Date someone special from Foster City, United States. Hi! I’m a vibrant, forward-thinking woman with an optimistic outlook and a smile on my face - relaxed but active, content but motivated, probably a little difficult to categorize. My working life started in Medical Software in the SF Bay area., Later, I got my Secondary Ed degree, I discovered the career that’s become my true passion – teaching. For the past 7 years, I’ve been teaching high school Biology and AP Human Geography – I love it! It keeps me young, and being around all these bright and motivated kids really keeps life in perspective. Next year I’m planning to coach Boys Varsity Track and FieldCross Country. This will be a whole new experience for me, but my own love of running will be the key to connecting successfully with these kids. As much as I love my career, balancing work with the rest of my life is a real priority for me . . . I have a close network of friends and family. My sister is like a friend, and I have friends who are like sisters. I’m in close touch with my father who lives in Southern California. I tend to stay pretty active – most of my friends are people whom I’ve met at running and hiking clubs. I usually run 8 to 10 half-marathons a year, and I’ve spent time hiking various parts of the Grand Canyon each year, occasionally a little over-ambitiously! My ideas of great vacations run from exciting trips to Paris or NYC, to Hawaii for some relaxation and Scuba Diving. I’m always open to new things – currently thinking about biking – and of course, more travel, ideally with someone special whom I'm hoping to meet here . . . You!
You're a bright and engaging fellow with a quiet self-confidence - ready to enjoy the journey to finding the right relationship, which begins with friendship and naturally grows into mutual respect, passion, love and commitment, if things click between us. You have a witty sense of humor, value health and fitness, and have an appreciation for an independent woman with a boundless sense of adventure and a real zest for life! If these things I've said sound appealing, why don't we get together ?…