Date a soulmate from California, United States. Fun. Playful. Footloose and fancy free. Been there. Done that. I wanna do it again. What is it?Let's you and I talk about it. haha. Seriously.
Hmmm, well, okay, so a woman my age has to say something about her age so, I'll say I so love and prefer the French phrase for me, A Woman of a Certain Age, cause I am. I've lived and I am alive still. My life didn't end at 50, did your's? I gotta celebrate being here and alive and healthy. I did and I do.
Call me a "Woman of a Certain Age" cause that's high heels and red lipstick and tight skirts and pearls, cause I am a pearl cause pearls retain their beauty and luster forever, and, well, joie de vivre for having made it this far. If I spoke French, I'd call myself that in French (note to self, look the phrase up in French) cause I'll never, ever say I am Young at Heart. Hate that phrase. My mother is young at heart and she is genuinely old, not the American version of old. I am not. I am healthy, alive, passionate, and ready to go. As always from then to now.
Are you of a certain age, you can define that age for you? Cause if you are, then you are ideal for me.
Also, if you appreciate my complex sentences.