Date a soulmate from California, United States. Hello,
I'm a stable, fun, open minded, caring woman with a slightly twisted and politically incorrect sense of humor. I'm pretty hard to offend and know how to handle myself in all types of company and situations though with the same type of person it can go downhill fast.
I live in a hidden gem of the Bay Area right on the water in a town not known for its beauty. I'm not particularly trendy or hip, actually I take pride being neither. Although I do like good food and like going out I much prefer a picnic with good wine and conversation, cooking a meal at home with someone I like or rediscovering how amazing freeze dried food taste cooked over a backpacking stove in a beautiful locale. I have great friends and family that mean a lot to me and I love hanging out with my nine year old daughter, she is very funny and smart (good genes).
I'm a pretty physically active woman, mainly the usual stuff, skiing, running, tris, and so on. I'm not much of a gym goer, ok I don't go at all, it just does not hold my interest. I grew up in the mountains, still have family there and that is my prefered get away....mountains over beach any day. I truly love to be outside so will get out there in any conditions...nothing better than a good rain run. Traveling is a passion and one I would like to indulge in more but am a bit limited with my responsibilities at home. Overnights,weekend's away and one or two long trips a year are about it right now. I do have event's planned in Moab and Montana in 2012 and am hoping for a large trip in the future. I enjoy all types of music and have developed a close personal relationship with my IPod which I take everywhere (who knew that would be the electronic device I would grow to love during my divorce). I also appreciate art especially photography but have no talent myself so depend on talented friends for my fix. Oh and I probably should mention that despite my pics I wear something besides running gear...I do own a dress.
I would like to find a wonderful (to me) person to build an enduring relationship based on honesty, respect, affection and passion. I have discovered that much like my body, my heart doesn't bounce back as rapidly as it once did so I'm looking to take things slowly and start with romance, fun and see how things go from there. In other words if you are on the fast track to the alter I'm probably not your gal. The qualities I find attractive in a partner are intelligence and wit (they go hand in hand), warmth, honesty, compassion and open mindedness. I want to find a man that sees my wrinkles and flaws but still cares about me because he sees my strengths. Someone who doesn't flee when the going gets tough and realizes we are human, make mistakes, say the wrong things, and many more errors and omissions that I will probably commit again. I'm attracted to adventurer types and men who are not afraid to try something new but at the same time are settled and not in transition, the Peter Pan type was intriguing before, not so much now. Of course my partner will be physically active and love to move his body as physical activity is a big component of my life. I will probably not connect with someone that doesn't have a passion for at least one strenuous outdoor activity. At this point distance and travel is not an issue for me, I figure if we have true feelings and trust in each other I would rather be with you some of the time than with no one all of the time. Additional points if you're somewhere between the Bay Area and Tahoe as I'm up there quite a bit. One last thing...please make sure that dating a single parent is more to you than just a romantic notion. Please either be one, have dated one or at minimum put some serious thought into this.
If any of what I wrote piques your interest than please drop me a note.
Meet a woman from California, United States. It's difficult to get a true picture of someone's personality with only words, but that's how this all works.If we don't "match", maybe we can be friends?
kind to animals and children
kind to grown-ups who deserve it
like ethnic food
laugh aloud and often; at you, me, us, movies, comedians,other people, life in general
agree to fight fair (what? you believe we will never fight? now THAT is funny!)
ride a motorcycle..maybe even own one
like to cook together while sharing a bottle of great wine
good knife skills in the kitchen are a plus...but I DO have plenty of Bandaids just in case
understand that I love children even though I have none of my own
you must not have a snake or large spider as a pet...lizards, frogs, fish, and furry little creatures that run on on exercise wheels are fine..dogs and cats are great
you can't be whiny or needy..unless you are sick; then I will take the best care of your every need; when I am sick, let me lie on the couch and feel sorry for myself please
when you go out with your buddies, you can't pick up other women...yeah, sorry, but that's a deal breaker
know the difference between its and it's, and that eachother is actually TWO words
can accept that I overuse semicolons and parentheses
honest (I know, who's going to say they're not? but I'm still asking for it)
you hold your fork correctly and have decent manners
it is a red flag to me if you detest every one of your ex's...yeah, maybe someone cheated...most of us can probably relate..but deal with it and get on trying to make a better life..LET IT will smile more; we are on Match because we haven't found the right one yet, or the "right" one messed up
like public displays of affection such as holding hands/kissing
like fine dining...or picnics in the park
like having a drink at the bar (I will dress up and wear heels and make you look good with me on your arm...even if you already look good without me on it!), or you are happy mixing cocktails at home
you have friends, I have friends; we can mingle them or see them for boys' night (that's you) or girls' night (that's me); don't be jealous, these are our friends and we need to keep them in our lives
you should be willing to open doors for me, but I don't require it
you should never pull my chair out for me; it makes me nervous
you should be a sweetheart and a good catch (that's MY
If you aren't feeling it, let me know; I will hug you and wish you the best in your new search
looking for true love and a long-term commitment
big-hearted softie
fairly level headed
full of laughter
love writing
have 2 black cats...if being in the house alone with them would give you the creeps, keep looking, I'm not the girl for you
prefer pie to cake, margaritas to beer, beef to pork, and jeans to, well, almost anything else
I don't wear a lot of makeup, I love heels, hate athletic foot-wear except for exercising, and I like to shop alone...oh, happy YOU!
