Date men from United States / Arkansas / Bentonville, 57 year old

Date a man from Bentonville, United States. Hi Lady's!
I am a fun outgoing individual that has been told many times by younger people that I do not act my age. I love the outdoors, motorcycles, shooting sports, nascar, going to live events such as ball games and concerts. I am not one of those annual hunters although I would like to go wild boar hunting. I used to fish a lot but have not wet a hook in several years. I am ready to start again! I am spontaneous, impulsive and just like to take a turn just because I haven't been there before. I like country style living as well as city life. Country next to a city is ideal! I like to banter and tease, all in fun and yes I can take it back! I am the type that never meets a stranger and have no problems with conversations with CEO's or anybody else. I clean up nice but prefer the blue jeans. I am an animal lover; I have a dog and a cat. I usually have bigger dogs also, just no room for them where I am at the moment. I have also been around horses, owned a couple, built the barns myself. There is hardly anything I won't tackle or try to repair. I enjoy the challenge. The only challenge I can't/won't handle is skydiving! No ma'am, I am not jumping out of a perfectly good plane! I have been a pilot; don't fly anymore, so I see no reason to jump out of an airplane unless it is going down! Lol Wouldn't you like to have somebody that sent you a text in the middle of the day, just to say I love you and thinking about you? How about flowers delivered just for the love in it. I like to be romantic!
That covers a lot but I am sure there is plenty more. I might add that I am a romantic, like to hold hands, PDA when appropriate. I like treating my lady like she is riding on a satin pillow. Oh, btw, I still like to open doors and pull out chairs and treat women with respect. I am clean, no drugs, drink occasionally on a weekend or when going out. My one downside is that I am currently a smoker. I put it that way because I am trying to quit but living by myself I sometimes think, what the hell! So it would be very nice if you could give me the support and motive I need to kick the habit. Also, I work for a company that I can possibly transfer with. Most likely Tulsa and surrounding areas.
Kids - I have one daughter who is 22 and has her BSN. I like kids and really enjoyed going and participating in her school sports. She played them all for awhile! I would consider myself a good father and I think she would agree!
Give me a shout, I would love to hear from you!
I understand internet safety and shyness, but if you don't have pictures posted, please pass me by!
Also, I will be updating my pictures soon, but all of them are within the last year. Last but not least, I am honest to the bone and have NEVER had an extramarital affair. I have been told that I am brutally honest and open. NO GAMES! And on that note, no, I am not looking for a one night stand, I prefer a long term, one on one relationship. I am not a playa!

Meet someone special from Bentonville, United States. I am looking so forward, to finding the right match, to spend the best passionate and adventurous “Golden Years” together, two Intellectual loving couples could possibly have! Rome wasn’t built in a day, but I would so ultimately promise, to lay some quality bricks along the way, to build the best relationship that could be found between two couples looking to develop a solid relationship! I think I am a very nice catch for a lady, once you get to know me and find out about me! Looking to meet a nice lady that has a good personality and one that is on my equal, with similar interests. Any differences we may have, they’d be overcome, knowing how we would be feeling about each other, if you know what I mean?!. I’m not hard to please, but one thing I do ask, is my lady friend, she MUST Love to Kiss, Love PDA and give and receive affection, of course, in good taste?! ...! I am looking for a romantic interest that is Mentally, Physically, Emotionally, & Financially Stable...I am really looking forward to meeting a wonderful lady here, to get off the dating sites, and to have much fun and excitement, never reached yet, as we grow towards our, “Golden Years”…!:-) All you have to do, is say “hello”?!

Date single man from Bentonville, United States. A Renaissance man in that I have many interests ranging from sports, theater, music, dancing, food, and even woodworking. I am a college graduate and currently work in the computer field. I have been trained as a chef, ballroom dancer, and have many other skills. I at home in the woods or attending a formal social event. I love being around folks but enjoy my quiet times as well. I am not the flashy grab attention guy and as such tend to be overlooked. But I am the guy that will be there when the chips are down and am considered a great catch. I seek a lady who is independent enough to be able to stand on her own feet but wants me to be a part of her life. I want a partner not a slave because I believe in respect and equality. I also am old fashion enough to want to open doors and treat her as a lady should be treated. I am not a toad as I do not play games and do not wish them played on me.

Meet a soulmate from Bentonville, United States. Hi, I can cook ,cleane, dance sing carry on a great conversation I am easy to get along with like to laugh and have good times lets get to know each other !!!!!!Let's gat together and we can find out the reast please thanks ..........

Date a man from Arkansas, United States. Someone who want's to have fun and enjoy the time we would have together. Someone who can laugh at themself and enjoy the moment. Someone who feels that being honest and trustworthy is important to how they live their life.
I enjoy traveling and enjoying the culture and food of the area.
I like spending time learning about people and the things that our important to them.
I'd like to find someone who is willing to build a relationship and have fun doing it.
My job makes great demands on my time and include's time traveling domestically and internationally. So when I'm not working I like to have fun.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I love my life and everything about it. My work is very rewarding and I absolutely love my job. I travel a lot for work and I get the opportunity to meet a lot of people. One of the best ways to enrich ourselves as individuals is to learn from the perspective of others. This is a great pleasure for me. I enjoy good conversation and learning what those around me have to teach. I believe our paths cross for a reason, I am confident, driven, and always a gentleman. Financially and professionally I am fortunate to have that part of my life in control. I am passionate and believe in being romantic. I have a sarcastic but a witty sense of humor. I am a positive and happy person and I choose to live my life that way each and every day. I get pleasure in letting that special person know what she means to me by doing the little things often. You know what that means.
I am looking for a woman who is confident about herself and has her own opinions but isn't argumentative. At most, a lively debate if we disagree on something is all I am looking for right now. I like someone who is "worldly" because of the places you've been, the things you've done, and the experiences and memories that have shaped who you are. If you are not worldly according to those three criteria then I want you to want to travel, to experience profound memories from the people you meet, and do amazing things,Someone who wants to have an open, honest and understanding relationship. My partner doesn't play head games , understanding, passionate, and a good listener. You'll never know what may occur unless you take the first step. What's your Bucket List?

Date single man from Arkansas, United States. I am recently divorced and I am looking for a friend first. I love the outdoors and like to work on my house. I live on a lake and spend a lot of time on the water in the summer. I like to go out to dinners and movies but also like to entertain at home. I am looking for someone to enjoy time with and be close friends and maybe more when we get to know each other. I am a very active person but also like to stay at home and fix dinner drink wine and watch a movie.

Meet a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. looking for someone who wants to go places and do things that will add a little excitement to every day life, I like it all from camping to Cancun or just setting by the fire looking at stars. Life is best when you live it outdoors, not interested in sitting around the house growing old. Every things better when you share your experience's with someone you care about.