Date men from United States / Arkansas / Bentonville, 31 year old

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am a level headed, well balanced, not easily rattled guy who loves to have a good time at all costs. I know exactly what I want in life which is what keeps me motivated. I will be a leader in times when a leader is needed but enjoy learning from every experience.
The woman I am looking for is one who can handle my ride no matter what I have in store for the evening. Knowing I always I have a plan, structured, with a goal in mind. Prepare yourself, its going to be fun.

Meet a man from Arkansas, United States. I am funny,smart, interesting, and want to have fun. I like people who want to enjoy movies, restaurants, sports, and I love the outdoors. I like someone who can be themselves around me and enjoy life.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'm a normal guy that enjoys sports and the outdoors ,hunting,4wheeling ect. Love to have fun and laugh alot . Looking for someone that shares my interest and can make me laugh .someone fun and faithful

Meet single man from Arkansas, United States. A lot of things have come together well in my life. I have a great career that has allowed me to travel to a lot of fun places. I have a great family and some great friends. I just completed running a half marathon and feel the fittest I have in my life. Things are going pretty good, but I'm still trying to find that right partner to continue on with.
For fun I enjoy biking, running, cooking on the grill, lazing about by the pool, reading, and some good old tv. I also love watching the Hogs and get season tix to football, basketball, and baseball.
I almost forgot travel. I have been to Costa Rica, Slovenia, Latvia, England, Holland, and India. I love it. Not sure where I want to go next. Any suggestions?

Date someone special from Bentonville, United States. I'm a people person. I really enjoy meeting and working with a lot of different people.
I'm a perfectionist. I pay attention to all the details, and like to be sure that everything is just right. I'm a creative thinker. I like to explore alternative solutions to problems and have an open mind about what will work best.

Meet a man from Bentonville, United States. I have a clear sense of purpose and I happily achieve. I'm committed to continuing the extraordinary life which I've been blessed with. I feel compelled to improve the lives of those important to me. I enjoy a sense of peace in my life. The only thing that scares me about marriage is losing a life-long partner and best friend after spending a lifetime together. My 4-year old daughter has an angelic personality which captivates my soul. Nothing gives me more pleasure and satisfaction than being an outstanding dad. I feel that being a great father is part of being a great man. And I believe that behind every great man is a great woman. I believe this to be true, and I know that a woman can make or break a man. So, I'm looking for a woman of impeccable character, resounding mental and emotional positivity, who lovingly and unconditionally gives of herself to improve the lives of those important to her. My ideal match would be peace-seeking, well-spoken, intelligent, well-organized, and beautiful in both mind and body.

Date a soulmate from Bentonville, United States. Something about my self.. Well I,ll tell you what if you want to get to know me. Then your just going to have to ask. There so much to talk about. I think thats the one way to find about a person is to ask them. Love to hear from you Nathan

Meet single man from Bentonville, United States. I'm just a fun loving guy looking to meet interesting people. Looking for someone who's intelligent, smart, beautiful inside and out, and who loves life. Can go out and have a good time, but also can enjoy a nice evening chillin on the couch.

Date someone special from United States. I am optimistic person who look at the positive side. I am a computer consultant who lives life to max. I always try to maintain a balance between the work and personal life.
A simple guy looking for someone to share love and affection and be with her for rest of his life. A girl whom he can trust, love and be together.

Meet a man from United States. im fun outgoing man that likes to have a good time works alot but loves to have a good time too i have two kids from prvious relationships ones with his mother he is 12 and a three year old who lives with me he is my world and so fun to be around

Date a soulmate from United States. My 2 main passions are technology and culinary arts. I'm a computer geek, but not a nerd. I currently work in IT, but aspire to make a living in food some day, some how, some way. I love to cook and entertain, and I'm always trying to improve my 'menu'. My favorite thing to do when I get out of the house is float down the mulberry river, and setup camp.
I'm a giver. Anything worth having is worth sharing, but I'm no push-over. I consider myself 'street-smart'. I've worked hard to get everything that I have, and nobody can take it from me.
I'm looking for a cerebral, and fun girl to form a partnership.. Someone to establish common goals with. I want to accomplish something great, and I've yet to define that. Maybe together we can.

Meet single man from United States. Life is short, I am an ambitious guy, goal oriented who wants to enjoy life every moment, I want happy go lucky girl who is equally excited about life and wants to make it a happy and successful life :)