Date women from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 63 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am told I have a contagious laugh and a warm heart. I wouldn't describe myself as an outdoorsy person though I enjoy traveling, wandering around in small towns and taking walks. I love all the excitement and noise of casinos as well as the ambiance and entertainment of theater. Mostly I enjoy just relaxing at home reading, watching movies, surfing the net, or working on a DIY project. Life is just a measurement of time and I like to spend my time enjoying whatever I do.
My fashion style is casual, comfortable jeans and nice top. I do enjoy dressing up once in awhile for a special time with my mate. Something I haven't done yet that I would like to do is visit other countries. I've never really been outside of the US so I would love to experience the sights and cultures of a different continent. South America (Costa Rica) intrigues me as well as the South Pacific Islands
I think chemistry is so important and usually can tell if it is there within a short period of time. If you look in the "eye of the triangle" for the sunset, the rose, and AZ as one word you will find me. Love that little tingle that happens at first glance...and the building of the fire that warms you all over when the chemistry is right. To me, romance means enjoying each others company wherever...whenever, playing together, flirting, touching, and giving that special look whenever the urge hits. Little surprises add up. If you are really in love, romance just comes natural.
I'm interested in meeting a tall, intelligent, honest, caring, romantic, monogamous and playful gentleman that is looking for the same in a woman. Hoping to find that someone who will help build trust and respect in a relationship so we can create some of life's precious moments.
My life is like a book that I hold in my hands. The left hand holds back pages of my past. Some chapters are unfinished; sometimes pages are worn, tear stained, tattered or even missing. In the right hand I hold the pages of my future. I need to turn the page and start to author the rest of the story. I am spiritual, but not religious. I'm still looking for ways to be my best possible self.
I am hoping Mr. Right is waiting to be discovered. I don't like the void of a single life. I don't think we are meant to be alone. I think that companionship, intimacy, and mutual affirmation are the things that make me happy.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. My closest friends describe funny.I enjoy Travel.I am looking for a man who love God & Peoples.A man love to travel.And read books.And go out to dinner sometime. I enjoy cooking.And cleaning.I like a Man to tell jokes.And read me portrait

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a woman with a sense of humor - I have to have a sense of humor to be joining Match and looking for love in my 60s!
And how did I get here? I sure feel and think much younger, and time seems to be flying by... I have wonderful women friends, but would love to have a man in my life who can share some of the great adventures out there. I enjoy hiking, theater, movies, dancing, festivals, arts, travel, and especially trying out new things. I also find it rewarding to volunteer and give back in thanks for all the blessings in my life. I'd love to meet someone with their own interests, so we could both try out new things and test out new ideas.
I have had several careers (I've had both engineering and law licenses), and now enjoy having my own business (part time), so I have the freedom to travel and schedule my own life. I am looking for someone who has both brains and heart! I know nobody is perfect - but I hope to connect with someone who has a reasonably healthy lifestyle, loves adventure, and wants to really share on a deep level.
So, if you want to meet someone new, have some fun, explore some new things, have some adventures, let's get aquainted!

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am looking for someone who is excited, curious and enthusiastic about life. Someone who wants to explore the world, and all it's nooks and crannies, but also loves curling up and spending the evening at home, cooking, reading, visiting with friends and family and playing with the dogs (cats?horses?Alpacas? I love them all ) or taking a sandwich to Sabino and watching the kids swim at the dam, maybe even doing a little splashing about with them.. I'm looking for someone just to do things with or just call up and say, "Heck I'm tired of my own cooking, how do you feel about Italian tonight?" I'm looking for a friend, no preconceived notions , but maybe someday a best friend.
I am well educated, self sufficient and very independent.. My career was as a corporate attorney, in an executive and supervisory capacity. But now, I'm a corporate escapee, a Type A, finally learning to slow down and smell the roses- well, OK, cacti here in Tucson. I spent most of my career and adult life based in Chicago (loved living downtown) and still think it is one of the best cities in the world. (and besides I have family there, whom I adore) .
My values? I am a small town girl from the Midwest and all that implies. No one would call me high maintenance, I don't really want things anymore, I seem to have too much anyway. What I do want and value are my family, my friends ( quality not quantity) and experiences. I always said that when I retired, if I couldn't wear jeans, I wouldn't go. OK, I'm not quite that bad, but much prefer casual to dress up. Tucson's life style suits me just fine. I should warn you though, although my friends say I am fun, optimistic, kind, caring, loyal etc. I am actually somewhat reserved , and it may take a bit to get to know me.
In Tucson in the summer you will generally find me waterlogged from basketball games in the pool . In the winter, I look forward to the Arizona Theater Company season and walking/hiking in Sabino. I'd love to explore new hikes with someone. I like cycling, but really just don't like hills, so I don't here in Tucson, but like finding opportunities when I travel.
I love traveling.and have traveled extensively for both business and pleasure. There are few states that I haven't visited and I've pretty much covered all of Europe. I travel, first to see family or friends, then my love of history and curiosity about other people and cultures will get me on a plane pretty quickly.. A beach bunny, no, but people watching ensconced at a cafe- well, that is a different matter.. My favorite places? Paris was for many years like a second home town, but Italy is very special, and I'd head back to Turkey in a heartbeat.. Africa tops my bucket list. I'll see the sights in the big cities, but renting a car and getting out into the country side to explore- now that is what I really love. No tour buses for me.Oh and I'm one of the world's great travel planners due to the copious amount of research I do. (occupational hazard)
Let's see, other things. Cooking? Yes some, and I want to learn more. I'm willing to play chef or sous chef- but definitely , it's more fun with someone else. Gardening? Yes. I used to say I had a very green thumb, but then I moved to Arizona. Other hobbies? Well, reading of course. I sew some (love textiles) and have enjoyed decorating several houses in the last few years. .I swing a mean paint brush and have been known to paint anything that doesn't move and a few things that do.I started playing around making jewelry ,because I just couldn't resist some of the beautiful beads and stones at the gem show. I have been experimenting with lots of other things, but I haven't discovered an artistic passion just yet, but it sure is fun learning.
As for the pictures? My computer network seems to have hidden my picture files for the moment. So these are the ones I could find- mostly from a trip in 2011.

