Date someone special from Escondido, United States. I am 63, 5'3". have blonde hair and green eyes. I have lived in California for 25 years and I love it here. I love reading, animals, enjoy music, dancing, movies and spending time with friends and family. I play a little golf. I also play on two recreational softball teams.
I am honest and sincere. I have two sons, 17 and 21 and they both live at home. II would like to meet a man to love. Looking for someone stable, honest, secure enough to laugh at himself and is good natured. I am affectionate, faithful and see the glass as half full.
I am supportive, friendly and get along with almost everyone.
Meet a soulmate from Escondido, United States. My friends tell me that I am a easy person to talk to and laugh with but they really don't know me. That's on the outside??!! (Just want to clarify, I'm not a psycho). Just like to keep people guessing. I love a good movie, going to the mountains and enjoying the sights and sounds, or going to the beach and listening to waves as they crash against the rocks. I am a romantic at heart. I am looking for someone that will share the same values and passion for life and family.
Date a woman from Escondido, United States. I have been physically separated for over a year and a half, but, really, for many years. Divorce is on the is simply logistics that it hasn't been done. I am a kind, honest, direct and outspoken person. I am unacustomed to speaking about myself publicly and find this rather intimidating, yet will share most anything about myself when I trust someone. I am quite intelligent without needing to expose it like a banner. I am generous with my time and with what I have. Witty I am not, yet I love that quality in another person. Lies I detest, no matter how it is dressed (with narrow exceptions) and respect integrity highly. I am highly empathic and sometimes wish that could be reigned in a bit, but it seems part of me. I am not interested in raunchy humor but love good natured humor and love to laugh. I am a very eclectic person, which can defy a good description. I have sophistication, but can be dorky and naive, be a spitfire but generally calm. Love to talk, yet listen hard and well. Work hard, yet love to play and relax. Highly organized but love spontenaity. Love fashion, makeup and clothes yet dont let it rule my life. Am very private, yet very social. I am a lady and would love to have a gentleman in my life. Cursing is not part of my normal language and dont appreciate it in someone else, either. Dancing is wonderful and would love to have a partner who loves it too. My crafts are important to me and could not exist without creativity. I hope you have hobbies too because I honestly would not want to be the sole source of your entertainment. I am perfectly fine by myself and enjoy the me time. I am not needy, but would love to be bonded to a great guy.
The person that I would love to have in my life is caring, sharing, fun, serious about their life and goals, loves family as much as I do, is honest and has enormous mounts of integrity. I come from a generation where the woman is well taken care of and respected, while given equal weight in the relationship. I love life and people and wish to have the same qualities in a man. I am loyal but not blind. I wish to contribute to someone's life emotionally, spiritually and intellectually as well as someone who can contribute to mine the same way. I want a best friend and someone who will make me a better person...we all can go upwards!
Meet someone special from California, United States. I am a single Spanish/Mexican American female that spends my days with my grandkids (as the nanny), but by night I love to let loose and let my feet do the talking. I would to find a companion to spend my free time with.
Date a soulmate from California, United States. I am a mother who adopt a baby at the age of 56 and he is the center of my life so if man is not in love with children , I can not be invole with him.Now what type of person are you looking for and what do you want out of the relationship.