will make mistakes. But I hope that I will always learn from these mistakes and hope to not repeat them. I am not too stubborn to acknowledge when I have made a mistake nor am I too arrogant to believe that I won’t make one.
- I like to cook and I am getting better at it
- I love running in the thick, moist fog and coming home dripping wet from a combination of the atmosphere and sweat
- I like candles
- I love intelligence in a woman
- I like to share
- I love long hair
- I enjoy riding my bike down the hill with my surfboard under my arm to my favorite surf break. I have become so spoiled by this circumstance that I refuse to drive anymore to go chase waves.
- I love exploring the coastal hills as well as the mind, body and soul of that special someone
- I dig sandals on a woman’s tan feet
- I appreciate teamwork. All the parts coming together in harmony to achieve one unified goal.
- I like a good beer
- I enjoy seeing the satisfaction on the face of my sons as they accomplish something they are proud of.
- I love when a woman will occasionally wear her hair up
- I like libraries
- I love the depth of the soulful moan of the cello
- I appreciate nature and the inspiration derived from her
- I dig watching the pelicans glide over the updrafts created by the pitching curl as well as the dolphins surfing the surging swell
- I value intelligence and education
- I am fascinated by history
- I like sunflowers
- I am passionate about art
- I appreciate all animals but especially dogs and cats.
- I like to bite a new bar of surf wax
- I like being me and I appreciate that my sons enjoy my goofiness and eccentricities
- I love the feel of a woman’s hair sweeping across my chest
- I love good friends and good friendships
- I appreciate open communication
- I will never stop climbing trees
- I dig when she invites me with a cool, breathy whisper in my ear
- I am very spiritual, there is definitely more than mortal life here on earth. Understanding this opens up a mind for possibilities
- I like the words: “Dad” or “Daddy”, yes, love, passion, please, truth, wisdom, woof, meow, offshore, peace, happy