Date a woman from United States. I feel very fortunate to enjoy what I do in my professional life and am looking for someone to share life's journey and sharing interests together.
I am looking for someone who is looking for a committed relationship and also one who is a Christian and conservative.
I love dogs, horses, cate, and birds. I also enjoy light hiking, winter skiing, dining out, staying in, theatre, movies, shopping, gardening, and swimming I am open to the interest of others in my life.

Meet someone special from United States. The clock ticks away and I would truly appreciate the company of a gentleman again. With so many singles out there certainly there is a friend just waiting to be made. I am looking for a companion to travel with and be my friend. Who knows where it may lead in the long term. Nothing is impossible!

Date a soulmate from Tucson, United States. Looking for a man with a great sense of humor who is happy, secure, independent, active, and FUN! He should have a keen intellect and a compassionate and open outlook. For now, IРІР‚в„ўm looking for someone to share my interests in horseback riding, hiking, dancing, theater, etc.
The theme of this next section is "It's All About Me":
I am an independent, youthful, witty, secure, natural, and spontaneous woman. Honesty, humor, and compassion are important to me and I do not play games (that includes emotional games and any games that involve a ball). I am active and fit and enjoy horseback riding, hiking, biking, walking, and going to the gym.
My favorite radio stations are public ones. I am an avid reader with an undergraduate degree in English.
I like to drink wine, eat at fine restaurants and not so fine restaurants. I hate to cook. I am very comfortable being alone but sharing with a special person sounds interesting. Okay, I have lived alone for a long time and am opinionated and stubborn.
I bought my first horse at age 60 and my first horse trailer with SUV to pull it at age 62 and am darn good at maneuvering it.
If you think you can get past all this, maybe we should talk (or email at least).

Meet a woman from Tucson, United States. Having arrived at this part of my life with all essentials intact and many lessons learned, I'm actually starting to look interesting fellow with a wide array of interests, a good sense of humor and a lively intelligence.
I've led a very eventful life and continue to do so. Ten years ago I had an idea that has the potential to be an active player in changing health care in the US - from the grassroots level. This consumes all my time and energy.
However...........I am realizing that this focus will fade a bit unless I begin to practice.........drum roll here ........balance in my life!
What a wonderful thing it will be to find a fellow to have fun with, to enjoy stimulating conversations about ideas (not ideology) walk with, listen to music, dance.
Do you enjoy watching the light change on the mountains? Do you like rocks? Do you still visit the Desert Museum (used to be a docent there until my work expanded so much)?
I was a hippie who came of age in Washington, DC, in the late 60's. Many of those same ideals still light my way. However, I no longer wear bell bottoms, have hair all the way down my back, and know...........
If any of this sounds intriguing, why don't you drop me a line? You have probably made a list of what you would like; well, I have too. Honesty, integrity, humor, insight, curiosity, passion........does this sound like you?
So many of my peer group are retired and ............well, not doing that much any more. I am going full tilt boogie here. If this does not suit, perhaps you should not write.

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. Every day is an opportunity to give, receive and share the abundance of life. Most people would say that I am a kind, patient, compassionate and gentle woman. I want the important people in my life to feel unconditional love and feel the joy that feeling whole and complete can bring. I can appear reserved but trust me I feel deeply, it just may take time for it to come out. I am in perfect health and I'm very active, I need someone who is equally healthy, active and fun!
I believe that laughter and a sense of humor are critical for an enduring relationship. Self-reflection, behavioral insight and humility are elements that bring an openess to a relationship that allows for the sharing and solving of problems. I am often attracted to people that have fresh creative, perspectives. I admire people that have a lasting passion that drives and centers their life. Admiration leads to respect another essential piece to the relationship puzzle. I need someone that is warm emotionally and physically.

. Looking for someone who has a great smile, a big heart, someone honest, open, generous and kind. Someone who values family, integrity and loyalty. Life is full of experience and opportunity. I would like to find someone to share it with.
I have trouble writing about myself...People have a tendency to misrepresent themselves. I am healthy, fit, and active. I love the outdoors, beach, mountains and sitting in my back yard. I am educated, work in healthcare and own a home close to the University. I have a great sense of humor and love to tease and be teased.
Walks, iincluding the dog, conversations, sports, mexican food, the smell of turkey cooking on Thanksgiving and a fire in the fireplace. Lot's more, but most importantly is a friend to share with similar interests.
I am still a working girl. I love what I do and the people I work with. Retiring only seems interesting to me if there is someone in my life to share all that time with.

. I am a romantic old fashioned city girl that loves the country - the basic girl next door type. IРІР‚в„ўm denim and diamonds and can be comfortable in both worlds.
I love coffee in the mornings – my favorite time of day. I like reading, an occasional selected movie and sight-seeing. Short day hikes around the area. I’m currently trying to learn photography – and it’s been a struggle. My passion is travel.

. Just looking. Not sure about this. Divorced, spiritual, independent, okay being alone, love to read, non-smoker, non-drinker but don't mind people who drink socially. My children are the most important thing in my life and always come first. Hate to travel and would rather be home in a comfortable chair with a good book.