Date women from United States / California / San Diego, 26 year old - page 4

Date a soulmate from San Diego, United States. I'm a bit of a free spirit, a bit non-traditional. I love traveling, pushing my limits, and adventure. I appreciate people that are down-to-earth, genuine, honest, independent, and open-minded. I'm a huge animal lover, I appreciate the outdoors, and trying new things. If you aren't on par with me about these things, stop reading...I ain't your girl.
Finishing up my law's been a massive part of my life, I can't really leave it out! Ready to get back out in the real world because it's sucked up most of my time energy for the last 3 years. Nothing good comes without sacrifice and some hard work, right? At least that's what I keep telling myself... ;)
Now for the serious stuff... I won't settle for less than a good, strong man. I may not always know where life is going to take me, but I know who I am, and want the same in someone I'm with. I believe that everyone should experience heartbreak. As hard as it is, it makes you appreciate and understand what a real relationship takes, what kind of a person you are, and what you want in a partner. Essentially, I need someone that has some life experiences under their belt. With all that said, I'm very affectionate and love having someone around to be sweet to...if you think this means you can pull a fast one on me, think again...I'm tougher than I look ;) Family is important to me, and if I could meet a guy half as great as my dad, I'd be lucky!

Meet a girl from San Diego, United States. Hello my name is Dianna and im 5''1'' 120lb brown eyes fair complexion petite , i am very simple girl but at the same time deep and complicated with my thought's , easy going , open mind , very loving & caring and very honest . I enjoy movies , football , walking the beach , cooking , spending quality times with my man and going to the club . I am looking a ambitious , loving &caring , fun ,attractive hard working gentle man

Date someone special from San Diego, United States. To start off, I'm very outgoing and social. I enjoy anything from getting dressed up and going out to camping and hiking to a quiet night in, cooking and drinking wine. I'm at a point in my life where I know what I want and what I enjoy.
There's a few things I'd expect from a guy, one being his career. I want somebody very ambitious and stable, who has a path and a plan. He doesn't have to have every detail mapped out or anything, just a clear focus and a goal. Other things that I'm looking for is that we share similar traits-being outgoing, active, spontaneous; and similar interests- wine, traveling, camping, fine dining. There are many different sides to an individual, these are just examples.
I have a serious case of writer's block now, so message me if you want to know any more. :)

Meet single girl from San Diego, United States. Truth is, I'm just a nice girl (most of the time haha) who's looking for some fun and companionship. I am secure and happy with myself, is meant for two! I'm always told I'm "too happy" but I think that is just the former cheerleader inside and in my profession a smile brings joy to many. I'm a fun-loving, hardworking, compassionate, California girl. I like to plan things but at the same time be spontaneous. I do have a bit of an adventurous streak like moving to Costa Rica for three years. My family (dogs included) and friends are my anchor and because of them I strive to be the best person I can be.
In my down time you can find me hanging out with my two older brothers or my legion of close friends. The Foundry in North Park is one of my favorite places to be especially on Trivia night. Love indie films and sometimes you can catch my dad and I sneaking into a matinee at the Hillcrest or Ken Cinema. I love baking and have found that cupcakes are my speciality (I'm pretty good at cooking too)! Love going on the occasional hike, trying out new restaurants, taking the dogs to the beach, BBQ's at Crown Point, lounging around the house listening to music on cold days, or being at the beach on hot summer days!

Date a soulmate from California, United States. San Diego. I've been on match before and nothing worked out before. Then I saw the commercials for stir and thought, well, finally Match is realizing that people looking for their match just might want to be surrounded by other single people looking to hang out with single people. Whether or not there is a connection, it really is about getting out there and giving something a try.
I hate going on facebook now because everyone seems to be getting engaged, married, or posting constant photo updates of their babies. Not me. I just want to meet someone to have fun with.
I like tall guys. I'm sorry shorter guys, you must hate hearing that. Why you ask? I just do. The best way to put it is that I feel dainty next to a guy who towers over me.