I burned out after22yrs in the hospital nursing biz and took a sabbatical; I am not looking to be financially supported, and have had some very rewarding experiences during my time off
stay up late
love music...but 80's classics,female vocalists and current hard rockers are favorites
love to cook..but not simply for myself
baking is awesome, and I am great at it
require that you pass the "kiss test"..THIS is non-negotiable
more introverted than extroverted...would rather host a dinner party for 6 friends than go to a party where I know no one; small talk bores me and I will make a quick exit
prefer home to a bar about 70-30
have 2 Harleys..can ride by myself but am a perfect passenger and prefer to ride with my arms around you!
sincere,empathetic,have only TRUE friends
Date someone special from California, United States. LetРІР‚в„ўs meet for coffee. Let's be real. Dating is about having fun and meeting new people and, hopefully, finding that special someone. This is why God created Starbucks.
Thus said...
I'm a sexy smart beautiful woman. Genetically a computer geek. Fiercely loyal to my family and the select few I call friends. Not afraid to stand up for what's right. The ocean is my favorite escape. Just breathing the clean air makes me feel healthy and grounded. Not really good at just lying on a beach--although I can relax with my Kindle for a while. I prefer doing things, whether snorkeling, tide pooling, or just walking along the water's edge. Looking for someone who enjoys a good conversation and likes to laugh and enjoy life. I admit that I like cuddling and walking hand in hand. I have gotten to the point in my life where I am happy to simplify my life and enjoy the small things that bring me happiness--like enjoying a cup of coffee and reading the paper on the patio on a beautiful California Sunday morning.
I am either passionate about or intrigued by (in no particular order): my family, Aerosmith, reading, computers, traveling, the SF Giants, New Orleans, Ireland, Italy, glass art, history, and Disneyland.
My son is 22 and is leaving for boot camp in October. Both of us are facing a new phase in life.
I love to meet people over a cup of tea or coffee and just get to know them. If we are enjoying each other's company, we can always go out for a walk. When we discover mutual likes and dislikes, everything else generally falls into place.
Meet a soulmate from United States. Me:
I love my life! I love my home in breezy Benicia.I love the mild spring/summers...especially when it hovers around 75...perfect! My favorite walk is down the First St. promenade. The boutiques, sidewalk cafes, fishermen, dancing palm trees, sailboats and marina, wind-surfing seagulls, and the way the water greets the pier make it my charming-everyday-luxury.I like to visit my friends at the marina and share a glass of wine with them. I like the live jazz at the Farmer's Market. I like to ride my bike to the end of the state park and back home. It’s a pleasant ride with no hills. I like my walk and talks with neighborhood girlfriends...maybe you, too!? I also enjoy zippin’ around in my convertible, when I am too lazy to walk.I love to take the top down and go for long rides and sing to my favorite songs. If I end up liking you enough, I would have you over for supper sometime…barbeque a steak or chicken, linguine and shrimp, torta rustica, fruit and cheese? Ice cream cones by the bay? I need to get out and explore, too. There are still many places in Northern California I need to see or see again. Take me with you next time you go…we can keep each other company! I like my jacuzzi bathtub a lot, especially with champagne oil. :) I have traveled and seen a good part of the United States but realize that there is always something else to see. I love to vacation. I have been to Europe, a whirlwind 4 weeks to 7 different countries.It was very long ago. Next time I would like to spend time, slow down and do one country at a time for a couple of weeks instead. RELAXING! I love my comfy home,and cooking, and going out with friends, having friends over. I wish I had a live band to whip out of my pocket everytime someone comes over. I love to watch movies on my huge screen TV.
You’re excited about life. You’re fun. You can find the joy in smaller treats. I mean that you do not have to drop a fortune every time you want to have some fun, but you are also not stingy. You are established but still focused on new goals you have made (personal or professional). You have taken what are seemingly negative events in your life and have found that there was truly a positive outcome. You totally GET the power of positive thinking. You are done having children of your own. You are an at-home movie monger but still like to go out and see the sights. You are not ultra religious but demonstrate anonymous kindnesses to others because it is the “right thing to do”. You do not waste time by complaining about people from your past. You have your own hobbies and pursuits that we do not have to share with each other all the time, but perhaps some of the time. You enjoy planned times and dates and outings but can be spontaneous, too, a pleasant equal mixture of the two.
I am not nearly as interested in who you were but more interested in who you are right now...and what you want to accomplish for your future. Plans can change, but please have some sort of idea. For example, I do not see myself moving again. I have moved so much all my life. Someone asked me, "yeah, but if you could move anywhere in the world with no obstacles to that choice...where would you live. Generically speaking, anywhere there is white sand and the bluest of water right on the water.
You would loooooove to kiss me… (and such)… as much as possible…and then some…and then some more… and you (or, rather we) are extremely great at it…!
Side note: I have a new massage table that needs some breaking in...I do your back, you do mine...?
Delete key: no picture, over age range,
want kids: "someday"or "definitely" (my son just graduated high school) the baby factory is closed...,
"currently separated" be divorced 100% please!, or you live in another state.
Deal Breakers: You smoke anything ( pretty much dislike the smell except for cherry pipe tobacco)...tattoos...
body piercings..