Date men from United States / Arkansas / Bentonville, 50 year old

Date a soulmate from United States. Not picky on my match as long as we can get along thats all that matters. Dog gone it all I cant think of any thing else to say and they want two hundred characters that is the living berries. Will I live in Bentonville, Arkansas. I have two sons Chris Wayne 28 years old and Timothy Jason Wayne 24 years old. They both live in Fayetteville, Arkansas. I was born in Wichita, Kansas on Feb 5th 1962

Meet a man from United States. How do you describe yourself, life as many roads and challenges, Single professional father of 2 daughters, ages 12-14. Starting the 2nd half of my life, recently retired after 23 years from the Air Force Reserve, where I serve as a Major in the Intelligence career field. I love to travel, I have spent extensive time in Asia, China, Vietnam, never shy to try new adventures to keep life interesting. Enjoy the early mornings over coffee, evenings with a great bottle of wine.
We have lived in NWA since 2008 after many years spent north in Joplin MIssouri, we love the outdoors, sporting events, playing golf and rooting for your beloved razorbacks. Would be nice to meet someone who is out going, adventurious, and loves life. If you are looking to develop and meet new friends, I look forward to hearing from you.....................Bruce

Date someone special from United States. Just want to meet new people......I'm just a good 'ol boy...Great cook...pretty good & people...never miss work...listen but hate being ignored...& Love, when it's reciprocated ...sports a must see.....and loving whatever your goals are!!

Meet single man from United States. UPDATE ...UPDATE ..********** UPDATE UPDATE** UPDATE ...UPDATE ..******
I like an active life I like to make sure that if you like me you know that there are times I am GO GO GO and other times .. i am as slow as a turtle
but one thing is for sure if you write a letter, you have a 98% chance of getting a reply back, even if it is to ask what you saw that you liked or what is it you feel we had in common.....
if you wink you get a 2% .. just gives me the feeling you are just fishing not really interested
*** THE NEXT PART IS FUN ** go to the TAG if you are just looking to know what I am looking for
City Officials announced the RELEASE of the endangered animal commonly known as a "single guy" in the metropolitan area. "The single guy exhibits strange behavior in captivity," stated the head of the Catch -and -Release program. City animal control officers hope he finds a mate soon so he will stop bothering them.
What officials discovered while in captivity is that he has an inny. He is amazed every time he views a rainbow, full moon or a sunset. He is a self-sufficient man that takes care of himself. He is into a athletic lifestyle for fun and to keep in shape. He is healthy and wholesome, loves being with family and friends. He is easy to talk to and a good listener. Sometimes he breaks out into dances of joy and laughing. He does have a craving peanut butter and chocolate. OK any type ice-cream He enjoys a good conversation. Bowling and darts are part of this guy's simple pleasure.
His life is simple and he likes it that way. He strives for having balance in everyday living. Strange as it may seem he has a smile that comes from his heart. He values people and has friends that he can depend on to guide one another forwards in life when needed. He loves to be silly and banter. That means he is not breakable just fun loving and pickable.
"It's always nice for the single guy to meet a female who shares common interests" a City official said, "but he also finds it intriguing to meet someone who is in to other things as well." This single guy is willing to try anything, at least once except if it is eating live insects in the dirt. Something to think about !!
**** TAG ****
Am looking for my friend/lover/companion for life. Someone attentive but not clingy. You can laugh and be silly with me, but also step up to the plate when it's time to be serious. I need someone who is not afraid of commitment, willing to give me their heart and not hold back. You will stick with me through thick and thin and be willing to work through tough situations. Someone fun, personable, pretty and cute in the same time...has a good heart and is spiritual. I like women who take responsibility for their lives and try to balance work and play. You can enjoy going out on the town, taking walks, staying home and snuggling cuddling and spooning, going on trips, trying new things. To feel breathing on your neck when you wake or sleeping in your arms when watching a DVD at home, to poetically express words and thoughts lovely with kisses and touch and awaken the heart of another in kind, longing for the new memories ---Be willing to tell me about what's going on in your head and your heart, because I want to know. I will be willing to give back all of these things without hesitation if you are the one for me. Don't just sit there email me and let's see if the chemistry is right!

Date a soulmate from Bentonville, United States. I not the best looking guy in the world but I'm OK I guess, I like to watch Pro Wrestling, NFL my favorite team is the Pittsburg Steelers, I'm 47 yrs old, eyes blue, 226 lbs, I like Miller High Beer, Jack Daniels, I do smoke daily, Iike all kind of movies, I like going out to eat once in while, love to travel, I like women with big breast, well enough about me, ideal match, they must smoke, a social drinker, like to karoke cause I like to karoke, prefer them to know how to make homemade biscuts but not nessary, and I love to go out dancing.

Meet a man from Bentonville, United States. So, what makes me unique? If you could ask my friends they would say "Banjo (not my real name) is the most talented/creative/entertaining/interesting person I have ever met... and I would have to agree... I am very very talented, creative and imaginative... I love being curious... and I have very diverse interests... I love learning, reading, researching etc. I am a professional level musician/singer, an artist, sculptor, painter, motivational speaker, world class ventriloquist... go figure... and an award winning custom car builder... yes, I weld, design and drive really wicked cars... a designer, writer, etc... like I said I'm very talented and modest. ... I love movies ... good coffee, tea, Micro-brewed Beer, red wine, and good scotch ... I like getting dirty, I like fixing things... and I like cleaning up and going out. I think camp fires are fantastic, I love camping, I enjoy being outdoors. I like old things, old cars, old clocks, old black and white pictures... At the present I am designing and preparing to build a rustic cabin/studio for romantic weekend get-aways ... with all the comforts of home of course... I've been dreaming of this for years and now is the time... I love life and live it thoroughly... with-out neglect or omission. I am pursuing a person who wants to live a deep meaningful life with me... note the word "with"... it's a great word.
I am very lite hearted however, I have a very deep thinker/philosopher who likes to come out sometimes... I like words like soul and spiritual... I like believing in things bigger than myself... other cultures fascinate me... I love traveling want to go to Spain soon or do a euro-rail pass and hike through the UK... Italy, Rome... Greece... I want to stand in the same spot as the great artists and feel their vibe. Though the pics might suggest it I am not a hillbilly, redneck, or cowboy, though I have been all of those... I have spent the last 20 years living in Montreal, Vancouver, Chicago, New York, etc. etc... I just didnt feel like "puttin on the dog" for these shots... it just felt vain... And quite honestly I am way better in person... the most attractive thing about me is my energy/spirit... I can look you deeply in the eyes and not look away... I have a clean conscience and I live by strong values ... I also have all my teeth... well thats a lie... my brother broke my front tooth in half when I was 11... so, I have 31 and a half teeth. I clean up really good... I am 6 foot and I weigh 200 pounds big shoulders 36 inch waist without holding my breath... 34 if i hold my breath... I do have a washboard stomach... you just have to look really close... If I wear the right jeans I have a great butt however, they stopped making those jeans in 1985. (I hope you are laughing by now...) If pics are really important to you I will send you some really good ones... clothing optional... HA!
This is the area where I show you how flirtatious and sexy I can be.... hmmmm ... wellll...mmmm ahhh... Okay then. I guess I will wait to reveal these qualities in chats and face to face meetings.
So, good luck finding what you want.