Date men from United States / Arkansas / Bentonville, 59 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I, for some reason trust
I am 59 years old, live on the lake, have a cool old boat, am in the sales marketing and Product Development business. i've had more jobs than Rod McCuen and am going the have the best ten years of it now and next. I'm not wealthy, but my life is rich and I've got a good income, a boat, a house and as Mitt put' "he drives a couple of cars."
I love King Biscuit, I love white table cloth, champagne and atmosphere. I love the lake, the cats, the yard, the air we breathe. if all goes well the book will become an income and travel source, and the price of poker goes up. The deal is, all good things take time and the current moment is not to be missed either.
This guy is full of life. Inclined to laugh and live life to it's fullest. I've been divorced for seven years. My son is grown and an artisan cheese maker. He's my pride and joy. I represent two Napa wineries, two Oregon wineries, sell food items to a few mass retail markets, and I create sell spice blends and sauces. That about wraps up the "I, me, me mine" segment. wow
Maybe not, I was a chef for years and worked with landscaping in college. So, whether, porch, fireplace, lake, or traveling i enjoy them all, these are a lot of the things that I do.
As far as adventurous; in life and work. Just finished writing a book and it is truly exciting. That's another story. Should be travel related to NO, DC, and Europe. Fingers crossed.
Monday was one of the best days in my business ever and yesterday was one of the best days of my life. The National WWII Museum gift shop ordered 15 signed copies of "Nazis' Nightmare". What an honor to my Dad and the men of the CIC.
I've tried these on line things before, to no avail. The relationships I've had during 7 years of D-I-V-O-R-C-E did not span out so well. I am about done with trying to make things work with, just, not the right match. The right person for me won't have to be "working on a relationship" I'd rather be alone, or date fine nice ladies. I like all women (mostly) and have many good lady friends (later possible references lol)
Christian beliefs are very important. I am an active Episcopalian. So don't worry about any Bible thumping and "hell fire and brimstone" in my spiritual beliefs. However, I'd like a girl like grandmama said, "A nice Christian girl" Episcopal girls were always fun, successful types (back in the day).
Life is grand, company and business are mature, and solid; with opportunities to grow them both.
I would like to meet someone, that enjoyable, smiling, and just having fun in life. Maybe that develops into a mutual " I'm seeing someone," and go we go forward from there.
I'm not interested in one night stand or jumping to tie a knot. However, I do enjoy that compact universe of skin, breath, and hair.... Passion, lady, lover, best friend, would be passion nice..
Maybe she's in my travels or right here? I just still believe it. Everyone talks about honesty and being cheated on; Honesty and Honor come from the same place. There are two basic reasons not to dishonor with cheating 1) Honor, I had to learn it. 2) Love, you just wouldn't... the best one is at home.
So, if you want to hang out with an old 59 year old "platinum" dude, you might just find someone that would treat you like a lady and a queen.
Cheers to it.
Re: her; Don't know, other than fun-loving, balanced, attractive, who knows what else.

Meet single man from Arkansas, United States. At my age I'm not into playing games, looking for someone who likes a dinner, and a movie, antique shopping, weekend travel, cooking at home. My family means the world to me, love to spoil my grandbabies.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am 59 years old looking for a woman about 27 I love boating, I don't like exercise, my motto is there's more to love. I am my biggest fan. I love ME, looking for someone who wants to take care of me.

Meet a man from Arkansas, United States. I am very normal, not a stick in the mud. I enjoy life and a little adventure, yet sensible. I enjoy doing many things but I don't mind relaxing at home with a DVD and glass of wine. I have travled the USA and the world and always enjoy a trip. I am no better than any one else and no one is better than I am. I'm a patriot, very loyal, team player and blessed. I am not looking for a chat buddy or internet friend. I am a busy person and really don't care to spend too much time in front of this computer. I've been divorced for 10 years and raised my two children on my own. Both are off to the University of Arkansas at Ft. Smith. NEWS FLASH: My first grandson was born 5-12-10!! I am by no means perfect but I hope I've become a good man. I understand what is important in life. I'm not looking to change or be changed. I'm a gentleman and proud of that. I don't care for drama and stay away from those that do when I can. With my career, I deal with all sorts and that helps to keep me grounded. I'm looking for a normal relationship (what ever that means in today's world). I would hope to find the whole ball of wax. I am visual, yet complicated. I do like girly girls for the most part that doesn't mind if their hair is messed from time to time becasue the car windows are down. You need to want to have fun and enjoy life, small things with the big. A really good "monogamistic" love life with my mate would be a must! I have listed I am average build. Not sure what I should say? I am 5'9" - 155 lbs. Some think I am slender, others think I am in good shape and some think I am average. Guess it is all about perspective? Don't have a beer gut or tool shed. Thank you for taking a little time out of your life to read about me. Hope all find happiness and contentment. Life is what you make it. If interested send a hello. If I were to ever relocate it would be the Southern CA or FL areas.

Date a soulmate from United States. I have had a interesting life,33 years in the military,retired in 2008 after a wonderful career.I am looking for someone to go out and enjoy life,movies,plays outdoors and just about anything traveling.I have seen much of Europe and Asia and the middle east and my favourite place to go is the good old USA.I like to laugh,I smile a lot,I enjoy being around fun people.I try not to be moody, just live life as easy going as possible.

Meet single man from United States. I am looking for someone who is independent,but still need a little TLC on occasions.I don't ask for much but trust.I am not domineering ,and I will give you all of my attention when you want it.If you have a problem in your life I am a good listener.I enjoy life to the fullest because life is short and I beleve you should always do the things in life that count. the things in my life I enjoy are my grand children,I love them dearly.