Date someone special from California, United States. Now that I've passed the picture test and you decided to read on, here is a little bit about me:
I grew up in Santa Clarita, I moved to San Diego to attend college (SDSU), then moved across the country (Maryland) for graduate school. I got my masters in speech language pathology and now work at a preschool working withe the special needs population.
In my free time I coach special needs athletes. This includes both Special Olympics and another program that lets us develop sports programs for sports that Special Olympics does not offer. Sports I have coached include: swimming, floor hockey, bowling, softball, football. Additionally, I coach a brand new sport ice hockey. Yes, you read correctly, special needs ice hockey. :) It is the most amazing thing I have ever been apart of, and am so excited to see the future of this program. My friends and family are shocked when I tell them about hockey, not because of the athletes playing, but because I'm known to be a bit of a clutz (fall down stairs, trip over nothing that type of thing). I must say though, I'm getting pretty fancy on the ice!!
I like to think of myself as a funny person. I definitely do not take life too seriously. In a man, I'm looking for the same thing. My mom always told me that she married my dad because he made her laugh. They have been married for over 30 years, so I think there must be some truth to that. If you can't have fun and be silly with your partner than who can you be silly with?
I hope there was something here that interested you and hopefully talk to you soon.
Meet single girl from California, United States. “I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
? Marilyn Monroe