Date men from United States / Arkansas / Conway, 28 year old

Date someone special from Conway, United States. i really don't know how to describe myself very well. I am going though a divorce that i hope will be over soon. I have one beautiful daughter, i enjoy hanging out with my friends, golfing, hunting and fishing, I like to go out and party on occasion. I work in sales as a rep, i think this is the only job i could handle without losing it. Any other questions and i will just have to go step by step just ask i am not ashamed of anything so just ask. one thing is for sure my little girl comes first no matter what

Meet a guy from Conway, United States. I'm a pretty laid back guy, with a one of a kind sense of humor. I enjoy sarcasm and someone that also has a great sense of humor. I love to joke around, but can be serious when I need to. I love to find the fun in everything and I'm looking for someone who also enjoy's having a good time. Love the outdoors and I'm absolutley addicted to skiing, snowboarding and wakeboarding. other than that I'm up for anything. I enjoy excitement and getting my adrenaline out. However, some days are nice to just relax.
Sincerety and honesty go along way with me as I strive to put both of these things first. My family is also a big part of my life and I'm looking for someone who has a similar love for theirs.

Date single boy from Conway, United States. Im a hardworking man that does travel alittle bit for my job. But I enjoy it. Im an easy going honest man. I want a family. I want a future with a special someone. I guess im kinda old school. Thats the best way.I want a woman I can trust. A woman that smiles when she sees me. Loves to be in my arms.

Meet a soulmate from Conway, United States. i Love to work but doesnt inter fear with my home life i say work is work an home is home. Looking for some one who likes to Go out have fun but also likes to stay at home watch a movie or just cuddle up on the couch an talk. im not much into hunting. Like to fish, camp, hike, i watch some foot ball all base ball as long as the cardinals are playing:) I have three kids that are ten, seven an six i see them at least twice a month. Wish i could see them more. I work construction an drive big truck part time on the weekends. Im not big on the cold so i have been driving more. My friends an family say im funny caring an out going. I will try almost anything once. I love to ride motor cycles:) feel free to ask any questions.

Date a boy from Conway, United States. Well here it is. Im john and I have been on this site for awhile now and have meet some really great girls here and made some good friends but so far nothing has really worked out. I am still hopeful that one will come along and will be well worth the wait though.
A little about me, I really enjoy going to concerts and music (mostly rock). Anytime I can, I like to be outside doing something like going for a run or hiking a trail. I recently started playing guitar and really enjoy it. I am always down to go out and hang out with a friend or many friends and have a beer or two. I enjoy doing alot of other things to though, going to a museum or play is fine with me or a festival of any kind. I really like to experience new things and I am one of those kinds of people that really can be spontaneous so if I have a week off and can get in my car and go somewhere then I will.
Some people say I can be picky when it comes to dating but I really don't think I am. What I look for in a girl is one that is smart and compassionate, not judgmental but open minded and I like a girl that cares about their health at least a little. I try to keep myself in decent shape and I like a girl that does the same.
So write me a hello and ask anything you want because I am not to good at this profile stuff.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. Hey everyone, I'm Chase. I've been a half member for a while now, and I've finally decided to complete my profile so that maybe I can meet a cool chick. Overall I'm pretty laid-back and easy going. One of my favorite activities is caving. Actually, I think all the pictures I posted are from various caving trips. I love being outdoors, especially in the fall. Yes, yes I am a hunter, and yes, I own a big ugly 4x4 truck :) (what can I say, I'm from arkansas) But I am more than just your average redneck. I am currently attending the Arkansas Culinary Institute at Pulaski Tech. It's pretty neat so far... I guess I could get wrapped up into this " about me" stuff for hours, but then dinner may get boring. So a few more "fun facts" about me and I'll move on: I prefer wine over beer, I like trying new cuisine, I do enjoy a good book, I like cats and dogs (and pigs), my favorite music is Folk/ Bluegrass ( I know, weird right), I'm a closet anime geek ( ha ha nerd), I have an extreme fear of wasp, bigfoot,and cold-call sales (they give me the heebie-jeebies) and if you need a good laugh you should see me dance ;) If you want to know more just message me. Who I'm Lookng for: I'm a huge believer in "the spark." so lets message a little, go on a date, and see where it goes from there. A plus would be someone with a since of humor, because in my natural environment I can be quite goofy sometimes. I'm not on here just looking to score. Finding a sincere, meaningful and lasting relationship is the goal. Maybe even a decent friend or two, if there is no "spark." I'm not really big on the physical stuff for the first few dates (no reason really other than just a personal rule for dateing) I think the physical stuff clouds judgement and I've been there, done that and it sucks. I would much rather be single than in a meaningless or one-sided relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship. Talk to you soon...

Date a guy from Arkansas, United States. I'm just lookin for a good women that will treat me right! I'm ready to start a family! I am an electrician! Pretty decent career goin I guess! I'm pretty much cool with whatever goes just want someone to enjoy it with!

Meet single boy from Arkansas, United States. Just looking to hang out with some new people in a new place. I am just beginning a career, and I would like to have some one to share my off time with and see where it goes. Never tried this before so I thought I would give it a chance.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'm a joker and a lover and a thinker. Also, I am neither a captain or a John. Please don't hold that against me.
I'm not religious or conservative, so bear that in mind.
I write a lot. I like making stories.
What appeals to me the most is a smart person, especially when those smarts lead to a wonderful sense of humor.
It's nice when a person takes care of themself physically too, for health if nothing else. Lazy people are definitely bad.

Meet a boy from Arkansas, United States. Well lets see i am a country boy so obviously im looking for a woman that is into southern men and our ways. Camping, fishing, hunting, sporting events, and going to church on sundays are a few things a woman can expect from me. I do belive relationships are a two way street so i encourage my partner to do the things that make her happy. I have two wonderfull kids who i love with all my heart and are a big part of my life so whoever im with has to know even though they dont live with me im always going to be avalible for them. I also hope that i find someone with a kid of their own so they can relate with me and i as well will be understanding of there situations. I am a opening doors, pulling out chairs, and easy on the swears kind of guy when im with a woman i was raised to be respectfull and that is one of my strengths.

Date someone special from United States. I was born and raised in Arkansas. I graduated from the University of Central Arkansas. I currently live in Conway, AR. I enjoy being outdoors, exercising, hanging out with my friends, and I like to laugh. I have a good sense of humor, down to earth, honest, and I have a big heart. I would like to meet someone who is honest, sweet, and someone who enjoys the outdoors. All in all looking for a sweet southern girl.

Meet a guy from United States. im a little quiet at first guest you can say im i'm a little shy laid back but serious when i need to be dont like to lead any one on if it's not going to work i always keep it real my ideal match is some one that like's me for me trust worthy,fun any ?'s you may have just ask