Date a soulmate from California, United States. It's my turn now.
Life is to short not to be enjoyed. I have been told I am sarcastic, funny, compassionate, supportive and ......loyal to a fault. I love and cherish my family and friends and am grateful they are in my life.
I am looking for someone who sees their glass as half full, someone who sees the positive in life. A sense of humor is a must! I don't mind someone who may be a little ruff around the edges, but is a Teddy bear on the inside.
I am ready to have some fun.
Meet a woman from California, United States. "The secret of love is seeking variety in your life together, and never letting routine chords dull the melody of your romance.'
"Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition."
"Life is Too Short". I believe, you must be thankful, compassionate, honest, and kind. For me, these few descriptive words are important to maintain a balance in life. Maybe growing older and becoming wiser has made me a wee bit selective. Trying to find someone who has similar expectations in life and is willing" To Take One Step at a Time" establishing an everlasting relationship, takes excellent communication skills, sharing, and patience. I could give the classic lines of...I love to walk on the beach and watch sunsets. However, when was the last time you watched the sunset? :) I am an average, content woman that lives very comfortably and thank my lucky stars everyday for being so fortunate in life! My friends describe me as a person who is kind, thoughtful and totally devoted to my family.
......and you?
Date someone special from California, United States. Not much of a social life lately as I have been too much of a workaholic. I am also recently divorced(after a long time seperated) new in the area and have much exploring to do. I enjoying talking, sitting quietly together, find much to laugh about and am so grateful for the life, family and health. Lindness and consideration for others i importan I've been blessed with. It is now time to do something special and to enjoy this phase of my life.