Date a soulmate from California, United States. I live, love, and laugh. I am friendly and gregarious. Music is very much a part of who I am. Family is key, and my Faith is not up for debate. Want to know more?? Drop me a line. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Meet someone special from California, United States. About me and who I am looking for:
I suspect I might be intimidating to some people…
I speak four languages, started my own business, and – at 5’11 – have a pretty clear view of what I want out of life, and in a partner.
IРІР‚в„ўm proud of my resume, but thatРІР‚в„ўs not all I am. Yes, IРІР‚в„ўm a strong, independent career woman, but IРІР‚в„ўm also a total romantic. I love to go out dancing, and get dressed up for my guy. I flutter at chivalry, and I like a man who makes me feel feminine and protected. If heРІР‚в„ўs tall, thatРІР‚в„ўs even better! I have a lot of high heels, and I do love to have occasion to wear them.
Being active is important to me. Hiking, Skiing, yoga, dance – I’m up for it all! I bookend most days with an early morning workout and a long evening walk. I’m fit and I’d like to meet someone who is also in good shape, but I’m not Barbie and I’m not expecting Ken.
Admittedly, I have a soft spot for blue eyes, but personality and character are the most important. IРІР‚в„ўm looking for an inquisitive man, who can challenge me intellectually, who voices his opinions and doesnРІР‚в„ўt mind if we disagree.
Respect is crucial. I’m drawn to men who have their own accomplishments, who respect themselves and others. We should each have our own successes that we can celebrate together! I attend a lot of executive functions, and I’d love to meet someone who complements me and can hold his own at these events. Let’s help each other “shine,” and grow in our romantic and professional roles.
I love kids, and I still would consider having a family of my own, but I keep my life low-drama, and donРІР‚в„ўt want to be mixed up in any messy separations. In a past relationship, my partner was so deeply mired in his own family situation that our relationship was never able to grow. I want us to be able to focus on us.
When the workday is over, I hang up my power suit and relax. My R&R takes many forms: concerts or nightclubs, or just a good conversation over coffee. IРІР‚в„ўd love to meet a fellow go-getter, whoРІР‚в„ўs eager to take a break and looking for someone to relax with.
Date a woman from California, United States. It's been fun, but I'm breaking up with Match, effective July 27, 2012...
Line dancing or Country Swing anyone? I confess, I'm addicted, so much so that I'm in dance class at least 3 nights a week. But, trust me... I can make time for you!
I'm on a mission to complete all of the stairway walks of San Francisco (29 of them!) and then move onto the stairs in Berkeley. Are you up for it?
I'm a major people lover... that's why I'm in Sales. Always curious as to what makes people tick. So, what I'm really looking for is a Man with a Plan, a Man with a world view of life, cultures, food and music. A Man that can really appreciate Art, Wine, literature and just enjoying the beautiful bay area landscape.
I love independent and foreign films, dinner parties, hiking, biking, the driving range and the batting cage and conversation. I can probably tee off longer than you can, but, my short game is really, really terrible, but, I'll let you play with me anyway :-)
On the upside, I love hanging out at the Ferry Building for the latest and greatest in foodstuff, love to travel (Canada, Mexico, France, UK, Germany, Austria, Italy so far), still trying to teach myself French, a major history buff and really try to support my friends in every way. I think I'm a very good friend, but you may have to ask them. Theater, live music, especially Karaoke (if that counts!) are high on my list of fun things to do. Professionally, I'm focused and goal oriented. I think I'm funny, but it may not be evidenced here :-) Also, like to use emoticons a little.
I'm a political junkie, always vote (absentee) and have an opinion about most things. A little of a paradox as I can be quiet and bubbly, silly and serious, sure footed and clumsy, girly and a tomboy... just not all at the same time! So... my most favorite thing to do is to laugh. How about you?
I'm just ready to spend quality time with a quality man, but I won't be very interested in you if you appear in all of your pictures in SUNGLASSES! After all, the eyes are the windows into your soul. Don't hide them.
Meet a soulmate from Santa Clara, United States. I am loving, easy going and intelligent woman. I enjoy sharing and would like to find my soul mate. I am joyful, happy, playful, and I am blessed with great genes. I enjoy every day life with passion and energy, both physically and mentally.
I would like to meet a man who is positive and affectionate, who can give as well as receive. I am in good shape and I would like him to also be in good shape.Although my first career was in professional classical music, I love the engineering work I am doing now. II love music of many kinds.. I believe that a relationship is a 2-way street and it needs maintenance, just like a garden does. With deep love and respect, everything will come naturally.
We are here to enhance each other's life and bring the best in each other. My pics are recent. I am active and I enjoy dancing and music. I enjoy traveling, especially in the tropical places.
I like dining out, going to movies and performances. I have a good sense of humor and I like a good laugh!
I feel young at heart and in my body! I love nature and animals. I just hope we meet.
Date someone special from Santa Clara, United States. Hi there!
