Date women from United States / California / Carlsbad, 47 year old

Date a soulmate from California, United States. I think running marathons is easier than writing this! You can't really size a person up in a few paragraphs but I'll take a stab at it and if you don't get bored by the end, send a quick "hello" and we'll take it from there!
I'm a native So. Cal gal who loves sports, the outdoors and will try just about anything (legal of course!) once! I'm not one who likes to sit around reading the Sunday paper or a long book when I could be running, biking, swimming or anything which requires an exertion of energy (stop thinking like that!). My kids are older (15, 16, 20) but I'm definitely still a kid at heart who lives to laugh, explore and have fun. In my world, age is just a number and it's all about how you feel and what you do with it. In that case, I should list my age as early 30's...old enough to know better and young enough to still be able to do it!
Old fashioned values and sarcasm runs in my family and I'm afraid that I inherited both of those genes so please be a gentleman, open doors for me, don't ask me to split the bill with you and always let me win. I'm extremely affectionate, romantic and do WAY TOO much for others and have no problem with PDA when with the right person. However, I've never had a "one night stand" and never will - It cheapens the soul.
I workout 4-5 times per week and look for others who take ownership of their health as well. I've completed several marathons, half marathons and triathlons, have ridden my bike from San Francisco to San Diego three times (not all in the same day - haha!) and just recently finally conquered the Wack-A-Mole game at Dave & Busters (I consider that my biggest accomplishment to date!) SO much more to do out there in this beautiful world we live in and would love someone special to help capture and create those memories with me (before we get too old and start to forget them!). And yes, it IS possible for me to relax by the fire with a glass of wine, a board game and great conversation. You certainly don't have to be an ultra-marathoner but being active and adventurous is a MUST. Also - it's fine if you play but I have tried several times and have no interest in learning to play golf. I drive a mean golf cart though! Sorry...but just being honest!
I'm a community volunteer for several organizations and strongly believe in donating my time/energy to assist others. Church/religion plays an important role in my life and someone with my same Christian beliefs/values definitely earns bonus points!
Future goals include lots of traveling, races, adventure and finding that passionate person who is not afraid of sweat, affection, love and commitment.
Turn off's: People who hide behind keyboards (only want to text and email), ego's, cockiness, dishonest people, complainers, procrastinators, those who are rude to those who can't fight back (waiters, valet parking attendants, sales clerks, etc) and laziness!
Please do not contact me if your photos are more than two years old, if you are wearing sunglasses and a hat in all of them (what are you hiding anyway?) or if every photo is taken on a cell phone in front of a bathroom mirror. Don't people have friends who can take their picture?!
Soooo....If you are that funny, sarcastic, energetic guy with a heart of gold for helping others and a romantic dreamer that has a passion for living life to its've met your match!

Meet someone special from California, United States. I'am loking for some one to love and spend the rest of my life with, to laugh ,to hold to share all that life has to offer the good with the bad .spend time with family and friends, a partner that after along week at work we can have a weekend date for each other to catch up and take care of your own needs.

Date a woman from California, United States.'s a little about me. I am a single mom with 2 daughters. My youngest just finished her first year away at college. I exercise regularly, my passion is running, although I am not quite as committed as I used to be...just running for fun now! I have recently started practicing yoga and I am hooked. My friends tell me I am easy going and I think life should be enjoyed and lived to the fullest. I would love to meet a nice, thoughtful, reliable guy to enjoy the great area that we live in! I'm comfortable in jeans as well as getting dressed up to go out on the town. I love to cook and eat! I am constantly trying new recipes out on my family and friends.(sometimes to their dismay) I would like to meet someone who knows how to have a good time, whether it be going to the movies, a baseball game, a walk on the beach or a romantic dinner. If this sounds like you, send me an email!!!

Meet a soulmate from Carlsbad, United States. The first thing people notice about me is my smile. Life is too short to not enjoy our beautiful planet and all it has to offer. During the summer you can find me out or near the water. I bodyboard and bodysurf more now that the water is warmer. As it cools down, I like to head to the mountains to go for a long hike or camping. If it is the weekend, you can find me looking for something different to do. Last weekend I went to Comic-Con and had a blast. It would have been more fun with a date as we explored the outdoor events. In a few weeks I am heading to Laguna Beach for the Sawdust Festival to check out the local artists. Besides traveling locally I like to travel internationally. Last year I took a three week trip to Scotland and England visiting old castles, pubs and taking in the beautiful views of the Scottish Lochs. I get restless and like to get out of town every few months even if it is just for the weekend.
I have lived in San Diego all my life, but also I worked in Japan for two years. I like the Japanese culture, design and art. I hope to go back one day. My friends teased me because for years I had some Japanese mannerisms. Because I lived abroad I am sensitive and empathetic to other cultures. I do not like prejudice jokes or insensitive remarks about other cultures or religions. I am compassionate about people and like to wish we could get to understand each other better. I do not want to date someone who is not compassionate about others or makes jokes about other cultures.
I am looking for a man who shares my similar interest in music, the outdoors and keeping healthy. He should be honest and be able to have some time on the weekend to go out on a Saturday or Sunday. I am a sucker for a musician, so if you play an instrument, you will make me smile.
I am a bit shy at first, but lighten up after a little while. It does not take a drink to get me to dance or be silly, I just enjoy having fun when I am someplace I feel comfortable. I donРІР‚в„ўt like to talk about religion or politics, these are very private to me and I want someone who will have the same beliefs. I have dated someone who did not have these same beliefs and it was very stressful.
I feel like I may have gone on and on. I know you will scan this so here is a summary for you. I am an adventurous, outdoors, compassionate, fun, liberal, and spiritual but not religious San Diego local looking for someone to spend quality time with in the San Diego area. Hope you like what you see and read and good luck to you.

