Date someone special from San Clemente, United States. I am honest, fun and known for a good sense of humor though some may call it "quirky". I like to be active, eat healthy and enjoy what life I have been blessed with.This may include travel, but sometimes it's about enjoying what we have right in front of us such as friends, neighbors and family. I have a 17 y.o. son and a 21 y.o. son and I am very proud of the young men that they are becoming.I think that I hit the jackpot with my boys and we have a lot of fun together. I praise god every day for blessing me. I am casual and enjoy simple pleasures rather than the "glam" of nightlife. I am looking for someone special to hold hands and "jump in" and enjoy life with.
Meet a woman from San Clemente, United States. I am all the preconceived ideas you have about woman, and I make no excuses, nor do i apologize. Yes, i am complicated, i lie about my age, i have more shoes than i could EVER possibly wear. I cry at movies. I am sensitive and get my feelings hurt, and sometimes i don't even know why??? I love wearing beautiful lingerie even if nobody sees it. I am silly, girly and sometimes unpredictable. I consider myself a child advocate and i walk my talk. I give money to bums on the street and don't even think twice about what they'll do with it (once it leaves my hands, it's in God's hands). I have silly habits. i read name tags and always call people by their name. I talk to strangers, and/or babies in Trader Joe's. I fly by the seat of my pants (as my father would say) and have no regrets. I sleep in your tee-shirt cuz' it smells like you. I believe you until you give me a reason not too. I love book stores on rainy days, and sometimes i am not in a hurry to do anything at all. I love laying my head on your chest until i fall asleep. I am creative, i love words and i still write letters. I can be fabulous all dressed up, or in jeans and a tee-shirt, and feel good either way. I am kind, and wear my heart on my sleeve. I believe in true love, in romance, and that love CAN conquer all. I am my own person, i live life the way i see fit for me, and expect everyone to do the same for themselves. I believe you should say what you mean, and mean what you say, you should always be kind. I believe in the Golden Rule. I will try and get away with as much as possible as long as i can (cuz that's what girls do). I am book smart, well educated, but not too street smart. My friends and loved ones are very important to me, I am a true friend. I love lemon drops, mango margaritas and a cold beer at the end of a beach day. I love movie nights, making dinner and summers at the beach. I love, love being a woman, and i love, love you being a man!!!!
I would love to meet a man who is well manicured, but not obsessed with his looks, a man who feels secure with who he is, and doesn't feel intimidated by who I am. I don't like games, truth inspires me. I love witty bantering, and there is NOTHING sexier to me than a witty man with a great sense of humor and great teeth. I love a strong man with a gentle side, who is a GREAT kisser.
I have lived a rich, well traveled life, and have worked hard to get where i am now, but there are a lot of things i didn't get to do in my past, and i want to do them now, with you. If you have the patience to teach me, i will learn (within reason).
I believe you are out there somewhere so please find me and HURRY.