Date women from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 38 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Hmmm, something about me...
I'm actually an extremely grounded, house-in-order type of gal originally from Michigan. I was raised to always put honest and integrity first in life as well as God and to never compromise with anyone on either. I've yet to do so and won't; I'd expect the same from a partner. I have been single for quite some time and I've noticed that when your standards are rooted in a foundation of qualities such as accountability, integrity, and honesty, the search becomes almost a mini version of "Mission Impossible". (LOL) I'm a very positive person, emotionally strong, emotional stable and emotionally available. These too are qualities I would seek from a potential partner in crime. I've mainted harmony and balance in my life and having a partner that appreciated this about me as well would be a huge plus towards beginning a new friendship.
In my free time, I enjoy many different activities from wine tasting, getting together with friends, Alumni events, watching sports- UFC, NFL, Arena Football (either on tv, or in person) and taking off on a roadtrip for the weekend. I LOVE to cook and have friends over for dinner, so the guy for me would enjoy good food and drink and social activities with family and friends, or just us. My music tastes are across the board and go from Sevendust and Slipknot to Daughtry all the way over to Rascal Flatts, I also like a lot of the Old School LL Cool J, Elvis and of course Jimi Hendrix!
Okay, that's a start, if you want to know more, step up and say 'hello'.
Take care.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm alot of fun. I love to laugh make people laugh. I'm dwn for just abt anything. Just want to have fun lifes to short! I love to meet new people u never knw what could happen! I think I'm awesome. I'm a Huge animal lover. So... I gave in & subscribed. Did the free sites, haven't worked out so well...Hoping there is serious people on here. Im excited to see what happens. Don't judge a book by its pages are pretty cool! & my covers not bad either! Let's meet...I promise we will have fun & laugh alot! Let's give it a try u never knw!!!

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. I love family, sunday gatherings and getaways.
Looking for the one to wake up with and share a nice cup of our usual campsite or at home.
I have two wondeful children that i spend most of my time with helping out in their activities.

Meet a soulmate from Tucson, United States. Friends see me as passionate/compassionate, laughs easily. I'm a social person who is willing to help others in times of need.
Looking for new friendships since I am new to the area. No gamers, please.
I'm an only child, and would therefore like someone with extended family or who is willing to start a family. Being in the medical field, I see first hand how families come together in times of joy and times of sorrow; this has become a very important aspect of life that i'm looking to fulfill.

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. I am happy woman looking for happy man, who is serious and no play games, loyal, loving,smart.I am ready to love you, let get togheter and enjoy life togheter, lets laugh like crazy!!I love watch movies, go out for dinner, holding hands.I enjoy simple things in life, i need simple man, who is commitment, a man of character. Maybe i am asking too much?no, becuase i am offering more than that,let try and let be happy togheter!!I cant wait to meet you!!

Meet a woman from Tucson, United States. Well it is kind of hard to describe my self in 4000 characters but i?ll try, I am mexican divorce lady with a kid, become a mother is one of my biggest accomplishments, I am a true beliver that you have to be by the side of your parther in good or bad situations, never let them down, loyalty is very important to me, I am looking my special one so we can grow old, somebody easy going, who like to take care of him self, with balance in his life, somebody that wants to join me and enjoy at the same time this ride call LIFE.

