Date a man from United States. funny, likes jokes wants same for general fun times. likes to visit places in so cal and likes mountains. camping, but tending to use rv inliew of backpacking
likes tv but no a heavy watcher. likes foods that have some kick.
Meet single man from United States. A well-rounding life is very important: education, entertainment and family/friends.
It bothers me if I don't get to read the newspaper on a daily basis. Staying up on current events is very important to me. I also read various periodicals and search out other medium to fulfill my need for self-education.
I try to balance this with a wide variety of entertainment including movies, a little tv (love HBO), radio (love my Sirius satellite radio), live music, bookstores and pleasure reading.
I am definitely concerned about my physical well-being and try to stay in shape. I used to be a long distance runner and have been able to maintain a slender physique. I also enjoy tennis and golf. About the only sports I watch on TV these days is pro basketball, but even then, I can't sit still too long in front of the TV before I feel like I'm wasting time. I like to stay busy but enjoy that well-deserved period of rest and relaxation.
One of my great joys is to eat even the most simple home-cooked dish of the lady in my life. No need to get too fancy. Just knowing that "she" made it is special enough. I do enjoy cooking and I have some killer recipes.
I've done some traveling: Mexico, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, as well as some domestic traveling to, among other places, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona, etc. Went to NY last summer, WOW.. One of these days I'll make it to Ireland, Italy, France and Spain.
Locally, I like to go to Santa many good restaurants!! I also enjoy Old Town Pasadena and Belmont Shore for the same reason. Good bookstores are always a plus. Also, I love to go to the movies and hearing live music, especially blues, jazz and classic rock. A good lecture is always a treat!!