Meet a girl from California, United States. About Me:
I was born and raised on the east coast and with that comes spunk and sass. Sushi and wine are the way to my heart and I can find a quote to describe every mood I am in. I love to be outdoors and would consider myself pretty athletic. Currently I work for a live music venue and absolutely love my job, despite the long hours sometimes. Sarcasm and wit are two qualities I love in people and being able to laugh at yourself is a must! I have also decided to go back to school at UCSD for my certificate in personal training and exercise science. I hope within the next 10 years to own my own gym-- with the main focus being on children, I don't like that children just go home and sit down for hours in front of the tv these days....
I am incredibly outgoing and love to be on the go, but I also know when it's time to take a breather and just relax. I love to try new things, especially new foods and activities. I truly believe its important to take yourself out of your comfort zone from time to time in order to experience new things. My family and friends mean the absolute world to me and I truly believe I have an amazing life.
Working out is incredibly important to me and I would like someone to understand that and take pride in themselves as well. I am a member of a wonderful gym community and take pride in achieving new PR's. My most current accomplishments are 105lb clean and jerk, 125lb push press and 205lb deadlift. I also run marathons and half-marthons and have completed over 34 endurance races since October 2009.
I would say that I am very independent and incredibly picky. I love to have my own free time and hang with my friends, but also would like to spend a fair amount of time with someone I am interested in. I feel that I am at a perfect time in my life to share everything that I have with someone special. I have an amazing job, family, friends and feel truly blessed to be where I am at. I am also old-fashioned in the sense that I believe a man should always make the first move in a relationship. My parents raised me to have good values, hold an opinion but also know when to back down and let others take charge once in awhile.

Date someone special from California, United States. I'm a easy going person! Just looking for somebody easy going as well I don't like fights, I'm so fortunate to live in the place I live and I want to share it with somebody that appreciate it! I need my partner to be smart love adventure and highs and be humble !

Meet single girl from California, United States. I currently live in Newport Beach, CA, but will be moving to San Diego in September for grad school.
If you were to ask one of my closest friends to describe me, they might say that I am sarcastic, loyal, a great listener, and have a very high moral standard. I care deeply about other people and most of my life choices are based around living sustainably.
I enjoy someone with a great sense of humor (you must be able to make me pressure) who is kind and respectful. My perfect match MUST LOVE DOGS as I am a dog owner and lover. I'm grateful for my family and friends and even work in my family's architectural business.
I love going out with friends, but most nights would rather curl up with a cup of tea, or glass of wine, and a great movie or board game.
I have traveled to many parts of the world, but have always called Southern California home. I love the beach and the mountains and everything in between. Riding my bike on the Newport Beach boardwalk, and skiing in Mammoth are some of my favorite childhood memories.
Philanthropy is an important part of my life. Between building a giant Hello Kitty out of canned food for the Orange County Food Bank and adopting families during the holidays, charity work is a large part of my life. I hope giving back is important to you too.

Date a soulmate from United States. My headline is from a 'best of' soul music album, so while it's not exactly my personal motto, it's pretty close. I'm pretty eclectic, and sometimes a bit eccentric in my tastes and have a wide range of interests. I (can) get bored easily so when it comes to life in general, I like to keep things exciting with a healthy dose of newness sprinkled with some classics.
I'm kind of a walking contradiction. I could go from a ridiculously themed bar crawl (I REALLY like a theme and dressing up) to a mud run to a fancy-pants dinner. I like girls nights with trashy TV & cheap wine, while sometimes I need alone time with a good book, my cozy bed and some tea (total grandma style) and often I'll infiltrate my pack of rowdy dude friends and pound beer, smack talk and moderate their 2AM kitchen wrestling matches. I enjoy and will try pretty much everything (everythingtarian) and dislike very little. In fact, that list is basically comprised of olives, the Pats losing & mean people.
When it comes to a potential man-friend, I don't really have a type (though physically, I do gravitate to a scruffier, probably more west coast than east coast "look"...don't tell my quintessential New England-style fam back home) and it's hard to define what I "want" because I think chemistry really does that job. You know pretty quickly whether a spark exists or not. With that said, I dig funny, smart, active/outdoorsy fellas with a good heart and some ambition in life. I'd like someone whose down to go to random live shows (may even travel around for cool festivals), who is also cool with laying low & cooking dinner together one night, raging a bit another (& isn't afraid to dress up and be a little goofy) and can hang with, even suggest, spontaneous adventures, getaways and general shenanigans. I'd like a buddy to share my interests with like music/dancing like a foo', lovin' up on SD weather & nature with hikes, bikes and explorations, off-setting that active lifestyle with delicious food & drink, and just overall loving life. I'd also like someone with their own life who can introduce me to new things, places and people and keep me from getting bored ;) If you think you're up for the challenge, hit me up!