Date someone special from Carlsbad, United States. I never sweat the small stuff. I enjoy looking GREAT for our dates. I’m a lover and not a fighter so let’s make-up and not ever hold grudges; Surprise moments of public displays of affection have me feeling like a jubilant 17 year old so surprise me as I will surprise you! Your goofy side tickles me because I respect you and we are “partners in crime.” When in doubt, I’ll smile. Your intelligence and stimulating conversations makes you sexy and keeps me feeling wild about you! Please go off with the boys for some “man time” as I need my girl time too. Your affection goes a long way with me, I like the tactile type. I appreciate a good man.
My Likes: Music, Dogs, Spending time with family and friends, Opinion,The great outdoors, Travel, “Truthiness,” A particularly fiery-red-headed woodpecker that visits me most mornings (I recognize his songs,) Jon Stewart, Good food, Red Wine, Movies, Dancing, Reading, The Arts, New things to do, New places to explore, Photography, Banana and walnut pancakes, Bubble Baths, Checking off the items on my “bucket list” What’s on your bucket list?
Not wild about: Facial hair; Tattoos

Meet a woman from Carlsbad, United States. I have a wonderful sense of humor! I am sweet, kind-hearted, and caring. I believe in positive thinking and honesty. I am a genuine woman looking for a sincere, happy man who could be a best friend and is interested in developing a more meaningful relationship and sharing fun experiences. I enjoyed many fun times with my sons who are raised now and attending college so I am looking for a man who has time to play. Please only wink if you are a man who has integrity, morals, and believes in God. If you like to laugh, enjoy life, possibly travel, hike, and experience new places, please wink.

Date a soulmate from United States. Well, I always love a great non-superficial conversation, and funnily enough the best conversations are usually unplanned and easy.
There's a subliminal combination of personality traits that I find both attractive and endearing in a guy. These being confident and calm at the right moments, and nerdy and silly at the other right moments lol. My life is filled with simple pleasures and DIY projects , however my mind loves complex discussions and debates. Having someone in my life that really wants companionship togetherness while we accomplish big and small, fun and boring tasks in life :) Must love board games, (only the fun ones) and planning one day at a time. I do have the most wonderful 3 children that do not need a new father figure, just a new friend in our family group. Their ages are 16,14, and 10,and they are awesomely well rounded and fun to be around.
So there it is lol, just a few things that help you see beyond my profile name .

Meet someone special from United States. I am honest and sincere and am not looking to serial date. I am happy, optimistic person. I like to be outdoors, spend time with my children go camping travel and keep a positive outlook. I will try anything new and go anywhere at least once. I like to cook for friends and family and enjoy get togerther parties at home. I enjoy dining out and gardening. I am not perfect by any stretch but I do consider myself a romantic and am looking for a life partner.
IРІР‚в„ўm looking for a special someone to grow old with. someone with a job and a good sense of humor. He is responsible and love kids and animals. He is physically fit and active and want to do sports more than watch them. Most of all, he is kind, intelligent, sophisticated, successful, honest, loyal and confident.

