Date women from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 43 year old

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. Here goes nothing short and sweet, not sure about this computer dating. My friends dont have the greatest opinions of me doing this. But their all married. So I am average easy to get along with. Have a wonderful son who can make anyone smile or laugh. He is so kind . I would like someone to like me for who I am and not want to control me. Easy to talk with . Like to keep busy. Have a chocolate 3 year old lab. Love listening to music. Love watching sports of all kinds.. take a chance. No ones perfect. You can be beautiful inside and out.

Meet a woman from Tucson, United States. Im a busy person and am on this site looking to find a good match for myself...things i like are walking, hiking, just being outdoors...i do go to the gym 1-4 times a week driving my car, hanging out with just looking....for someone to hang with maybe make some friends........missing something in my life and looking ...

Date a soulmate from Tucson, United States. I enjoy hanging out with friends and family........ I work hard and I carry my own... I'm currently in the middle of switching careers. This will be a big step for me and I'm ready to challenge whatever comes my way. I have a great sense of humor, I promise there's never a dull moment! Life is too short so I plan on living it to the fullest.Thanks for stopping by....Good luck with your search!!!

Meet someone special from United States. I've had an amazing life so far and can't complain about anything...even unfortunate experiences. I believe that there are no mistakes, only right and wrong choices that are learning lessons in this school of life. The youngest of four girls and with wonderful parents, I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin. After college I lived in Minneapolis and worked as an interior designer and artist before relocating to Arizona almost nine years ago. As an artist, I'm a glassblower, painter and sculptor, but currently have my own business as a skin aesthetician and salon owner. I still do interior design as well. I would describe myself as a passionate, soulful, creative, confident and sensual person mixed with a great attitude and fun mischief at times with my sense of humor. My faith guides me and I try to live with awareness and compassion in my daily life. My heart may be too big for my own good. I try not to take things too seriously and I have no time for drama or negativity. Life is a constant I try to stay positive, learn and enjoy my life as much as possible while living in the moment, seeking happiness from within.
My ideal match?...hmmm, he would be about mind, body and soul and be my missing piece that fits with me. Be emotionally, physically, and spiritually available with a great sense of humor. He would love children, animals and nature, be compassionate, a great lover and communicate well with me on many levels. I would learn from him and he from me. He would appreciate all that I have to offer him and be honest and loyal with great family and friends in his life. He would be somewhat of a goofball, even a prankster (a nice one), like me. His health and diet would be important to him but he would still enjoy food with me since I love to cook. His hands, smile and eyes would turn me on just at the sight of them.
I believe I have soulmate out there somewhere...wherever he is I can't wait to roll through life with him, there's so much to do!

Date a woman from United States. I am hoping to meet a guy who is fun, enjoys to travel, spontaneous, responsible and is family oriented. There is so much in meeting the right person, timing is everything. If you would like to know a little more about me and get to know each other, feel free to e-mail me. I'm a profession, fun, loving, honest, down to earth and good woman?

Meet a soulmate from United States. I try to laugh everyday even if its at myself. I'm ok with routine but also enjoy spontaneity and doing things that aren't necessarily planned. kicking back and spending time reading, hanging by the pool, BBQing with friends / family is a perfect weekend for me. my daughters (19 and 15) are my first priority but i make sure to make time for myself too. I'm new to this whole scene after 24 yrs of marriage so be nice to me. I've read some profiles that are frankly, quite scary. I have no facial hair, have all my teeth and yes, I was born a female.
Okay, since I've had this Q, many times I have to add...... yes, I'm legally separated, no... there is a less than 0 chance of getting back together. We have chosen this route for some very specific reasons that work for our family.
I'm not into serial dating or 'hook-ups' so if that's what your looking for there are plenty of other sites out there that are free and the 'women' may be more your style. For me, someone who's comfortable in his own skin, happy with life, doesn't take his self too seriously, and has a sense of humor is very attractive.
p.s. My bio may give off a a certain vibe but really....i don't bite.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. A person with a positive outlook in life like me. He must be strong and yet gentle for me to lean on in times of sadness and vice versa, I will be there for ALL his needs without being asked. I know it sounds so cliche, but I want to share my life with that special someone and enjoy each other company even if it is just to sit quietly next to each other.
Life is precious and we should wake up each day grateful and live it the best that we can. To that point, we should find the time to get to know others first before rushing into a relationship. This means investing the time and energy in this process. Don't tell me you love me, but show me You love me.
I believe that love is like a garden and if we tend it with loving care, we will reap the sweet fruit of our labor. If you are not willing to invest the time and energy in getting to know me, then please don't waste both our time.
But if you believe you can WAIT until we know each other beyond what's on this listing, by all means, shoot me a line or two and let's see where it leads...:-)
P.S. This listing was initiated by my friend who doesn't know my real age so she went with how old I looked. If you are under 50, please don't contact me. I also prefers widower and if you have been divorced more than 2x, please do not contact me. Yes, I am very picky and yes, I am worth it!!!

