Date women from United States / Alabama / Lafayette, 58 year old

Date someone special from Lafayette, United States. Just moved back to the east bay after 4 fun years living in the city. Now I feel I have the best of both worlds: I can enjoy leafy Lafayette with nice warm summers and hop on BART to go to my parttime job in the city. I'm semi-retired after 30 years of corporate marketing (doing consumer research and loving it), and really enjoy my new lifestyle.
I have a relaxed, fairly positive, outlook on life, with just enough cynicism and pragmatism to keep me out of trouble. I like to be proactive in life, but I enjoy unexpected surprises along the way, too. I have two wonderful sons (ages 23 and 26) who are on their own now. I like to hike, dance, listen to music, read, go out to dinner, and engage in lively conversations with new acquaintances or old friends. I like to try new things and meet new people who are intelligent, mature but goofy, and have a sense of humor about themselves. I like spending time with people who are open-minded and accepting of others' beliefs and values, even if they don't match my own.
I'm not necessarily looking for a soul mate--I think everyone has a different idea of what that means anyway. I don't have a list of must-haves, but I know what I like when I see it. I feel like this is the time of life for exploring options.. If you agree, would love to hear from you.

Meet a woman from Lafayette, United States. Psychologically aware, spiritually-centered, intelligent, articulate, happy woman... Genuine, with an open mind and an ever-more-open heart... Strong and also tender... Intense at times, playful and mischievous at other times.
I am passionate about living with integrity, depth, generosity, and kindness.
I am inspired by these words from Dr. King: "Love is not the answer. Love is the assignment."
I know that happiness does not come from always getting more and supposedly "better" stuff.
I've been teaching teenagers for more than 30 years. Like them, mostly... Recently retired from 11 years of teaching at juvenile hall, am working part-time as a tutor and SAT-Prep teacher... Have most Fridays off, a delightful thing.
When I'm not working, I'm dancing NIA or Zumba, reading, writing, spending time with family and friends, starting a container garden at my new home, exploring new places and ideas, and interested in other adventures as well. I enjoy hiking, making music listening to music (I love to sing and am part of a women's choir), theater, museums, day trips, road trips... Sometimes I take classes to improve my Spanish or learn more about NVC... I'm a long-time member of a women's circle and have recently begun participating in the Waking Down in Mutuality community, which offers an approach to spiritual awakening, embodied consciousness, and deep interpersonal relationships.
The spiritual dimension of life is very important to me - although that's a misleading statement, since everything in life is spiritual, whether we see it that way or not. Underneath the stories, our lives are actually about growing and deepening and unfolding into who we truly are... and connecting profoundly to something greater than our individual selves. I'm best partnered with a man who shares this orientation, though our journeys may look different on the outside. There are many paths up the mountain.
I'd love to share lots of things with my partner, from the deeply serious to the playful and fun... and also I know that *what* we do together matters much less than *how* we do it. Even doing chores together can be fun, if there's sweetness and laughter, playful teasing, or singing while we work.
My youngest child has gone off to college (UCLA)... My nest is empty - and I am free to fly. Care to join me?