Date men from United States / Arkansas / Bentonville, 53 year old

Date single man from Bentonville, United States. Well I'm a soon to be 'empty nester'. Good or bad? Will soon find out.. I do try to live a 'stress free' life but not all days can be great days. My philosophy on life, since I became a parent, has been to 'live by example' and so far so good (knock on wood). I would like to meet someone that is a conservative and who is responsible. Someone that is spiritual, kind hearted, and happy.
Just some of the things I enjoy are a fun tennis match (great work out), anything that has to do with water, spontaneous road trips, cooking (I do lots of grilling), a comfortable sporting event, hot tubbing,wine tasting, and more.......... Good luck .......

Meet someone special from Bentonville, United States. My friends would describe me as a patient, sincere, energetic, organized and hardworking person with a good sense of humor. More than once, life has blind-sided me when I least expect it and left me wondering, “Did I deserve this?” But, somehow I managed to survive and become a stronger person.I try to surround myself with positive forces. Life is too short to let negativity impact who I am.I make an earnest effort to make healthy choices, but never want to feel I have to turn down a special treat. I must admit I do have a bit of a sweet tooth. Daily excercise is a part of who I am.I plan for the future, but live in the moment and i am confident and am fine spending time alone, but I know I have too much to offer not to have a life partner to share my laughter, my love and my dreams with but i am looking for a woman who can be my best friend, respect me for who I am and feel blessed that we finally found each other! If you think that is you, I hope to see you soon cos am looking for someone to share my interest and life with. I would like companionship. Someone who is faithful and caring to see what life holds for is on the future. To make me smile and laugh and i will like us to know more about each other cos am not here for Drama..

Date a man from Bentonville, United States. Fifty-three year old, comfortable with core beliefs, less worried about what others think than just trying to do the right thing, consistently. Enjoy cooking, traveling, politics, news, and plaing the guitar. You - have charm, a sense of humor and a joie de vivre, can spell, have a sense of perspective, happy in life, always able to learn, and "In Touch" Magazine is not your primary news source.

Meet a soulmate from Bentonville, United States. An optimistic, accomplished man seeking a positive, passionate woman to share a fun trip through life together.
The woman I seek is independent, yet appreciates a strong man in her life. She loves romance and can be spontaneous in her affection towards me. She enjoys holding hands, hugs and kisses. She is comfortable in jeans and a T-shirt, but also has fun dressing up for a night on the town.
Let's begin the adventure...

Date single man from Arkansas, United States. . I am a nice guy I have a full time job and a car and a motorcycle and I am looking for you. I enjoy golfing and auto racing, acually most sports. I moved to northwest Arkansas from the St louis area about a year and ahalf ago to be closer to my oldest daughter and only Grandson(he is 4). I have another beautiful 28 year old daughter back in the St louis area. I have been single for 10 years now and have had two very long relationships in that time span and a buch of small ones. I am looking for a women that is looking for a friend and someone that wants to share life with and enjoy each other. I have been searching a long time, not sure if it's me or what. I hope you give me a shout out and we will go from there.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. My friends describing me may say that i am quiet, and non aggresive, and laid back. anyone can make a person especially if something funny has been done. my accompishments are that i made it through getting by two kids grown and out on there own still helping out from time to time but thats life. i am gratefull for being alive for some of the stunts i have done and learned from and my two kids and my grandkids. hopefully i can find a similar mate. my social life at this time is quiet i am not much of a bar hopper or going to clubs anytime i have gone i have always seen fights, not good. the kinds of things that make me laugh out loud i don't know just has to be at the moment i guess. i am looking for a soft hearted women that likes to cuddle on the couch, take walks, riding motorcycles, holding hands or each other, kissing in public just the normal things that come with a relationship. the most things in life that i am passiionate about are being able to do the things that i am able to and being passionate with the right mate.

Date a man from Arkansas, United States. Do I seek apporval, no. But I try to make myself a son that my parents would be proud of.(they have both passed) I am and try to be a man of faith. I believe that I am thought of as a good person.(no ones perfect).I like to have fun, right now my kids are my world. I'm involved with their sports and activities. I work hard to provide for them and want them to succed in life and love.
I would like to find someone who is patient,caring,loving,loves children,loves life,and can smile and have fun. Because life is to short and precious to do otherwise. I am grateful for every new day. I would hope to find someone who makes me a better person. I am looking for someone to be my best friend.
There has to be someone in this world that has faith, has values, has a fun personality, loves the outdoors,loves musuc,dancing,Doesn't have to cook I love to do that,loves the redskins(really if its the cowboys we'd have to talk about that),cries at really sad movies cause I do,if you fish thats fine you can teach me,but the deal breaker have to keep a straight face while being tickled I can't. (someone has to laugh)

Meet a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'm tall, slender and balding. but still virile. I'm not looking to get married, but if the right woman comes along I'd definitely reconsider that. I'm looking for a lady who is settled, but still wants to have a good simple time, and a good life. While I am conservative, I did grow up in the 'hippie' era and I'm unopposed to new ideas.
Mainly, I'm just looking for a female friend to do things with and spend time with. And who knows what might happen or what God in his wisdom will do?
While I'm still in good health, I awaken each day happy to be upright and breathing. I like the outdoors and the inside equally, and am not an exercise fanatic at all. Walking to my car is plenty; filling my plate for seconds is exertion, but like Jesse Duplantis said," I,m gonna die well fed and happy."
Oh, and I do like to cook. I have three sisters (only one in NWA) and they always ask me to cook. I'm especially good with a smoker or grill, but like to take recipes I've seen on TV and modify them. All three of my sisters are overweight, and they hate my skinny guts!
In all seriousness, I come from a close loving family,and though having lost Mom and Dad, and one Brother, we still remain very close. Whether you come from a family like ours or not I'd share mine and would like to share yours.
I'm beginning to rattle on, so I'll stop now.
Just one more thing. Don't let the Gomer Pyle accent fool you. I'll post a picture later.
Bye for now. See you later.

Date single man from United States. Intellectual athletic type seeks adventurous and athletically inclined female for endless hours of casual time together and/or a few minutes of unbridled enjoyment from an exciting adventure or activity. Open to almost any adventure or activity, but prefer smoke-free environments. Interested in almost any subject and willing to debate or discuss almost any issue. As a result of family living in the lowcountry of SC, I have easy access to beach houses, a lake home, farm land where the night sky will gob-smack you with the number of stars you can see, and free golf. While my food taste tend to be somewhat basic, I enjoy traveling to new places. I am seeking someone that can enjoy the mountains or the ocean, bird watching or fishing, swimming or sun bathing, walking or riding bikes, or just cuddling. I occasionally like to use big words and frequently I actually know what they mean. The dating headline was a quote from the book "How the Irish saved Civilization."

Meet someone special from United States. Well I have been here before an decided to renew my account. Let me first explain what I am looking for. I am looking for a women to be both my best friend and companion. I want to share everything with her. I am very committed to a long term relationship.
That being said I am very cautious of the women I meet. Let me explain. I am not into we exchange one e-mail back and forth and then all of a sudden we need to meet for a date. I am not wanting to date 50 women in two weeks hoping that one of them is the one. I don't understand why we can't spend some time first e-mailing our true interest back and forth and then some phone conversation and then make a decision if we are gonna meet.
I am not sure if any of this make sense to you. I will tell you this if I get lets say 5 responses and we are chatting back and forth on e-mail and decide that its time to talk over the phone, at that point I am not going to chat with the other 4 until I know that this relationship is not going to work.
I am extremely committed to one person and I don't get off talking to five at a time. I will say I move very slow and I follow my heart, if my heart says move forward I will. If it doesn't then I will move slowly and you might not like it, so lets get it out there, thats me.
The reason I am putting this out there that way is not to be rude, but to be honest. I have sent an e-mail to many women or received an e-mail and in seconds received a phone number to call them. I am a shy person at first and I have to work up to that. Also I have to know that there is a chance of a relationship before I will ever call.
You know me working this way may leave me alone for ever, or it may save me a lot of time and aggravation and yes heart ache meeting people left and right and we have nothing in common, something we would have known if we would have spent the time exchanging mail.
So in closing, because I know your all bored at this point. If you want to get to know me and see if we have a chance for a long term relationship and then some give me a shout out.
What do I like everything as long as you are a part of it, and that's the truth!!!!
P.S. If you don't have a picture posted that's fine but it will be the first thing I ask for. I want to see the person I am talking to, I have mine posted so it's only fair!
Hope you have a good day or night what ever time it is if your reading this.