Date a soulmate from California, United States. You love what you do for a living and you're very good at it, but you also like to relax, smell the roses, breathe, appreciate. You're more of an intellectual than a jock, but you are in shape. You are funny, easy, cool. You have a great relationship with your friends and family, and are happy in your life and want a partner, just as I do. You have a positive outlook on life and treat others as you would like to be treated.
I am country over city, simple life and luxuries over materialism (but I do love a nice resort), a long walk or easy bike ride over extreme sports, warm weather over cold, good book over crowded concert (although I love a good outdoor show), classic country over pop, cats over dogs (although I do love certain dogs I have met), oak trees and open space to looming redwoods, trivial pursuit over monopoly, floating on a raft on a lake over wakeboarding (although I can drive the boat if I need to), playing liars dice at home over Vegas, children I can have good conversation with over babies, simple good food over fancy or fast, shopping local over any mall (though I'm really not a shopper), smiley faces over LOL.
I realize I am set in some ways but doing a very good job at trying new things. I'm growing and learning and working on being the best person I can be daily, as I hope we all are. What I don't think will change is: I'm not a sports fan (but I can do a sharks game once in a while), I don't talk politics or world problems (I like to help solve little problems here in our small part of the world, you have to start somewhere), and I don't at all care for asian food. I do love sushi, so don't write me off completely! And Vegas? It is SO not me but if you love it and want to try to make me love it I'll take a shot. Heck, maybe with the right guy I love everything, who knows? I'd love to travel to Europe, especially Ireland, Italy, France, all of the good countrysides...
I can offer letters of recommendation from my ex's and guys I have dated, I'm still good friends with most of them, the others I've just lost touch with. I'm sure you'd rather find out for yourself, but I thought you might like to know ahead of time that I am perfectly sane, a good person, loyal and trustworthy.
I'm looking for someone I'd still like to hold hands with when we are 85. I know sappy romantic movies aren't real, but it could happen.
Thanks for reading, if you think you're a match please send me an email. I totally get how hard it is to reach out and I appreciate it. I'd love to see a clear picture of your face without sunglasses, not because I am shallow but I can read a lot in the eyes. If you saw me see your profile it means I haven't blocked you and I am open :)
Meet a woman from California, United States. I am happy with myself, but I think life is meant for two. Its certainly more fun that way :) I am pretty low maintenance and I can be ready to go in 15 minutes AND still look good. I have never been materialistic or made demands for lavish gifts. If I enjoy someone's company, I'll usually go along with just about anything (within reaon). I'd even come work in your garden instead of my own if we're having fun together. For me, its all about finding the person who enjoys my company as much as I enjoy his. I actually do enjoy physical labor (crazy I know). I see it as getting things done and working out at the same time. I have a great sense of humor, and family and friends are very important to me. A man who only has eyes for me and can make me laugh are important qualities! Some of the basics: I enjoy travel, camping by a lake or by the ocean, gardening, coffee, cooking, wine tasting, Bill Maher, music, my dog, my bike, Zumba, and BBQ'ing or celebrating special occassions with with friends and family. I am looking for someone special to spend my time with. My approach is to just have fun meeting new people and hope to find chemistry somewhere along the way. I think everyone has something to offer even if the chemistry isnt there. That being said, it should always be fun to meet someone new. :)