Date single man from California, United States. I am seeking my equal in life to complement each others life. A relationship should be the icing on the cake of life of two already happy people and not a means to get through it.
I am very much into horses and the ranch life. I don't expect my partner to wear overalls or drive a tractor but to enjoy the animals, the ranch life and would like to share riding and camping with me. Don't panic....camping is a fully contained trailer with living quarters and not a tent!
I enjoy plays, dancing, movies and good food. I try and keep things simple in life. I don't follow the herd or try and keep up with the Jones's. I judge my life with how happy I am with myself and not how I compare with others.
I could semi-retire but I enjoy the mental challenge of the work I do. I'll probably reconsider that later on but right now I live in a nicely balanced life. I do geek around and like to play with high-tech toys sometimes but it keeps me out of the bars.....just kidding!
My son and daughter are grown and live in the Vancouver area. I have two grand great children, a wonderful brother, and great parents. My parents raised me to be responsible but also taught me to be maybe a little too independent at times.
I enjoy cooking and can be quite creative sometimes. When I put my mind to something, it's amazing what happens! I am very handy and I put most of my ranch together myself. I learned as I went and asked a lot of questions. Yes...I have no problems asking for directions when I get lost.
I don't make quick decisions and that has saved my little hide many times. Usually problems work themselves out the more you analyze them and plan a method to attack them. I would like a partner who can think things out and not panic easily or make decisions based on emotions. I am the most emotional when it comes to children and animals suffering. I root for the under dog and cheer the down and out when those that can help themselves do and pick themselves up.
I am a volunteer disaster worker for two counties and help out with the evacuating of horses and the providing of radio communications for Ventura. I would like a partner who is understanding and supportive of my volunteer work and maybe would like to get involved also.