Date women from United States / Alabama / Fairhope, 57 year old

Date someone special from Fairhope, United States. love the beach love fishing and love going to casino's although I am not much of a gambler. i am just looking for someone to go to lunch or dinner with or to a movie or something I live by myself and absolutely love it. I don't like living in town I am just a country gir.l,

Meet a soulmate from Fairhope, United States. Looking for strong Christian who is also a funny guy, loves to laugh, play practical jokes, and enjoy the ordinary, and also is not afraid to communicate. You need to be close by so we can do "spur of the moment" things like take a walk, meet for coffee, run to Lowe's, etc. I love to laugh and am more myself when I am around the same. I am very easy-going and like to practice "God's grace". I am also a very positive person.. I enjoy the outdoors... I'm very "user-friendly" and not high-maintenance and do not have to be entertained!!!! If given the choice between diamonds and the latest and greatest power tool, I'll take the power tool. Am pretty handy around the house.. not even into gifts; you don't have to buy me love, you show me love....not into material things.... love doing projects together... I enjoy doing simple things....fine-dining is ok, but I much prefer good barbeque or a good rare I'm not saying that I can't get all "gussied-up" and look like a million bucks, but I can also be comfortable getting down in the trenches with you and digging a ditch... I am a great friend and will be your biggest fan; I'll have your back!.... I love just being together, but not "smother" being don't have to be strong all the time; it's ok for your soft underbelly to show around me... I hope you enjoy being enthusiastically greeted when you come home because I've missed you all day... I hope you enjoy finding little notes in your pockets or silly texts during the day.... I hope you enjoy the fact that I have to touch you when I'm leaving or entering a room....I hope you enjoy the fact that when I look at you across the room, it makes my heart beat fast.... I hope you enjoy that I'm playful....I love it when you call me or text me during the day, just to say you're thinking about me.... I'm not into the social scene... down-to-earth kinda gal..... not looking for a couch-potato, especially a sports couch-potato, but someone who likes to do fun things... and it doesn't have to be planned things; cleaning out a garage can be fun and hilarious; sitting in the mall eating ice cream and people-watching can be truly exhilarating!!.... going to Lowe's and checking out the latest gadgets; now that's what I call a fun time.... but the most fun time is simply doing nothing, just being together with no words necessary; that peaceful feeling between 2 people...I enjoy biking, walking, exercising, kayaking and mostly going to the pier with a quilt and my little dogs; haven't camped but think I would like that... I have traveled a good bit, but prefer the good 'ol USA...don't watch tv, well a little maybe; prefer stupid shows and stupid comedy movies... for serious tv I prefer History channel, biographies or documentaries.... looking for a young at heart kinda guy who is also athletic and tall!!!... the sexiest thing for me is an enormous sense of humor....I love grey hair and cool eyeglasses..... sexy for me is a handy-man; even if you don't know how to do something, you research it and just do it. I love music, not too much into "who sings what" but I have to have music in my life; all kinds of music, except rap. God is the most important person in my life, and with Him at the center "all is well"... if you don't feel that way, then we are not on the same page.. I disagree that relationships are 50/50; I think for a dynamic relationship to exist it must be 100/100. I truly hope you find (to steal a line from "As Good as it Gets") the one who makes you want to be a better man. AND I hope to find (again to steal a line from a movie, "Jerry Maguire") the one I can say "you had me at hello".
Would love to meet that "forever" someone, but for right now I just want that "buddy" someone to do things with on the spur of the moment...the "hey, wanna take a walk, meet for coffee, meet at the pier, take in a movie?" kinda thing.
Update: My new passion is learning to dance; would be nice to have someone to teach me!

Date a woman from Fairhope, United States. My ideal match is a man who is smart and in control of his life.Confidence and a sense of adventure are also important to me.I love to dance I love to cook and I love to exercise so it would be nice to have someone to enjoy those things with. I believe there is no such thing as a bad day. Every day is a gift from God that we can never get back. I need a man who is not afraid to love again because after all even if we have been hurt we will never experience the greatness of love again without opening our heart.Sincerity affection and a common bond physically, emotionally and spiritually is the desire of my heart. O yea I forgot to say that a sense of humor and a quick smile is so sexy. I also love my family and hope the man of my dreams feels the same way.