Date a soulmate from California, United States. I am a long-time resident of the Tahoe basin... I've worked a variety of jobs ranging from
a limo driver and house cleaner, when going through school, to a teacher and sustainability
specialist in more recent years.
Trying to describe yourself to a stranger is rather difficult, and I've noticed, that when I
read men's profiles on match, it tends to make them look better, or worse, in their photos.
We are so much more than a photo. We are a personality - likes and dislikes - a friend
in some manner to a variety of people, we have our own sounds, and habits, and scents.
A posting is an introduction, though it doesn't really say much about the true essence of
the person. I will do my best to get my "self" across...
Qualities I look for in a guy include: intelligence, kindness, a great sense of humor, similar
values / desires, and, a love quality food; someone who enjoys being outside, and trying
new things.
Some of my favorite things (in no particular order) are People Magazine, Keeping up
With the Kardashians, having products triple-bagged at the grocery store (plastic,
paper, plastic, is best)...
...Just kidding!
Mountain biking, skiing, hiking/walking, traveling, museums, documentaries, great comedy, scrabble/cribbage
-hanging out with friends
-great coffee...pressed... with organic cream !
- great mountain/ocean/lake experiences
-music: lyle lovette, goo goo dolls, sublime, wallflowers, CSN, Eagles... and most reggae and funk
-reads: Eco-Structure/Natural Home/Sustainable Business online magazines
- foreign and indie flicks
- farmers markets
- Smokers
- Bible thumpers
- People who drive slow in the fast lane
- Men on match who take their picture in a bathroom... with their cell phones
- People whose lives revolve around sports teams/pro athletes
Please read the following carefully:
- Men who wink on match.... what? you have something in your eye? ...No
woman wants a man who can't verbalize =o
(almost every woman I've spoken with doesn't like this)
...stop winking.