Date men from United States / Arkansas / Bentonville, 54 year old

Date a soulmate from Bentonville, United States. fun, loves to laugh, not too serious. loves to travel and do new things. Having fun even if just staying home with a book or TV. I am told my humor is kinda out there but still pretty funny. You be the judge on that one.

Meet someone special from Bentonville, United States. Becoming a widower after 22 yrs with a very special lady has made me realize how quick things can change in our life. I am determined to live the rest of my life enjoying as many things as I can. Everyday should be fun with as much laughter as possible and shared with someone you truly care about. It's a pleasure to open doors for and spend time with a smiling lady when she returns and appreciates the attention. We all have hurts and disappointments in our past, hopefully we have learned from them and let them be just that, in our past.
We list things here we like and don't like, but the truth is maybe some of them we just have not tried with the right person. There are a lot of things I have not tried for one reason or another but that does not mean I won't honestly consider them. It really is more about who you are with than what you are doing.
I recently purchased my first Harley and I'm looking forward to lots of hours of riding and I'm hoping I find someone who wants to ride with me. I like classic rock, old county and listen to it a little on the loud side. As a Arkansas native, I like most things Razorback and enjoy watching pro football. Dinner theater at RLT, an evening at WAC, a concert at the AMP are all things I like that would be much better if I find the right person to hold my hand and enjoy it with me. I do prefer room service over camping, but I might be convinced otherwise. Looking forward to touring Crystal Bridges, think I still remember how to dance. But the main thing is laughing and enjoying each others company no matter what we are doing.

Date a man from Bentonville, United States. Upbeat,positive/have fun but certain amount of serious.I work hard play to be outside.Stay in somewhat good shape.Like that of someone else.I am honest and do not like to play games I like to think I am past that point. I like humor,sports,a little travel,I like design and good looks in color and style.I like to cook.I am realitivity clean,except sometimes. I sell flooring.

Meet single man from Bentonville, United States. I am Very compassionate, loyal, gentle, and loving. I have a good sense of humor too. I love cats and music and would love to meet a sweet lady with similar qualities. I've never been married and have no children but it's no problem if you have them. I have 7 cats which is ridiculous i know, but i love them all and would probably die for any one of them. I believe animals get a pretty raw deal in this life, and they need all the help they can get from us.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. i just stay at home i dont know what i looking for really just want to live life and have fun doing so like to wacth moves like to go to what not shops like antiques like to explore like to expernce new things try anything once

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. Now a paying member!! I'm restarting my life and would like someone to spend the rest of it with.
Kind of shy until i get to know you, love quite times and dining. I'm not into the bars or clubs for the most part, but I do like to have fun. I enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, boating and swimming. I enjoy movies, TV and music.I enjoy talking and listening one on one. I love to travel and learn new things and would like someone who enjoys the same. I am a firm believer in the golden rule and I try to treat others as I wish to be treated. I'm strong enough to fight for what I believe in and man enough to admit when I'm wrong. I always try to be honest but am wise enough to know that no one is honest 100% of the time.
My ideal woman is strong and intelligent, kind and caring towards others. A good cook would be nice but not necessary because I'm great at it. I'm looking for a best friend first, maybe something more later but we would take that as it comes. If you are into drugs or playing mind games I'm not the one your looking for.