Date someone special from Willows, United States. Adventure is the spice of life. Get out there and live. I am driven to be the best at work I can be, and I contiually work hard to better myself in life. I believe in balance in life, work as hard as you play. Things that make me smile are genuine people who have character, puppies, walking the beach at sunset, and a warm hot tub on a snowy day. I love taking weekend drives to great old historic towns and checking out the historic sites, Murphy's up off HWY 49 is a great example. I recently went to the sprint car races in Placerville when the 410 horsepower cars (V-8) where on the dirt track. It was great I never seen so much dirt fly, by the end of all the racing everyone was covered with dirt, but laughing and having a good time.
Going to the wine country is nice too, Wine Song in Sept, enjoying the coast and the great people. A horseback ride as the morning sun rises over the hills, wonderful. Enough of what I love for now.
I am looking for a man who is still open to doing fun things, yet someone who knows himself very well and what he wants and where he is going. An old fashioned romance, Where you trust your partner and know the other always has your back. I need a old fashioned romance, kind of like Murphy's Romance the movie, with James Garner and Sally Field. No I don't want my life to be a movie, I just like the relationship they had in that movie. If you have honesty and integrity, and expect the same go ahead e-mail me and we will take it from there. Thanks for taking the time.