Date men from United States / Arkansas / Sheridan, 28 year old

Date a boy from United States. I'm a Navy Veteran that has done a little traveling and experianced alot of things but doesnt meen that im done learning. I have an Honorable discharge and plan to use my benifits to buy a house one day. I'm just waiting on someone that i can settle down with befor i pick a place to buy. I'm a loyal guy and believe cheating is one of the worst crims you can commit in a relationship. I believe in reminding the one you love that you do at any chance you get and how great they are. I am honest and i think it is important to be as i dont think its right to play games with someones heart. I am also a caring and and love to commuticate and think you need that for the relashionship to grow. I also believe that in life that you have to take care of yourself health wise then your kids then your spouse and then family and or friends. Kids are very important and diserve everything that they can get from there parents. Learning is very important and learning from what there parents do effects them so you only get one chance to make there life right and wonderfull. I love kids and cant wait to have some of my own one day or even be with someone that has some already is fine. I'm also a clean person and love things to be clean and organized wich is the Virgo in me. I love warm weather and being active ourside or even sitting inside for a moving or a great meal. I love romance and believe that treating a woman like she is your everything is important ie flowers and misc other things along with opening doors and doing things just out of kindness because you love them.
I'm looking for someone that wants a guy like me. Someone that is honest, loyal, and caring. Someone that has the meens to work but doesnt have to have the best job. Someone that respects the little things in life. Someone that doesnt mind going out to do things or learning new things. Someone that beleives in herself and doesnt mind complements or maybe a little constructive criticism some times. Commutication is key and if your not the kind to talk about your feeling or what your think about things then im probly not your guy. Kids is a must though, you have to eather want them or have them already. Kids are great, teaching them and them teaching you is a great life experiance and i blieve that it can make you a better person. Other then these things everything else is minor and can talk about it later.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I'm new to online sites but here it goes...I'm easy going, open minded, goofy and spontaneous. I laugh often and somehow cause others to laugh as well. I enjoy being outdoors and experiencing different cultures. I'm athletic, competitive and strong wiiled. Im independent and believe a man should be. I believe in chivalry and treating women with respect and sincerity. I believe in the golden rule. I admire women who know what they want and aren't afraid to say it. I'm country raised but I don't wear boots with everything. I'm family oriented and believe a man should be able to provide, care for, and protect his family. My type of music varies with my mood. I like to drive late at night when I'm the only one one the's has a sense of freedom for me to think. I love summer and everything that goes with it, spending time on the river, riding my motorcycle,four wheeler riding and going to barbecues. I love fall and it's chill, color of the leaves, excitement of football and it's sense of change. I work as a railroad conductor so my job demands an irregular schedule. I'm on call 24/7. I enjoy what I do. I enjoy hunting, fishing, dirt roads and starry moonlit nights. Sunset is my favorite part of the day. I also enjoy a night on the town on occasion or the movies. So there is a little about me to start with. I would like to meet somone to share the rest of my days with but we can start with a My match would to be independent, caring,fun,and be outgoing.

Date a guy from United States. I'm blonde hair,blue eyed, with a big sense of humor...i'm six foot tall...maybe just a little over. I'm from Sheridan, Arkansas, and my name is Brett. =) I can be very sarcastic some of the time!!! =)