Essentials About Me:
I am affectionate and warm. I have a loyal sunny disposition. I enjoy engaging in stimulating intelligent banter -can be cute but sarcastic at times. Laughter is important to me - i try to find hilarity in things that go wrong. I have respect for social protocol and practice it. I dress as appropriate for occasions. Oh yes I can co-host a formal or casual gathering with ease. I am even a great chef and interior decorator when I have the time. I like kids and babies. I have one of those - a successful daughter in college on the east coast. We have a great relationship. I have her back.
It has been fascinating figuring out what I want in a long term relationship since I am surrounded by a lot of varieties. I work in the tech industry alongside guys with stay-at-home wives/girlfriends. The guys have a pretty good deal going but I am not looking for that sort of thing. I don't want a stay-at-home husband/boyfriend. But I am looking for a committed long term bulletproof relationship with superman lol. Common activities would be fab.
Essentials About You:
So here goes: I am looking for a fully working, optimistic, successful, secure, respectful man who is fun, loving, loyal and supportive to a fault. Must be a NON-smoker of anything legal or illegal- this is non-negotiable. No addicted, sick or in-recovery types either. Must have a strong character, have faith in God (any religion), and be appreciative of your blessings and be open to the views of others.
Thanks for visiting my profile! Cheers.
Meet a woman from Santa Clara, United States. I am a happy, funny, loving woman. My friends describe me as a cutie! I love children and that has led me to focus on being a care taker for four beautfiul children. They love me and I love them!!
I have two wonderful grown sons who live in the area. I am blessed with seeing them very often.
I make time for many interests. I am enthusiastic about sports and enjoy one that is very different--kick boxing!!!
I am comfortable in jeans or in an evening gown. I love to go out to dance and diner but also to just go to a movie and have popcorn.
I was born in Peru but have lived in the U.S. for 6 years. Although I was educated in Economics but I wanted to come to the U.S. to be my own boss and also to have better opportunties for my sons education and professional development. A proud moment for me was becoming a U.S. citizen 3 years ago.
I am a believer in God and pray often. I do not push my beliefs on others. I am looking for a good, kind man who knows where he stands. I also want someone who is physically active and not a coach potato.
Date a soulmate from United States. I'm looking for someone kindhearted and supportive who wants a close, caring, lifelong relationship.
You plan to stay in the Silicon Valley area long term, and enjoy eating healthy and keeping fit. You like spending a lot of time together, talking about anything and everything. You are physically affectionate, like a lot of cuddling, and enjoy being playful and silly at times. :) You value good communication, and openly discuss any problems that come up. You either are or would enjoy being a homeowner, and would like working together on house related things, whether its routine home maintenance, browsing the local nursery for new plants, or planning a major kitchen remodel. And since I'm not mechanically inclined, hopefully you're good at fixing things! You enjoy hiking and other outdoor activities, as well as relaxing at home reading, watching a good DVD, or having a romantic candlelight dinner. You like animals and nature -- you appreciate the beauty of the stars in a desert night, the majesty of a 350 ft. tall redwood. Ideally you also like to cook, because I love cooking. But it's also OK if you don't, as long as you like being a guinea pig! (Don't worry, I haven't poisoned anyone yet!).
Some stuff about me: I'm a morning person, and am up at ~4-5AM every day to exercise for ~1 hr (I do cardio (Stairmaster) and weight training on alternate days). The Stairmaster workouts help me keep in shape for the tougher hikes. I love the great food from my favorite restaurants (like Zeni and Bombay Garden), but I'm pretty health conscious, so most of my meals during the week are home cooked and I like eating lots of veggies. Its typically difficult to find time to cook on the weekdays (due to work and other things), so I usually spend ~half a day on the weekend cooking my food for the week. I also love sweets (especially ice cream and pastries), but try to limit those to occasional treats. That's sometimes very difficult!
Hmm...what else? I enjoy get-togethers with friends and family, but I'm not into loud parties or noisy nightlife scenes. I like art & wine festivals and fairs (the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival is a favorite). I also enjoy browsing museums, bookstores, and local farmer's markets. I love to read when I have time, and don't spend much time watching TV. But when I do, I like watching science fiction/fantasy (I'm a big Star Trek fan), dramas (like "Gandhi"), and documentaries (particularly nature/animal related ones). I also enjoy exploring the Bay Area and California (especially the parks). I haven't explored the rest of the country much yet (loved Kauai), and would definitely like to do more. Among other things, there are many national parks that I'd like to see -- Yellowstone and Carlsbad Caverns in particular. I also like occasional international travel (the Spanish Riding School in Vienna and the castles of Ireland are on the top of my "to see" list).
My personality? IРІР‚в„ўm a very straightforward and down to earth kind of person, and very loyal to those close to me. IРІР‚в„ўm generally very practical and organized, and like to plan things, but IРІР‚в„ўm sometimes impulsive when I get interested in something. I also have a somewhat unconventional sense of humor. :) IРІР‚в„ўm very open minded in my views, and like trying new things.
I hope my best friend-to-be is out there somewhere!
Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for someone to talk with. Hopefully enjoy spending time with family and friends. Going for a walk on the beach or to a movie. Having a BBQ with family and friends. Short get aways, or long :) Someone who values life, family friends.