Date men from United States / Arkansas / Bentonville, 28 year old

Date a boy from Arkansas, United States. Well, I'm a naturally very happy person, and feel blessed every day to be here. I can't say that I came from a very traditional family, but as a result I really would like to eventually form one. For the intangibles, I'm driven, dedicated, organized, and fiercely loyal. I love the outdoors, and go hiking whenever possible. Typically though, after a long day at work, I tend to hit the gym and then simply relax and enjoy a quiet evening. I'm perfectly happy with enjoying an evening of movies, TV, and video games. I do think that I'm past the bar-hopping stage though. Kind of burned out on it after college. I do make it a point to travel to a different country every year for vacation, and now am a master at gesture-based communication with foreigners! I guess an easy summary for the above would be, I'm just a happy person who simply enjoys life, family, and friends.
Who I'm looking for... I'm very open-minded. However, I do believe that how a girl takes care of herself is indicative of her approach to a relationship. In other words, appearance is important. Not that I am looking for some fashion model of course. I'd prefer if she has her own professional career and is independent - doesn't have to be some high wage job, as I also believe that you must be happy with yourself before you can make others happy. Education and intelligence are huge pluses, because like many Asians I am a bit over-educated. But above all else, she has to be open to trying new things. Am I asking for too much? :)

Meet a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. So I've been somewhat dormant for a bit. Trying to update this profile, if anything, for the fun of it.
as of late I've taken a serious, but still "work-in-progress" to my exercise and care of overall health.
a few important distinctions I should make up front that i previously left out or that were mistakenly mislabeled or overlooked on my part, I'm not a Christian - I'm a Deist. its not a touchy subject, but it is for others. the subject is always open to a friendly discussion, but it also never has to come up.
Also, no, i dont have kids, i dont mind kids either. I realize with nearly 8 billion people in the world, the chances of people having them are fairly high.
I also spend a great deal of time reading. Really boring stuff like philosophy. Don't worry, i won't mug you with it on the first hello, but bring a Nerf helmet for the second message if you aren't scared.
now, if i haven't made you shut your computer off and/or called to have your internet cancelled out of complete boredom, here's the rest of my profile.
Old profile "about me", but still applicable:
OK, so i typically see a list of demands here - if you happen to be someone like that, i wish you luck with your shopping elsewhere because you are obviously looking for a car, or a clean toothed, strong hoove'd pack mule, and not me (because you haven't even met anyone yet...?).
any-who - I'm blunt, sarcastic, dry humored, inappropriate humored, blah blah. boring myself - but i also know how and when to behave, mind you, I'm also not a dog, though i do enjoy a good belly rub and will occasionally perform a trick if one is so desired.
im honest, this is less so out of a sense of morality (though mama didn't raise no fool...?) but more so out of a sense of i loathe wasting anyone's time, its not fair - mostly to me (kidding... mostly).
i love movies, have a bunch, play video games, cook (and it doesn't always suck, though, if i cook while feeling like a mad scientist, no telling what happens - keep an eye on the cat. not my fault if it goes missing, just means we were out of chicken and a store trip would've taken too long)
im lighthearted in most situations, and... sarcastic. maybe. but i know when to switch gears because i get it and have handled a share of situations that a smile was quite inappropriate (i did laugh at a funeral once, but don't gasp - its fine, because it wasn't mine.)
but yes... I'm looking for what i was meant to do in life, and who I'm supposed to be with while we figure that out. I'm not here to waste anyone's time. mostly not yours. mostly.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I work at the Walmart Home Office. I've been there about 5 and a half years now. When I'm not working, I'm equally interested in going out and staying in. I definitely am not the type who has to go out all the time to enjoy myself, never have been.
I play guitar, but I'm more of the type that I find a song I want to play, so I Google the chords or try to pick them out, I don't write music.
I heart YouTube and Netflix, without which I cannot subsist. I'd rather be in the company of friends, but if I'm chilling alone, I'm probably on one of these two sites.
I'm not a book person, but I read a lot of eclectic things online. I enjoy symphonic rock, rock, and pop music. Fave foods would include Italian, Mexican, and Chinese!

Meet a guy from Arkansas, United States. I'm an easy going guy. I'm a nice guy and easy to get along with. I enjoy hanging out with friends, reading, drawing, and working out. My closest friends would describe me as honest, trusting, and dependable.

Date single boy from Arkansas, United States. Looking for a nice girl to be with who has the same life opinions as myself.
I've spent the last few years of my life focusing on my career and looking to meet new people.
I love being outdoors and meeting new people.
I'd love to hear about you and what makes you passionate about life!

Meet a boy from United States. I'm a very loyal, trustworthy, respectful person that would give the shirt off my back if needed, looking for someone I can count on the way others count on me. Like anyone I have my down sides like impatience and stubbornness but I've used those to my advantage in life and the workforce. :-) I'd like someone just as content with going out as staying in cuddling and watching a movie. I'm generally a happy person, cracking jokes and making others laugh because I love to laugh!
Really enjoy weekend fishing trips or drives to where ever. I like to have a plan but can be pretty spontaneous, too.

Date a soulmate from United States. fun loving and enjoying the nature and be loved to hangout ...................i want make most out of my enjoy and enjoy.............get to know more when we share our thoughts. i want to say so much but

Meet someone special from United States. Short and sweet. I like travelling and exploring the world. Not good at money management and does not have any saving. Know to live life happily. Short and sweet. I like travelling and exploring the world. Not good at money management and does not have any saving. Know to live life happily. Short and sweet. I like travelling and exploring the world. Not good at money management and does not have any saving. Know to live life happily.Short and sweet. I like travelling and exploring the world. Not good at money management and does not have any saving. Know to live life happily.

Date a guy from United States. I am easy going but driven, always have fun and love to laugh, I enjoy traveling (been to about 20 countries), sports (especially soccer, football, and basketball), music/movies/photography, and just hanging with those I care about. I try to volunteer when possible (especially with kids and teenagers). I have my graduate degree and God has blessed me with an awesome job that I love. I am active in church (play worship in the band).
Like everyone else, I am pretty new to this but wanted to meet some new people and see who God puts in my life :-)

Meet single boy from United States. Im a very laid back person who loves playing music and having fun with my kids. Im kinda a quiet person I like to call myself a good listener. Looking for someone who is honest and caring, simple and can make me laugh.

Date a boy from Bentonville, United States. i am a sotware professional . my work is some times so hectic i can't give any proper time to any thing but for that time i need a friend that can understand me and work with me. she will be friendly with my friend. i am kind of emotional person she should take care my emotion and i will take care for her.

Meet a soulmate from Bentonville, United States. I find myself to be the life of a party. I am very shy at first, but I open the door for much joy and laughter. I find myself sitting at home a lot, but I am looking for a chance to get out more. Most of my friends moved away, or married so hanging out with them is not as often as I would like. I keep myself busy with many things though. I work full time, attend college full time. I have one son. He is the most important thing in my life and I cherish every moment I get with him. Usually a nice day at the park. I don't like for him to watch tv all the time so I am always looking for something to do with him. When I do not have him I watch movies, some video games(guitar hero), football on Sunday with the guys and playing cards. Relationships and sex are the last thing on my mind. No one ever believes me, but it's true. I would rather talk on the phone and get to know someone before thinking about meeting. I'm not that old, but I consider myself old fashioned. Truth be told its hard to write it down. What I am really looking for is someone that could be a great friend. One day maybe develop into something else. My friends say go to a bar and pick someone up. I have a strange theory on that, and not that outgoing. I believe that times are changing and online is the new place to know someone before meeting them.