Date a woman from United States. I just turned 57.I wanted you to at least pull me up on the search engine. Pictures are recent and everyone says I look much younger in person (everyone guesses 40-45). My best smile...iI's real and goes directly to your soul and will warm your heart. If you are a deep thinker yet really have that eternal spark of being a kid forever we may have some common ground.
I am ultimately seeking a long term relationship however at this point in my life would like to meet someone with great chemistry to just do fun things with until that special one comes along.
I would resonate best with someone more entrepreneurial than a regular 9-5 job. I am very deep, open and a spiritually aware person (not involved with any organized religion) and seek someone at or near my level of awareness. I live each moment with the greatest passion possible and treat all people with equal kindness and respect.
I am very athletic and fit, exercising daily either at the gym or out in nature such as the beach doing the stairs, roller blading, hiking, biking, sailing, and dancing, dancing,dancing. I am a classically trained ballroom dancer however if you aren't that's ok...if you want to learn-GREAT! My favorite dance is Lindy hop/swing and I have had extensive lessons in Argentinean Tango also.
I am an accomplished artist, Go to buettnerart at the usual for more on me.. I have created my own product line fashioned after my original paintings and they can be found in stores in California and Hawaii. I license my designs and product lines were created including calendars, greeting cards, magnets, photo magnet frames, folders, notebooks, photo albums prints/giclees and commissioned original paintings. My newest venue is having my designs painted as originals and I sign and number them so everyone can afford my art.
I am also helping to launch a few companies mostly in the cutting-edge, alternative health product arena that are quite amazing. One product is a spray that I used I on my knee from a torn meniscus and it got rid of all the pain and inflammation within 2 hours. It also has another application as a treatment for and all kinds of skin ailments that I have personally had experience with for getting rid of keratosis, healing burns, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and a host of other skin issues. Very exciting prospects on this.
I believe in unquestionable integrity, impeccable character, gentlemanly behavior, and tender kisses that last for hours; I practice what I preach. Educated, yet never stops learning. I am seeking a mate who is very confident, self-assured and even-tempered with a modest, self-effacing style. A warm hearted man with the capacity to give unconditionally to those dear to him. Very romantic, sensual and uninhibited. I love to be touched all the time and lavish affection on the one dearest to me and PDA's are a must.
I prefer hair so BALD is out for me. I also prefer NO facial hair both for looks and how it feels on my face so if you have any be happy to shave it should be connect. PLEASE BE between 5-10" and 6'4".
IMPORTANT-my kids are 21 and 23 and I am ONLY interested in dating someone that either does not have kids or theirs are older.
I wish everyone well finding what they are seeking in love and life.

. I have decided to change my profile - sans the meticulous fairy tale description of my perfect man (but if you are Prince Charming, please email me immediately). The truth is, none of us is perfect. We are only perfect to ourselves, but hanging out with yourself all the time gets a little boring. So why not put that elusive “match” aside and concentrate on meeting new and interesting people? And if it happens to result in something extraordinary, then YAY.
ABOUT ME: Born and raised in Chicago where I learned how to appreciate ethnic food and cultural diversity. I came to San Diego for college and have loved every minute of the outdoor opportunities. I’m pursuing my second bachelor’s in nursing school because I like helping people more than selling software from a cubicle. I have two college-aged kids ready to flee the nest and I love them to death. My dog is hilarious. I consider myself kind, intelligent, fitness-minded and fun. I have a million things on my bucket list and immensely enjoy checking them off – even if I break my leg in the process. My birth certificate apparently suggests I am 47 but I don't believe it.
ABOUT THE YOU’S I WANT TO HEAR FROM: Fit, cute, nice, funny, outgoing, sarcastic and not insistent upon watching football every single Sunday for the entire season (especially when the weather is gorgeous). You close the door when you’re in the bathroom and greet me with a hug even if you’re grumpy. If you have kids or pets, that’s great, as long as they don't bite me and we have date night so I get you all to myself occasionally. If you are an awesome single dad, I will adore you because I’ve been there and I respect you immensely. You must enjoy eating quality food and NOT have a wine rack full of Charles Shaw. You aspire to travel and try new things as time and finances allow. You are hopefully pushing 6’0” so I can wear heels at times. Your car absolutely cannot have missing hubcaps or faded paint and should not be embarrassing to valet park. You don’t always act your age and don’t expect me to either. You prefer smiling and laughing to scowling and complaining.
That is all.

. A modern day Amelia Erhart willing to accept an abundance of risk and change to accomplish my dreams and goals. I have a thirst for knowledge and diversity to pursuit my passions in life. Down to earth, small town girl, yet a true visionary of the possibilities obtainable. Writer/advisor/educator to serve mankind, life is about people helping people, success is the number of lives that you can positively change or affect. Ambitious, gregarious, creative, compassionate, honest, perfectionist, unpretentious, very family oriented. Not a shopper, or glamor girl, beauty is on the inside it cannot be purchased or applied with makeup. Have had an interesting past three years since moving to California to pursue my dream career. Best learning experience of my life, found I had an abundance of strength by having my weaknesses revealed. Successful at a very young age and have either lost it all or renunciated the rest that I did not need to survive. Like Martha Stewart started a catering business at the same time as working for Merrill Lynch for more than 20 years. Went independent and moved to CA to initiate my dream business still in the finance field but in a completely different and unchartered endeavor. Life was put on hold for three years recovering from physical challenges. Learned to appreciate life's assets, family, friends, health, love, compassion. Looking for someone to share my life and love with, experiencing life's challenges and adventures together yet at the same time encouraging me to fulfill my dreams. A self made man who is honest, intelligent, mentor, generous, trustworthy, kind, compassionate and has experienced his own hardships and can truly appreciate the meaning of life. A sense of humor, persistence and faith. Not interested in pursuing a relationship with the following: Players, partiers, gamblers, smokers, users,couch potatos, pessimists or other destructive devices. Life is too short and my time far too precious to waste on such things.

. I love life and some one that love life and living it is the right person. My greatest accomplishments are my children and their children are the best gift in life. Teaching them about life and the right way is my passion in life. I lead by example. I'm not perfect but I listen and still learn.

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