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. Someone to have fun with and doesn't sweat the small stuff. Positive person. I love spending time with my kids, going to movies. I like to travel. I enjoy watching the rain sunsets. I am looking for someone to share goodtimes with and who is secure with who they are and what they do.I am a positive person the cup is half full. Time to enjoy live:)

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Okay, here goes...
My friends describe me as funny, intelligent, honest, easy going, hard-working, kind, and maybe a few things I shouldn't put in writing. I pretty much agree with them.
I enjoy lots of things. I love to read, share meals with people, have interesting conversations, experience new things, listen to live music, I could go on forever.
I come from a big, diverse family. I have an 18 year-old child who just finished her freshman year at the U of A. I am very proud of her.
I teach third grade and I love it. I also volunteer as a board member for a local youth nonprofit.
What I need in all my relationships is honesty, kindness, open mindedness, a positive outlook, and sense of humor. I enjoy people who have good energy and are easy to be around. Good conversation is important to me. I like humor, wit, depth, and a bit of quirkiness in a person. I love a good debate but I hate to argue.
I would like to meet somone who would respect, appreciate and adore me for who and what I am, while at the same time have confidence in who he is and what he believes in, even if he doesn't always agree with me (I prefer if he doesn't). I want someone who is romantic and attentive, someone who is willing to put forth time and energy for me. I don't think that's too much to ask because I will do the same for you.
It's funny, as I read back over what I've written, I seem so serious! While I am serious about serious matters, I'm actually kind of a big goofball... I laugh a lot (sometimes so hard it makes me snort)! I think my humor is one of the things people like most about me. I like being with people who laugh freely and easily, it helps keep me young!
So, I have done my best to tell about myself accurately and honestly. I really think, though, that you can't tell much about a person unless you talk and spend some time together. I would like to do that. If you think you might like that, too, be brave and email me. I look forward to meeting you, and thanks for taking your time to read about me.

. I am a happy person, caring and loving. I strive for a better and healthy life style. I like traveling, movies, art, dinning out, etc.
I value family and good friends. I appreciate and cherish little things in life. Life is good, life is a gift, I make the best of it. lets experience the wonders of the world together!

. Online dating can be rather here goes... I have been referred to as being an attractive, successful, intelligent and spontaneous woman.... not sure how many drinks they had at the I consider myself to be a positive person, always looking for the good in people. I have great kids whom i'm very proud to be their mother and I have the best group of friends in the world. As you can see my family and friends mean a great deal to me. I am a very passionate person and would like to find that man who is just as passionate as I am. I love to hold hands, cuddle, and kiss of course :) I want to get to know someone, become friends first and see where it goes. I am willing to take the risk to find love, but only after we feel we have spent time learning about eachother. I believe it takes time to get to know someone and appreciate them for who they are. So how is this so different from every other profile you have read???? What can I tell you that would differentiate me from the rest. I am "real", no drama here!! Honesty, respect and good communication holds alot of value with me. I can be that smart sassy woman who loves a great know the playful wit. I can dress your arm or throw on a pair of jeans and hat and still feel confident and sexy. I can be that girl that your mom adores and your friends love so much that everytime you see them they ask...where's your girl?? I'm sure we all agree that there needs to be chemistry, but I also feel like it should be cerebral. So take a chance... finding love is a risk but well worth it. Send me an email and let's see where it goes...

. I'm excited to meet a man with a good heart. I want to live life and have fun. I'm not sure what to say. This is different for me. Message me and I'll answer your questions. I work on a school bus taking school age students to and from school. I'm looking for a man with 5 important qualities and not settling for less.