Date men from United States / Arkansas / Lowell, 28 year old

Date a boy from Arkansas, United States. I moved to NWA for a job several years ago after college for a job and have been moving up through the ranks quickly.
I'd like to find someone with somewhat similar interests which can be hard to find. I'm pretty geeky, I am in the IT field as a programmer. I play a lot of video games, and watch anime.
I'm extremely shy, timid, and awkward with people at first, but once I warm up and open up I'm pretty laid back and quite sarcastic, and enjoy good debates even if they're over nothing.
Extremely curious person and enjoy learning about everything.

Meet single boy from Arkansas, United States. I'm a single dad of 2 of which I have them most of the time. I work very hard and love to spend time with my kids.
This is my second revision of my profile. I read the profiles and they all seem to melt together all basically sounding the same. I want to try and tell you something different. I'm not perfect, I have had many lessons in life and I am still learning lessons everyday. I knew from the time I was 6 that I wanted to be married and have a family, my childhood was great and my family was great all the way to college. I always knew that I would find that special one and live happily ever after. I will be glad to fill you in, I have nothing to hide.
I have gone out with a couple of women from match and the results have lead me to change this profile to help narrow the field so there is no up front misgivings.
4 Deal breakers
1.) Liars-If you feel isn't necessary to lie or you can't tell the truth then move along
2.) Pretender's- If you say things like "I Love You" or "I'd marry you tomorrow" then days later flip, move along
3.) User- If you are not independent enough to take care of yourself, move along
4.) Unavailable- If you are not completely over your last relationship, and emotional available, move along
You are probably reading this and thinking "man this guy is messed up", maybe I am. I just wanted to cut through the junk and really try to connect with someone. I am a nice guy, I don't want to hear one more time that I am too nice. If you can't accept that a guy really could be nice to you and mean it, or you want a bad boy then please for both our sakes do not contact me.
Although this sounds really heavy and negative, I am at heart a very positive person. All other aspects of my life I am blessed. I have 4 beautiful children, 2 biological and 2 adopted. I have many friends that I would call best friends. I have a great job with a great future. Lastly I have a more then great family, that without, I would not be the man I am today. The only thing I have failed at is my love life. I want that to change.
4 Deal Makers
1.) Mother- Loves kids
2.) Lover- Wants to give as much is given
3.) Partner- Wants to share all of their life with someone
4.) Self- Loves them self enough to give everything they have
I really have lot to give to the right person, if this profile doesn't offend you and you would like to get to know me, let me know.