Date someone special from Paramount, United States. My closest friend would call me a free spirit, a
NO nonsense kind of person, and although sensitive, I am the type to say it how it is rather than not tell you the truth (not great at sugar coating). I dislike people who are deceptive, and I especially dislike people who are thoughtless of other people or think of themselves first before others.
Things that make me smile is someone who has the same above traits. I like people who can joke about the painfully obviously ridiculous things that happen daily around us in this crazy world. I smile in admiration at those who over come great adversity.
I admire those who are funny, smart, those who have a strong will, those who do not stand for mediocrity, and those who stand up against injustice towards others (even if that could cost them).
I admire a male who is a kind of person who stands behind me (got my back? I got the rest) right or wrong in my honor, but in a moment of silence tells me I need to rethink my thoughts when I am wrong. I admire someone who admits when they too are wrong and are willing to work to be a better person.
I am proud of my Masters of Science in Special Education degree which took with my BA well over a decade of constant endurance to achieve. I can only say I have met a lot of Ph.d's that had sh_t for brains and a degree is no measurement of your true intelligence, ethics, morals, or full potential. Intelligence comes in many forms. Common sense it the most noticeable to me if you do not have that do not reply. lol
I am a very introverted thinker who contemplates things and only desires to grow intellectually and spiritually with the time I have left on this planet. I seek the same kind of person willing to be challenged and open to seeking higher levels intellectually.
I am not a huge social person. I just don't find people that interesting for long periods of time. I prefer to be alone reading, creating, or hanging out in nature (e.g.,the forest is my solice in CA the beach, parks, or working in my garden, or being creative painting or using power tools to create something from my mind at home) hanging with my two pets; Lucky, Karma is often to me more entertaining than most people I know or meet.
I love to travel. I have lived all over the US in my VW bus and I have seen much of Europe camping by myself. I have problems sitting still and I am always looking for a new adventure may be now with some one new.....
I guess I am first looking for a cool and interesting person to hang out with. All relationships for me start with being friends.