Date men from United States / Arkansas / Greenbrier, 28 year old

Date single boy from Arkansas, United States. Hey my name is JD! I'm very outgoin n I like to have fun. I work alot so I don't have very much free time but if there is somethin I really want to do I make time for it.Ok wat I'm lookin for in a person is somebody that just likes to have fun n enjoys life. Some one that don't mind to get a little dirty if we go mud ridin or likes to get dressed up with heels on n go somewhere nice or just likes to hang out at home n watch a movie.

Meet a guy from Arkansas, United States. I am my own person. I like anything outdoors and most any sport. I like going to new places and trying new things. I like somebody that is not affaid of being theirselves. If you want to find out anything else just ask.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am looking for someone that is open minded, loving, caring, sweet, easy going, compassionate, LOYAL, TRUSTWORTHY. I can hold a converstation and I actually listen and give feed back, I am big hearted and wear my heart on my sleeve. I love the outdoors, museums, theatre, history, all kinds of music from classical to rap. I am not your average "country boy". I like to be challenged and love to learn knew things. I am very honest, romantic, caring, sweet, very family oriented. I am easy going and laid back. I am NOT like other guys (I know you hear that all the time) but given the chance I can prove it