Date women from United States / Alabama / Clanton, 57 year old

Date a soulmate from Alabama, United States. A single professional lady who is delighted to finally be settled in a small-town environment! I've been divorced 13 years and those have been good, contentment-filled years. Now that my son is grown and on his own, I'm sometimes lonely, and would be open to friendship whether or not it leads to anything else.
My interests are myriad, but the list does not include bars or getting drunk. Music is more important to me than TV, but I do enjoy quality programming or a good movie. I'm aware of more of the world than is bounded by my sight, and I love to discuss world issues. How would YOU solve the issues of today? What are the short and long-term ramifications of today's decisions? I have my opinions, but allow you to have yours as well. My sense of humor is omni-present, sometimes dry, and has often been described by others as "quirky." I hate to chuckle alone, don't you? I do admit to a highly developed sense of the ridiculous; think about it, most things have an amusing side. I enjoy doing nearly anything -- after all, contentment is an outer expression of an inner joy. According to my friends (and some enemies!), I could be described as: interesting, funny, loyal, reasonably intelligent, curious, strong-willed and capable. Makes me sound like a cross between a cat and a Girl Scout, doesn't it? Oh yes, and I am able to admit when I am wrong. On the down side, I have to admit to being occasionally stubborn, grouchy when I don't get enough sleep, and unsympathetic to those who go through life with the back of their hand glued to their forehead, crying "Woe is me!" And I WON'T say I'm wrong if I don't think I am. I will admit that you have a point, but sometimes BOTH people are equally right (and wrong). As I expect honesty, so I give honesty; anything else is like standing on quicksand.
What am I looking for? A man, when all is said and done -- not perfect (I'm not perfect and I suspect living with someone who was would make me crazy!), but someone who honestly tries to be a good, moral human being. Boy-scout virtues are not dirty words, but something to be appreciated (you know, all the things all women say they're looking for! lol). Someone who can talk about the world in general and him/me/us in particular. A warm heart, intelligent mind, kind eyes, and a love of hand-holding...these are all very good things...
Perhaps I can sum it this way: Independent, kind, intelligent Christian animal-lover with a sense of humor seeks same. Most things are better when shared, joy is doubled and sorrow halved. I have all the time in the world for Mr. Right, but none for Mr. Right-Now. Sound interesting? Let's talk!

Meet a woman from Alabama, United States. My closest friend would describe me as fun, honest, down to earth, and compassionate. I smile when I see others helping one another. Watching children playing makes me smile. My greatest accomplishment have been my children. I am truly grateful for everything. I am passionate about family and helping others and continuing to grow and learn new things. I love meeting new people and doing new things but am perfectly happy curled up with a book or on the sofa watching a movie. I laugh at funny movies and cry when I see a sad movie. I would love to have a companion who loves to discuss things rather than argue. Having peace in my life is very important. I like people who have a good sense of humor and are easy to get along with. I dislike people who have to always be in control and take themselves too seriously. I am thoughtful, kind and generous and need that in return.