Date women from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 42 year old - page 7


Meet a soulmate from Tucson, United States. About me??? Ask and I promise I'll tell you the truth. I am looking for that truly nice guy!!!!! Are you out there????? I have a lot to offer and expect the same in return. Not up for games...don't need to be convienced. I pray about what I want so I am not the one making the decision....if that is too religous then I am not the one for you! I have made many mistakes following what I want and not what is right.
Apperance does matter and It should. I take pride in looking my best...I expect the same. I think it's great when a man takes time to look good (metro sexual a plus)......I wear 4inch heels so yes how tall you are matters. But if comes down to my heels or a great man of course I will pick my shoes...LOL!!!!!! I'm joking.....I do have a sense of humor : )

Date a woman from Tucson, United States. About me? I'm smart, self-sufficient, optimistic, adventerous and responsible. I like skiing, joking around and workout. I am open to trying new things, but I feel it's important to find someone who likes to do the same kinds of activities that I do too. Email me if you want to know more, I'm always open for a great conversation.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I love to make people laugh and I am most of the time. I do take life seriously but try not to hang on the negative aspects. I want to enjoy everyday and the person with me must have a positive attitude also. My friends have described me as loyal, supportive, funny, uplifting etc.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Hello there. Im a single hispanic/native american female. I am a parrttime student, pursuing my degree in the health industry and work fulltime.
I try to exercise atleast 2 -3 times a week. Mainly walking for now and light strenght training. I height/ weight proportioned with a few extra pounds I would like to get rid of. Not only do I enjoy walks, I also enjoy hiking, variety sports some as a spectator and participant. Variety of music, movies, coffee houses, bookstores, shooting pool, bowling, good conversation. I strongly believe in One God, and the Bible, I consider myself christian but not really religious, more spiritual. I am very close to my parents, and respect all who also have a closeness with their families. Type of person I would like to meet is someone who is between 35 and 45. He shares similar interests as I do as well as interests of his own. Believes in God. Is Goal oriented. Has a great sense of humor. Is mature but doesnt mind releasing the kid in him now and then. Is honest, trusting and not into games. If this sounds like you and are interested in talking, leave a msg, if there is chemestry wonderful, if not, I always welcome the opportunity to make new friends. Good luck to all of you.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I am an attractive, successful, confident woman, looking for something different, something pleasurable, something new.
My life is exactly as I pictured it would be. I have the career I always dreamed of, great friends, a loving family and material comfort. I'm looking for someone who is happy with their life, just looking for a partner to share it with.
I find the world endlessly fascinating, whether it's string theory, neuroscience, or Lindsay Lohan's latest antics. Just understand, in order to attract me, you'll have to attract my mind. You'll have to like my brain as much as my body.

Date someone special from United States. im looking for someone i can have fun with someone that is very outgoing and funny, someone who can make me laugh. im very independent but it would be nice to date every once in a while. i love to travel and it would be nice to have a travel buddy.

Meet a soulmate from United States. im looking for someone real. i dont want someone pretending to be something hes not. i want someone i can share things with, go places together,enjoy each other company. i have a 23 and 7 yr old. they put a smile on my face eveyday.

Date a woman from United States. I have experienced much in my life and hope to attracted someone who has done the same. As it is okay to say you love someone but know what it means to that person you say it to.
I am helping take care of my daughter who is autistic and know she is my angel. I love children but i can not have anymore and at my age its not what i would want.
I love to watch movies at home or going out. I like shooting pool and would enjoy someone who like to bowl. Dancing is something else i love to do if its a night on the town. And if all your after is sexual encounters, i am not your girl. I am a beautiful sexy lady who demands the respect.

. I'm a very casual, laid back girl looking for company and conversation. I'm a romantic at heart and always like to see the best in people. I would love to meet someone who has a great head on their shoulders with goals in life...who knows what they want and where they are going. I will be the first to admit I think and sometimes act like a boy ( muscle cars, hockey, beer and sci-fi) but no worries...I have my girly side too! I like to be challenged, explore and experience all the world has to offer. I'm just as comfortable getting dirty going camping as I am dressing up for a night out. Now in case you couldn't tell from my pictures I'm no Barbie (and wouldn't want to be). I'm a bigger/thick girl (you know...those dreaded BBW's who are curvy all over..oh no!). So you have to be ok with that too. I totally believe there is someone for everyone but we all know that physical chemistry is just as important as anything else so I've always been open about who and what I am.
I am looking for someone who compliments my personality so look out! You're the kind of guy that has similar interests and attractions that will bring us together...but also some differences to create challenge and diversity so we can learn from each other. I am looking for a person who can understand and appreciate the different aspects of my personality and my life. I want a person who understands the definition of the word "romance" is NOT "hard work". He will above all things know how to treat a lady, know how to give and receive mutual R-E-S-P-E-C-T, be confident, compassionate, caring, giving and of course affectionate (gotta love kissing...wheee!). Oh BTW... shining armour and gallant steed not required but a picture is. I will honestly tell you that I am attracted to all types of people but physical attraction is the first step so flaunt it boys! Take a never know what might happen!

. I like lots of stuff and like doing many things like biking, long walks, dinner out, movies, bowling, the beach, quite time at home, gatherings with friends, live bands, concerts, Annapolis, Baltimore, DC, museums, mountains, tubing and so on and so on.
What do you say we go on a date, have a fun day/night out and see where it leads. That?€™s all there is too it. End of Story! o

. just looking, don't have anything in particular, only filling out this section because i have to but really, i'm just looking............feel free to contact me ifyou must but i'm not open to going out with stragners