Meet a girl from United States. Hi Everyone!
My name is Jennifer. I am a loving person who stays true to those around me that I care about. The biggest part of my life is my family and my career. I currently manage an Amazing Wine Bar in San Diego. I have experienced the joys and challenges that comes along with opening a business and am constantly thrilled with the people I get to interact with. I just completed my degrees in Sociology and Anthropology and now applying to different Graduate programs. My dream career is to live abroad doing humanitarian work. So essentially, I work hard, study hard, drive a hell of a lot but also know how to sit down, relax and enjoy a glass of wine or beer when I can. All in all, I am very lucky to have everything and everyone in my life that I do.
As far as who I am looking for, my better half (too much upfront? I am known for saying things how it is). I would love to meet great, honest, true, educated, family orientated and open minded men. I thrive on great conversations and not the superficialities that exist in life. Also, someone who is totally laid back. I am a laid back, non-club going, music fanatic, craft beer drinking, jeans, t-shirt, sandal wearing girl and would love to meet someone who is into that. But when it comes down to it, I want someone whoРІР‚в„ўs going to be real and straight forward with me. Someone who will understand my crazy and hectic lifestyle and it will of course be reciprocated.

Date someone special from United States. I am a fun loving, self driven, intelligent woman. I think I come across as pretty outgoing... but at times I can be a little shy. I love to laugh, and have a good time. I am pretty easy going and like to go with the flow. I am decisive, yet indecisive... weird I know. I am at times a little analytical and a little bit of a perfectionist. 60% of the time, it works every time, right? And you should know, I have a love-hate relationship with Costco and Target. I love Super Mario Brothers and dearly miss my Nintendo. I am amazing at Wii bowling... real life bowling, not so much. I love my family and friends and enjoy getting together with my loved ones to have a good time and celebrate life!
The man IРІР‚в„ўm looking for is an intelligent, active, and driven guy who shares similar values with me and will compliment my lifestyle. A sense of humor, a kind heart, and a desire to be romantic are must have qualities. An amazing smile and cooking skills do not hurt!! I am truly looking for my best friend, my other half. A person I can confide in, laugh with, explore with and one whose company I truly enjoy. I believe that a person needs to be happy and comfortable with whom they are before entering into a relationship. I feel that I'm in a good place in my life, and I think that is why I'm ready, and open to meeting someone special at this time.
This may be a little short and sweet, but... if you are interested in learning more, write me!

Meet single girl from United States. What am I looking for? Im looking for someone who wants to travel and wants to experience and share new, beautiful, & mind-blowing places and things! Im interested in meeting a strong, independent, masculine, honest, loving man. I dont discriminate I have a wide variety of physical interests. Im attracted to men of every background and race what can I say. I have my act together and would love to be with a man who has his together as well. I am more interested in staying intrigued mentally, emotionally, and spiritually more then anything else. I appreciate someone who is intelligent, witty, humorous, hardworking, generous, loving, kind, a real man who is looking for a real women. Someone who wants to be nurtured but doesn't become complacent or unappreciative. A man who loves women, wants to take care of his woman and allows me to embody a woman who is truly deserving of that which I believe to be someone who is loving to a fault, nurturing, sensitive, gentle, feminine, intuitive, goofy and flighty at times, affectionate, can be spoiled and knows how to spoil her man in return. I love to live life to the fullest. Traveling and exploring new places, things, people, and the depths of myself. I realize I am very blessed in many ways. I have a wonderful family, a thriving business, a great group of friends, I have a beautiful life and am often very happy with my surroundings. I work hard but try to play as often as possible. I enjoy finding a balance. I am a dreamer and an entrepreneur of everything life has to offer. My passion is people, culture, music and travel along with many others. I am upbeat, fun, energetic, constantly growing and changing and very social. I also find time for relaxation yoga, meditation, long hot baths, a glass of wine, horrible reality tv, a long phone conversation, a walk by the beach, writing, reading a self help book. I like to understand everything and see it all. Im very openminded but a little old fashioned when it come to relationships. My best friend says I often confuse those who try to understand me but impress those who choose to love me...... Im a little bit of everything what can I say I am a Gemini.
I dont believe in the perfect person but I do believe in the perfect person for me so that is what I am currently exploring.

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