Date men from United States / Arkansas / Lamar, 28 year old

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. Who am I? I am Manager by Occupation, a Chef by Trade, and a Poet by Passion. I am lover of music and the arts. I appreciate and thrive for great conversation. It stimulates my senses and moves my soul. I believe that communication is the foundation of all things good in ANY relationship.
I am driven, goal oriented, self motivated and consider myself to be a very logical person. I have goals in life that I want to achieve and the only thing that will stop me from, achieving them is I guess I won't be stopping until I attain them. I enjoy times with friends and family (although my true friends and family are so far away) and there is nothing better than a good laugh. I am a professional, however I am also known to be a clown.
:: DISCLAIMER::There are currently three women in my life and there always will mother, my sister, and my niece. I would die for them. They have been there for me my entire life (or theirs, in my niece's case). They are the most precious gifts that I have received while being on this earth. I consider them the Holy Trinity of my life, aside from the actually Holy Trinity...
What am I looking for? I am looking for trust, friendship, companionship, COMMUNICATION, sincerity, confidence, commitment, COMMUNICATION, love, did I mention COMMUNICATION? I am here truly in search of the one that I can share my world with and begin to discover the rest of the world with, together. Someone that will be complimentary to me and I can be the same for them.

Meet a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I am very outgoing. I like to go out all the time and socialize. I usually don't drink and don't think you should have to drink to have a good time. I like beautiful girls that are down to earth and don't let their looks get to their head. I really dislike girls that always have to be the center of attention. I love the outdoors.