Date a soulmate from United States. Hi! How are you? Thank you for taking the time to read my profile. I will say now, though, that I let my membership lapse. I currently can't read the messages. I'm trying a couple of other sites for now. Maybe you will see me there or twostepping out at the Maverick or the Cactus Moon. If so, please come ask me to dance! Happy reading!
Hmmmm, this is the part where I'm supposed to distinguish myself while saying what seems trite, right? As a teacher, I can't always go out every night, but I have learned that a couple nights a week is feasible. Dinner with that special someone, or even a basketball game or a movie can often be squeezed in. One learns to make time for the things that are important in life. A happy teacher makes for happy students. :)
Since I often do stay home on school nights (that has been known to change if there is someone to spend time with), I do have some TV shows I like to watch to break the monotony of grading papers, but I'm happy to say I'm not as addicted to them as I once was. I prefer making dinner for someone and chatting with them over a glass of wine to watching a TV show (which I can record on the DVR and watch at my leisure before the rest of the world gets home from work). I like "Bones," "Covert Affairs," "Psych," and "Castle" to name a few shows you might enjoy watching with me.
I like to travel. I have saved up for those big trips before (like Italy to which I hope to someday return with someone to enjoy the sights with), but I can't go on expensive trips all the time. Shorter trips are easier on a tight budget. I would like to do a bit more traveling, though. Can you believe I still haven't been to Rocky Point? I'm dying to go to San Diego again. It's been way too long since I've been to the beach.
Hmmm. What else? I like movies, dancing, going out to eat. All the normal stuff. Seriously, who doesn't like those things? Gaslight Theater, anyone? U of A basketball or hockey?
I guess I will leave it at that for now. Hope to hear from you. Good luck in your search!
Life's about the simple pleasures. More often it is about who you're with more than what you are doing. :)

Meet someone special from United States. I'm not really prepared to provide an unbiased account of myself. I'm small. Able to talk to strangers in elevators. Not scared of ghosts (though I've never encountered one, I don't think). Often forget to check my mailbox. Have never bungee-jumped, and never will. Because I hate adrenaline. You know what I do love? Rare beef. Baby bunnies. Housekeepers, especially if they're sassy, like the ones in sitcoms. Also, you should be aware that I think the British just make better music. I'm not a fan of ventriloquism.
Looking for someone who can wait around forever for me to get a babysitter so I can ever leave the house. Should share my aversion to talking on the telephone. Prefer someone who thinks my 22 year old car "vintage" and "charming" instead of "a piece of crap." Must be able and/or willing to mistake my ADHD and snark for genius.

Date a woman from United States. I recently moved to back to Arizona from Texas, but moving back! I enjoy being around fun, adventerous and secure people. I adore my family and friends. I am very outgoing, out spoken and independent. I am comfortable in my own skin. I am interested in meeting new peps and exploring the road less traveled. I enjoy running, gardening, movies, strolls and just being with family and friends. I am ambitious and love to try new things. But I enjoy and appreciate the simple things.

. im looking for an honest and open relationship!! when im enjoying myself, people seem to notice it right away!!! an please allow me my space.. nothing personal...,,, i am very passionate about my if you love to cuddle then im the one for you!!!

. Little things in life make me smile for example my children, sunflowers, chocolate, and my pets. It's time to rediscover my new self. The skies the limit.
I plan to travel in the future and take my kids to see the ocean. I enjoy being outdoors- love those pine trees.

. I am hoping to find someone that I can be passionate about, has similar interests and makes me laugh. I love to have a good time and have a great group of friends that I enjoy spending time with. I do have three (younger) children so if you are still reading this, that is a good sign! I work hard, love my family and want to share my life with a special person. I love spending time at the lake (we go every summer) and in Rocky Point, Mexico. I am a nature lover, do volunteer work with my dog, Wrigley, love photography, coach t-ball, play softball and other wise keep myself very busy. That being said, I still have time for a relationship and desire to find that special person that can and wants to share in my busy and sometimes crazy life! I know what I want in a partner and I am not afraid to wait for him to come along. I am an educated professional, know the difference between a wrench and a hammer, can use power tools (I do shy away from a chain saw), can change a tire (and a light bulb!) and can talk on the phone, cook dinner and wash dishes all at the same time. On a more personal note, I was married for a long time and we are still good friends (and co-parents) but have decided that we are better off not with each other. Physical and emotional connections are the keys to a healthy, long term relationship. If you have that chemistry with someone, WOW life can be so eye opening and amazing! Don't get me wrong, physicality and attraction are certainly not the only factors but I have come to realize that it is an important part of a relationship. I like to be spontaneous. I am flirtatious and fun loving, happy and full of optimism that I WILL someday meet that perfect person for me. Is it you? :-)
Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump!