Date men from United States / Arkansas / Monticello, 28 year old

Date a boy from Monticello, United States. i just want to meet someone who is fun to be around and maybe start a life together.and have a family , if you want to know more about me you can email me on here .

i would like to find some one who knows wt the want in life and has a dream , and i don't like cheating so why be fake just be real

Meet a soulmate from Monticello, United States. Brown skin, weigh bout 170, Handsome, 5"9. I like a nice looking women who can make me laugh but have some sense. She have to like watching football an basketball. Like to try new things, like to take vacation, well grounded, a strong minded woman who can stand up for herself bcuz if you don't stand for nothing you fall for anything.